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Disinfection affairs № 1 / 2009



Order of leader of Federal service in supervision of protection of rights of consumers and prosperity of a man from 03.03.2009 № 274 "About All-Russian conference "Actual problems of disinfectology"
Information report about conference of presidium of NOD (record №2009-1 from February 12, 2008)
About exhibition with participation of NOD, which take place in the 4 quarter of 2008 year
Dimensions of entering and member payments in 2009
Noticed misprints
Subscription of magazine "Disinfection Affairs"
List of materials published in magazine "Disinfection Affairs" in 2008
Regulatory and instructional materials
Rules for the authors

Gryazev Alexander Mikhailovich

I.V. Korabel’nikov
History of disinfection service in Comi Republic – service of special social meaning

I.G. Ahapkina, S.I. Gerasimova, N.V. Plotnikova, V.I. Filatova, T.M. Zheltikova
Comparative characteristic of the microbe seeding of air and dust of the city inhabited premises

A.M. Zomarev, T.A. Zajtseva
Variation of microbiocenoses and sanitary-hygienic, epidemiological condition of polygons TBO on the stages of the life course

R.M. Elbakian, N.A. Zamiatina, E.E. Kudriavtseva, M.I. Mikhailov

GU Institute of poliomyelitis and virucide encephalitis named for M.P. Chudakov RAMN, Moscow

Comparative characteristic of virulicide activity of disinfectant means on the base of quaternary ammonium connections with various composition compound and chloramine B with respect to viruses of hepatite A and poliomyelitis

The results are given for examining the virulicide activity of disinfectant means (DC) on the base of quaternary ammonium connections (CHAS) and chloramines B with respect to viruses of hepatite A (Strain HAC-15). Given is comparative analysis of virulicide activity in vitro of disinfectant means on the base of CHAS with various composition compound and chloramine B with respect to viruses of hepatite A (Strain HAC-15) and poliovirus (vaccine strain LSc2ab). Given is more high stability to investigated disinfectants of virus of hepatitis А (VGA) in comparison with virus of poliomyelitis. It is proved the necessity of conducting the tests of disinfectant means directly on VGA and advisability of inclusion of virus of hepatitis A (Strain HAC-15) in list of test-viruses for investigation of virulicide activity of disinfectant means.

K.A. Shestakov, A.N. Kochetov, O.I. Kozoor, I.I. Strelnykov

Research Laboratory Center MGCD

Determination of octenidin in disinfectant means

An octenidin determination method in disinfectant means by two-phase titration was proposed.

I.M. Zelianina, S.F. Slivinskaya, V.Yu. Nazarov, L.A. Vlasova

FGUZ "Saint-Petersburg city disinfection station, Saint-Petersburg"

Organization of work with respect to conducting the final disinfection in the centres of infectious diseases

Given are the theses of a report on All-Russian scientific-practical conference devoted to 125-anniversary of Federal state establishment of public health "Saint-Petersburg city disinfection station, Saint-Petersburg", positioned 4-5 of September, 2008.

G.G. Volanuk

GGU of public health "Orel of town disinfection station, town Orel"

Actuality of sound choice of means of disinfection in prophylactic of infection disiases

О.V. Moiseeva

The Izhevsk state medical academy

The disinfectant control in the centers of a tubercular infection

The spanning antituberculosis by disinfectant measures of the centers of a tubercular infection of the Udmurt Republic is investigated, where children and teenagers lived. Fixed, that the case rate of children and teenagers depends on quality of spent disinfectant measures in the centers of a tubercular infection. Now is observed the low sanitary knowledge radiants of an infection oozing micobacterium of a tuberculosis and not oozing micobacterium of a tuberculosis, that supports an adverse epidemic situation as a whole.

S.M. Savenko

FGU of clinical hospital of government of matters UD of President of Russian Federation

Sterilisation and inner hospital infections

Given is a report on All-Russian scientific-practical conference devoted to 125-anniversary of Federal state establishment of public health "Saint-Petersburg city disinfection station, Saint-Petersburg", positioned 4-5 of September, 2008.

T.N. Uljantseva, N.A. Kireeva, N.V. Lelis

FGUZ "Saint-Petersburg city disinfection station, Saint-Petersburg"

Studying and elaboration in the laboratory conditions the new methods and ways of disinfection

Given are the thesises of a report on All-Russian scientific-practical conference devoted to 125-anniversary of Federal state establishment of public health "Saint-Petersburg city disinfection station, Saint-Petersburg", positioned 4-5 of September, 2008.

M.G. Shandala1, N.I. Shashina1, O.M. Germant1, L.S. Boiko2, O.P. Cherniavskaja3, V.A. Tsarenko3, N.Z. Osipova3

1FGUN "NII of Disinfectology" of Rospotrebnadzor;
3FGUZ "Federal center of hygiene and epidemiology" of Rospotrebnadzor, Moscow

Information Letter "About Non-Specific Prophylactic of Tick Encephalitis, Ixodic Tick Borreliosis (Lime Disease), Crimean Hemorragic Fever and other Infections, Causative Agents of which are Transmitted by Ixodic Ticks (by condition of 2009)"

Decision of Main State sanitary physician of Russian Federation from 27.06.2008 № 41 "About measures of perfection the measures of prophylactic situation of antrax in Russian Federation"
Order of leader of Federal service in supervision of protection of rights of consumers and prosperity of a man from 3.10.2008 № 397 "About maintaining the basic directions of activity of Federal service on supervision in the sphere of protection of rights of consumers and prosperity of a man"
The letter of Federal service in supervision of protection of rights of consumers and prosperity of a man from 01.12.2008 № 01/14112-8-32 "About perfection of measures on quarantee of epidemiologic safety of manipulations with flexible endoscopes"
The letter of Federal service in supervision of protection of rights of consumers and prosperity of a man from 22.12.2008 № 01/15373-8-32 "About morbidity with enterobiose in Russian Federation in 2007"
The letter of Federal service in supervision of protection of rights of consumers and prosperity of a man from 31.12.2008 № 01/15990-8-32 "About morbidity with tuberculosis"
The letter of Federal service in supervision of protection of rights of consumers and prosperity of a man from 13.01.2009 № 01/176-9-32 "About enumeration of the endemic territories against tick virus encephalitis in 2008"
Ornithose is a real danger
The letter of Federal service in supervision of protection of rights of consumers and prosperity of a man from 14.01.2009 № 01/234-9-32 "About measures of non-admission of origination and amplification of cases with ornithose"
The letter of Federal service in supervision of protection of rights of consumers and prosperity of a man from 27.01.2009 № 01/1028-9-32 "About epidemic situation with respect to grippe and grippe of birds in the world and Russian Federation"
Every-month information about quarantine illnesses abroad
Order of the Rosstat from 20.02.2009 № 30 "About approval of statistical tools for Rospotrebnadzor federal statistical monitoring of disinfection organizations"