- N.V.Shestopalov
Disinfection service problems for realisation of the Federal law "Of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population" (Report of the 11-th condress NOD)
Decision of the 11-th condress NOD
- M.I.Levi, Ju.G.Suchkov, V.G.Slizkova, V.Ya.Bessonova
Research Laboratory Center MGCD, Moscow
Concerning the methodology of estimating bactericidal capacity of disinfectants, antiseptic substances and antibiotics
The opportunity of isolation of bacteria were diminished after mixture with antibiotics and other antibacterial substances such as disinfectants and antiseptics. But if activity of bacteria overcome the activity of antibiotic the isolation of bacteria is more easy. The destruction of antibiotic in mixture with bacteria and inhibitor of antibiotic facilitate the success in isolation of live agent. If activity of antibiotic overcome the activity of bacteria – such situation may be in blood of sepsis patients – the isolation of bacteria woud be a problem for microbiologists. The data of paper based on experiments and investigations of clinical materials, wich belong to patients with purulent wounds.
- S.U.Kreingold
MGCD Research Laboratory Center
Twobase titration method cationic detergents determination in disinfection preparations
Double-phase titration of cationic detergents in the disinfection preparations by laurilsulphate solution propoused to fulfil in the presence of indicator methylene blue (cationic dye) or - for better color transition at the end point - in presence of mixed indicator by May-Grunwald (eozin - methylene blue). Because of indicator solutions instability the indicator have to be prepared in form of dry mixtures with potasium chloride (1:100). To avoid amine titration the determination must be made in presence of buffer solution at pH 11,4. Alternatively the amines must be determined separately by means of acid-base titration.
- S.U.Kreingold, K.A.Shestakov
MGCD Research Laboratory Center
about interaction of cationic detergents with sodium laurilsulphate
Solubility product forming between cationic detergent and laurilsulfate was determined equal (1-1,5)•10-8. This value predicts "neutralizing" possibility of cationic detergent by laurilsulfate equal molar solution at concentrations higher than 4•10-4 М. This concentration can be diminished to 5,6•10-5 M by edition of 0,45-0,9% sodium chloride solution. The size of ion associate particles is about 0,02 мm.
- V.A.Butzcih, V.D.Bichenko, M.M.Avrutzky, M.I.Levi
"Sanita Ltd.",
Medical Center "Aeroflot", Research Laboratory Center MGCD, MoscowApplication of insecticide agent "Microcin" against flies in air courts
The opportunity of application "Microcin" in air courts (AC) for struggle with the flies is investigated in view of specifity of conditions of processing AC and restrictions of time processing.
- S.U.Kreingold
MGCD Research Laboratory Center
Spectrofotometric method determination of 0,2% cipermetrin and 0,2% sumition in the insecticide preparation "Green Home"
Express and simple spectrophotometric method determination 0,2% of cipermetrin and 0,2% of sumition in the insecticide preparation was proposed based on additive propertyes of active components solution spectrum and consist in optical density determination of preparation ethanolic extract at two wave lengths.
- N.A.Shchipanov
Severtzov’s Ecology and Evolution Institute
Ecological bases for management of small mammals took part in spreading of some natural foci diseases
The main modem approach for prophylaxis of infection of men with natural foci diseases is based on me consideration that lowering of small mammals’ numbers is always lead to prophylaxis. The traditional and the main methods of modem control are the different ways of increasing of mortality in population. It is usually realized by using poisoning bait. Such approach existed since the end of 19-century and does not take into account achievements of modem ecology. There are some population’s reactions that allow species to persist under high and regular impacts. Some of them are based on natural heterogeneity of population- essential trait, which provides for surviving of the more conformed individuals under both natural and human made factors. Avoiding of contacts with poisoning bait or with other control facilities; sustainability to poisons due to diverse rate of metabolism, or due to selection of resistant individuals is among those. There are as well population reactions providing for sustainability by increasing of dispersion rate. Studying such reactions in different small mammals we have found that there are two modes of functioning providing for persistence of population. When mode of function is controlling it provides for restriction of movement activity and defense of occupied area, when reestablishing - to increasing of dispersion rate, and availability of inhabited areas for immigrants. The species may be divided in three groups, and those of the 1а change mode of functioning from controlling to reestablishing one under impact (house mouse is one of the latter species). Thus for one hand the increasing of population mortality is not (and will not) lead to the sustainable decline of small mammals’ numbers, and for other one may cause population reactions providing for reestablishing of local population by immigration. The latter may lead to the increasing of risk of infection of men (disperses have more chance to carry agents or carriers of disease). The more perspective for ecologically based management have approaches allowing do decline local numbers under keeping the main population characteristics (social interactions and space usage). The olfactory effects (using predator cues) and immunocontraception were considered among preferable ones. Other means of reducing of breading rate were regarded. Radical decline of density of species may be achieved by only using biocenotic approach. The main regularity for those is reducing environmental capacity for problem species. Several successful examples of such effects were regarded.
Lists of home and foreign disinfectional means allowed to application on the territory of the Russian Federation addendum to № 0052-00