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Disinfection affairs № 4 / 2008


Information report about conference of presidium of NOD (record №2008-3 from
November 18, 2008)
Dimensions of entering and member payments in 2009
Information about assigning of the mark "Preparation is recommended by NOD"
About exhibition with participation of NOD, which take place in the 4 quarter of 2008 year
Regulatory and instructional materials

V.I. Pshenichnikov, M.S. Ignatyeva
JSC "Station of preventive disinfection", Saint-Petersburg
Pages of a history of JSC "Station of preventive disinfection", Saint-Petersburg

In the article contains historical and modern aspects of activity of one of the oldest disinfection establishments of Russia of the St.-Petersburg company of Open Society "Station of preventive disinfection" and its contribution to maintenance of sanitary-and-epidemiologic well-being of the population of city.

Reward of workers of JSC "Station of preventive disinfection" by the certificates
By the congratulation with the anniversaries
V.I. Pshenichnikov (his 70th anniversary)
V.A. Bondarev (his 85th anniversary)

V.Yu. Nazarov, A.A. Veselov, L.N. Pozhidaeva, A.F. Grenberg, L.S. Korokoz, O.V. Gusarevich, A.V. Mit’kova, V.N. Shilko, A.Ya. Vorobejchik

FGUZ "Saint-Petersburg city disinfection station, Saint-Petersburg";
JSC NTK "Module", Saint-Petersburg

Results of industrial exploitation of the city automatic system ,of the registration and calculation of infectious and parasite illnesses of САУ "Infection" in Saint-Petersburg

L.A. Kuklina, V.Yu. Nazarov, A.A. Veselov

FGUZ "Saint-Petersburg city disinfection station, Saint-Petersburg"

Organization of work of the section of cell disinfection

Yu.M. Artemenkov, M.V. Obuchova, O.V. Kudriavtseva

October dorfilial FGUZ "Federal center of hygiene and epidemiology of railway transport", Sain-Petersburg

Experience of work October dorfilial FGUZ "Federal center of hygiene and epidemiology of railway transport" by conducting the focal and prophylactic disinfection on objects of railway transport

G.S. Balasanyanst, T.V. Osmirko

Department of epidemiology and disinfectology of Saint-Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Study, Saint-Petersburg

Disinfectology teaching on the postgraduate stage of continuous education

P.G. Bogush, I.M. Bondarev, A.A. Poljakova, Yu.V. Shijan, E.V. Yurkova

Department of public health of Moscow;
Moscow city center of disinfection

The peculiarities in epidemiologic situation in itch and microsporia in Moscow in 2006

The peculiarities in epidemiologic situation in itch and microsporia in Moscow in 2006 is two-level execution of the target programmes of the Department of public health of Moscow: in itch the levels of illness for 100000 of population is 24,1±1,2 and 65,3±2,69, and for microsporia is 12,9±1,2 and 29,4±1,87. The differences in groups of 2,7 and 2,3 times are statistically true (р < 0,001). The indicated differences are explained by not the features of territory of maintenance or the publication of population, but the capacity of administration of КВД to organizes the quality realization of target programs on the level of standards, that is given in Tables 1 and 2.

G.E. Afinogenov, M.V. Krasnova, A.G. Afinogenova

FGU "Russian scientific-research institute of traumatology and orthopedies named R.R.Vreden of Federal agency of high-technological medical assistance", Saint-Petersburg

Comparison of the evaluation techniques of the disinfectants and antiseptics efficacy

It was shown the suspension tests of disinfectants efficacy evaluation are more objective in vitro tests. The most important index of antimicrobial efficiency is an index which characterizes the ability of disinfectant to reduce of 5 Log or more the microorganisms’ quantity.

A.A. Veselov, N.A. Kireeva, N.V. Lelis, T.N. Uljantseva

FGUZ "Saint-Petersburg city disinfection station, Saint-Petersburg"

Study and evaluation in laboratory conditions the new methods and agents of disinfection

I.V. Darmov, I.P. Pogorel’sky, G.N. Nesterov, K.I. Gurin, D.A. Sharov

Federal State Establishment "Russian Federation Ministry of Defense, 48 Research Institute", Kirov

Study of opportunity of microorganism indication by means of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and serological methods after treating them with disinfectants based on glutaraldehyde

The effect of glutaraldehyde on antigenic structures and native characteristics of bacterial DNA of plague microbe obtained from Y. pestis EV strain produced by Research Institute has been studied. The opportunity of plague microbe indication by means of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and serological methods after disinfectant treatment with glutaraldehyde is shown.

V.N. Andrus, V.V. Elizarov, V.A. Spiridonov

FGUZ VolgogradNIPCHI of Rospotrebnadzor

Comparative cost of sporocide working concentration of some compositions on the base of CHAS, oxygen- and chlor containing disinfectant means

It is presented the analysis of comparative price of sporocide working concentration of some compositions on the base of CHAS, oxygen- and chlor containing disinfecting means, recommended for decontamination of surfaces of sanitary-technical equipment, linen, dish and articles of medical purpose, contaminated by spores of irritants of Siberian ulcer.

E.K. Ivanova, I.F. Vetkina

FGUN MNIIEM of G.N.Gabrichevsky of Rospotrebnadzor, Moscow;
OOO "Lizoform-Srb", Saint-Petersburg

The problems of hygienic processing of hands in prophylactic of intrahospital infections (review of foreign publications)

N.B. Milovidova, M.I. Likstanov, L.V. Kravchenko, T.V. Timofeeva, O.A. Prihod’ko

GUZ "Kemerov district clinical hospital"

Priority directions in observance of demands of processing of hands of medical personnel in the medical-prophylactic institutions

Are examined directions on the observance of the hygiene of the hands of medical personnel in the therapeutic and prophylactic establishments, requirements on the equipment of work sites. The data of the questioning of medical personnel on questions of working the hands are cited. Required instruction of medical personnel and conducting unplanned control of the quality of the washing of the hands is proposed.

A.G. Bojtsov1, T.A. Grechaninova2, K.G. Kosjacova1

1St.-Petersburg State medical academy named after I.I. Mechnikov;
2Center of hygiene and epidemiology in St.-Petersburg

Validation of sterilization process or the control of sterility?

Share of density of not satisfactory results at the control of sterility of products of medical purpose vary in different regions of the country roughly within the limits of 0,06 up to 3%. Sterilizing equipment available in the majority of medical institutions does not allow to carry out validation of sterilization process according to requirements of GOST Р ISO 13683-2000. It seems too early to refuse from traditionally accepted in the country scheme of the control of the sterilization, including application of biophysical, chemical and biological quality control methods, and also the control of sterility of products in the process of supervision of medical institutions activity.

V.I. Chizgijaev, T.V. Gololobova, E.V. Nazarenko

FGUZ "Center of hygiene and technology in city Moscow"

Results of investigations of employment of contemporary ultraviolet technologies of disinfection of air

With a view to improving the sanitary-epidemiologic situation in city, it is developed and accepted the Farget medium-crash program "Increasing the ecological and epidemiological safety on the city objects and the places of mass accumulation of people on the base of modern ultraviolet technologies of disinfected water and air (2005-2007 years)". In the frames of program it was installed 15529 units of ultraviolet equipment. By the management of Rospotrebnadzor of Moscow together with FGUZ "Center of hygiene and technology in city Moscow", and a row of NII of sanitary-hygienic profile are conducted the measures on the estimation of effectivness of application of method of ultraviolet disinfection. It was installed that application of this method is allowed to decrease the level of general microbe seeding of air (OMR) in premises of different purpose, owing to which is decreased by 10 per cent the number of falling ill persons with respiratory infections. By the results of the given investigations it was developed the project of hygienic standards "The limit permissible standards of microbe seeding of air region of closed apartaments".

V.V. Elizarov, V.N. Andrus, V.A. Spiridonov

FGUZ VolgogradNIPCHI of Rospotrebnadzor

Effiency of some compositions on the base of CHAS during the disinfection of objects contaminated with spores of Siberian ulcer
A.A. Nafeev1,2, E.V. Fefolova1
1FGUZ "Centre of hygiene and epidemiology in Ulyanovsk region";
2Ulyanovsk state university, medical faculty


The reasons exerting on influence on sickness ixode tick borrelioses
V.M. Bahir1, N.Yu. Shomovskaja2, S.A. Panicheva1, V.I. Prilutskiy2

1Institute of electrochemical systems and technologies by Vitold Bahir;
2JSC "NPO Ecran", Moscow

Electrochemical synthesis and perspectives of application the neutral peroxo-carbonate cleaning and disinfecting solution – anolyte PEROX

Technology and technical devices for fundamentally new biocide nonpolluting and noncorrosion-active electrochemically activated solution getting are developed. The biocyde solution is on basis of percarbonic acid and got from diluted (less than 1 g/l) sodium carbonate or sodium bicarbonate solution by electrochemical oxidation. Chemistry of new solutions is examined, preliminary results of tests are adduced.

T.N. Ivanova, L.A. Cvil’, M.A. Samurov, N.A. Volkova, E.V. Suhanova, A.Z. Slobodin, L.I. Mischenko, L.A. Vorontsova

Government of Rospotrebnadzor in Moscow;
FGUZ "Centre of hygiene and epidemiology in city Moscow";
GUP "Moscow city centre of disinfection"

About contemporary distribution the synantrope rat tick in Moscow

In the article presented are the results of investigation of number of rat ticks Ornithonyssus bacoti on gray rats, caught in premises of objects of Moscow; explained are the reasons of increasing of their abundance. Given are the recommendations on the prophylactic of possible appearance of focuses of rat tick dermatitis.

The letter of Federal service in supervision of protection of rights of consumers and prosperity of a man from 25.06.2008 № 01/6724-8-32 "About falling ill with trihinosis in Russian Federation in 2007"
The letter of Federal service in supervision of protection of rights of consumers and prosperity of a man "About sites of organs and organizations of Federal service on inspection in the sphere of rights of users and welfare of a human"

B.A. Adamovich

International academy of astronautics

New technology of removing the unpleasant scents from the domestic toilets

In article, it is inspected the non-decided question of effective removing of unpleasant scents from the domestic toilets. The authors suggest the original diagram of absorption of harmful ingredients from toilet boul and do not use the electric power. Suction and absorption of harmful gases from the volume of toilet is carried out with the help of water-jet pump and highly efficient filters of type VION, released by Mitiсshi chemical combinate. In addition, it is obtained the more quality draining of waste products due to production of air-to-water pulp.