Life of National Organization of Disinfectionists (NOD)
p. 11
Congratulation new members of NOD
p. 11
Dimensions of entering and member payments in 2018
Materials of scientific and practical conference (September 7-8, 2017, Sochi)
pp. 12-13
P.A. Yunakov, E.P. Gorina, E.V. Tolmacheva
The organization of work of bathing and delousing center of Moscow city disinfection centre in the city of Moscow
pp. 14-16
The catalogue of participant of exhibition
pp. 17-27
N.V. Saperkin, R.F. Chanysheva
State Educational Institute of Higher Professional Education "The Nizhegorodskaya State Medical Academy" of ministry of public health of Russian Federation:
10/1 pl. Minina i Pozharskogo, Nizhniy Novgorod, 603005, Russian Federation
Chlorine-active disinfectants: past, present, future
This review article discusses the history of obtaining chlorine-active disinfectants, their place in the disinfection practice at the present stage and prospects of further use. The rational organization and effective disinfection measures play an important role in the complex of measures to combat infections. To date, some data about the resistance of microorganisms to different biocides, some mechanisms of its formation, significance in outbreaks of nosocomial morbidity, and associated cross-resistance and other issues. In terms of disinfectants of different groups in the definition of strategy and tactics of production and use of the necessary marketing studies that currently are selective.
Keywords: chlorine, disinfectant, chloramine, household bleach, resistance, sureveillance, resistance, disinfection, cleaning market.
Saperkin Nikolay Valentinovich – Candidate of Medical Science, associate Professor Departments of Epidemiology, Head of Organizational Methodic Department of Institute of Preventive Medicine of NSMA; Tel: (831) 436-94-81, e-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.
Chanysheva Rimma Fanilyevna – Candidate of Medical Science, assistant Departments of Epidemiology of NSMA
pp. 28-33
N.V. Shestopalov, L.S. Fedorova, А.А. Serov
Scientific Research Disinfectology Institute of Federal Service in Supervision of Protection of Rights of Consumers and Prosperity of a Man:
18 Nauchniy proezd, Moscow, 117246, Russian Federation
Research and methodological rationale for rotation of anti-infective agents in medical institutions on the basis of the evaluation of their sensitivity to hospital microbial strains
Having the aim to elaborate the principles of anti-infective agents rotation during the determination of hospital strains of microorganisms resistance to them, as exemplified by certain medical institution, there was implemented a set of studies on examination of sensitivity of two hospital microbial strains: Acinetobacter baumannii and Elizabethkingia meningoseptica, to 5 anti-infective agents, used in this institution. It was revealed, that four of them had been used for a long time in very weak concentrations. There was discovered the resistance of Acinetobacter baumannii and Elizabethkingia meningoseptica to all the anti-infective agents used in this medical institution. In order to select the anti-infective agents for rotation, there was examined the effectiveness of 10 agents and established the sensitivity Acinetobacter baumannii and Elizabethkingia meningoseptica to the preparations based on acetic hydroperoxide and chlorine-active solutions: chloramines and calcium hypochlorite. Acinetobacter baumannii was also sensitive to the solution based on tertiary amine "Mistral", ortho-phthalic aldehyde – "Sayniks OPA" and active oxygen – "Glavkislorod". Based on the achieved results there was elaborated a set of events for implementation of disinfection using effective solutions and for microbiological monitoring of disinfection quality.
Keywords: rotation of anti-infective agents, hospital microbial strains, medical institutions, quaternary ammonium compounds.
Shestopalov Nikolay Vladimirovich – Doctor of Medical Science, Professor; Director of Scientific Research Disinfectology Institute of Federal Service in Supervision of Protection of Rights of Consumers and Prosperity of a Man; Tel.: +7 (495) 332-01-01, e-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.
Fedorova Lyudmila Samuilovna – Doctor of Medical Science, Professor; Head of Laboratory of Disinfectology Problems of Scientific Research Disinfectology Institute of Federal Service in Supervision of Protection of Rights of Consumers and Prosperity of a Man
Serov Aleksey Andreevich – Junior Researcher of Laboratory of Disinfectology Problems of Scientific Research Disinfectology Institute of Federal Service in Supervision of Protection of Rights of Consumers and Prosperity of a Man
pp. 33-40
Yu.M. Tokhov
Federal state institution of health "Stavropol research antiplague Institute" of Federal service for supervision of consumer rights protection and human well-being:
13–15 Soviet str., Stavropol, 355035, Russian Federation.
Prevention of tick-borne infections in the North Caucasian Federal District and the Southern Federal District of Russia
The article is prepared on the basis of the report which was heard at a scientific and practical conference in Sochi on September 7–8, 2017. Presents data on tick-borne infections that are registered on the territory of the North Caucasian Federal District and the southern Federal district of Russia. The basic directions of nonspecific prevention at the present stage, the validity of the selection and consumption norms of insectoacaricides. Confirmed the effectiveness of the chemical method in the regulation of the number of blood-sucking arthropods.
Keywords: natural habitats, ticks, acaricides, insectoacaricides, repellents, aerosol generator, monitor, infectious disease, Crimean hemorrhagic fever, viruses, rickettsiosis, Ixodes tick-borne borreliosis.
Tokhov Yuriy Mukhamedovich – Doctor of Science in Biology, Senior Research Scientist of Laboratories of Medical Parasitology of Stavropol Research Antiplague Institute of Rospotrebnadzor; Tel.: 8 (8652) 26-18-19, e-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.
pp. 41-49
V.V. Kanichev, N.I. Eremeeva
National medical research center of tuberculosis and infectious diseases of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation:50, 22 Partsyezda str., Ekaterinburg, 620039, Russian Federation.
Some scientific and practical aspects of disinfectants’s effective use in mtdical organizations without the possibility of adaptation pathogenic microorganisms
The article is prepared on the basis of the report which was heard at a scientific and practical conference in Sochi on September 7–8, 2017. Disinfectants should be an effective barrier for the emergence of infections associated with the provision of medical care. Proper use of disinfectants should prevent the emergence of pathogens associated with the provision of medical care resistant to disinfectants. It is known that the resistance of pathogenic microorganisms to disinfectants is an urgent problem for medical organizations. Examples of incorrect use of disinfectants and ways of correction they are presented in this article.
Keywords: effectiveness of disinfectants, resistance of infectious agents associated with the provision of medical care to disinfectants, test microorganisms.
Kanichev Vladimir Vasilevich – MD, Professor, Consultant The National medical research center of tuberculosis and infectious diseases of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; tel.: 8 (912) 289-23-38, e-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.
Eremeeva Natalya Ivanovna – PhD, Head of the Department of Microbiology and PCR Diagnostics, Senior researcher of the laboratory of experimental and diagnostic procedures National medical research center of tuberculosis and infectious diseases of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
pp. 49-51
N.S. Lobanok
New requirements for disinsection. From the theory before practice
p. 51
Presentations of reports of a congress of epidemiologists, bacteriologists, -2017
Abstracts of the Annual Congress with international participation "Control and prevention of healthcare-associated infections" (HCAI 2017)
pp. 51-52
I.M. Abramova, A.Yu. Skopin, T.N. Shestopalova
The basics of determining the suitability of sterilization equipment for healthcare institutions
p. 52
A.V. Alimov, N.N. Zhuykov, V.I. Chalapa
Perspectives of improvement of the epidemiological surveillance over healthcare associated infections (HCAI) taking the foreign experience into account
p. 52
A.G. Afinogenova, L.A. Kraeva, E.S. Kunilova, G.E. Afinogenov, D.Yu. Maday
Possibility of using detergents based on probiotics for surface treatment in healthcare institutions
pp. 52-53
M.V. Bidevkina, G.P. Pankratova, T.N. Potapova, A.I. Vinogradova
For the revision of maximum allowable concentration (MAC) of glutaric dialdehyde in the air of the work area
p. 53
E.A. Bogovskaya, A.N. Nasyrova
On the issue of organizational and legal support of prevention of healthcare associated infections
pp. 53-54
E.V. Budanova, O.M. Grinko, E.P. Pashkov
Study of the antiviral activity of Bacillus pumilus strain
p. 54
R.Sh. Valiev, F.N. Sabaeva, V.A. Trifonov, R.A. Gapsalamova
On the prevalence rate of multi drug resistant tuberculosis in Privolzhskiy federal district
pp. 54-55
T.M. Voroshilova, G.E. Afinogenov, A.G. Afinogenova, S.G. Shapovalov
Indicators of efficacy of antimicrobial combinations for complex therapy of patients with infectious-septic complications caused by gram-negative bacteria producing metallo-beta-lactamase
p. 55
N.I. Gabrielyan, M.V. Demyankova, I.V. Drabkina, T.A. Efimenko, M.Kh. Kubanova, I.A. Malanicheva, I.G. Sumarukova, O.V. Efremenkova
Antimycotic activity of bacillary probiotics
pp. 55-56
N.I. Gabrielyan, I.V. Drabkina, R.Sh. Saitgareev, V.M. Zakharevich, S.O. Sharapchenko, M.I. Petrukhina, T.B. Safonova
Patients’ skin contamination as a real predictor of surgical infections
p. 56
M.N. Gapon, I.S. Polishchuk, M.A. Naumova
Criteria for the selection of patients with the risk of nosocomial diseases
pp. 56-57
Yu.A. Goloverova
On the issue of compliance of medical and preventive departments of polyclinics with hygienic law of the Russian Federation
p. 57
T.V. Gololobova
On the role of standards in the system of healthcare associated infections (HCAI) prevention
pp. 57-58
D.B. Goncharov, I.V. Titova, E.S. Ievleva, T.V. Krupenio, S.O. Sharapchenko, N.I. Gabrielyan
Algorithm of toxoplasmosis diagnostics in modern healthcare institutions
p. 58
T.A. Grenkova, E.P. Selkova, A.L. Safin, S.I. Achkasov
Efficacy of complex disinfection for prevention of C. difficile dissemination
pp. 58-59
G.M. Dmitrieva, Yu.E. Kapustina, O.V. Sorokina
On epidemiologic situation with healthcare associated infections of newborn children and congenital infections on the territory of Krasnoyarsk region
pp. 59
O.V. Dmitrieva
Methodological support of advanced training in epidemiology of healthcare associated infections (HCAI) in the system of continuous medical and pharmaceutical education
pp. 59-60
E.V. Dubel
Experience in using aerosols for disinfection in high risk departments
p. 60
I.V. Ivanov, O.R. Shvabskiy, I.B. Minulin
Assessment of epidemiological safety in multi-speciality hospitals within the framework of compliance with the requirements of guidelines (practical recommendations) of Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare and Social Development concerning establishment of internal quality and safety control of medical practice
pp. 60-61
E.M. Krasnova
On the problems of registration of healthcare associated infections (HCAI) and the role of personnel in healthcare organizations
pp. 61
E.S. Kurakin
Healthcare associated infections (HCAI) – the main components of infection control programs
pp. 61-62
I.A. Letifova, T.I. Zhumaeva, S.Yu. Vodyanitskaya
Establishment of infection control in antiphthisic organizations for the purpose of prevention of occupational diseases
p. 62
I.A. Nagibina, I.N. Litvinova, A.V. Kadykova, D.G. Tarasov
IInformation technologies as an instrument of qualified epidemiologic assessment of healthcare associated infections (HCAI) sites
pp. 62-63
D.V. Lopushov
Safety of immunization for prevention of healthcare associated diseases
p. 63
G.N. Melnikova, A.Yu. Skopin, E.A. Matveeva
Methodical aspects of sterilization of certain dental devices
pp. 63-64
G.N. Melnikova, T.N. Shestopalova, S.V. Andreev
Modern ways of improvement of means, methods and technologies of antimicrobial protection of healthcare staff’s hands and patients’ skin for the purpose of prevention of healthcare associated infections (HCAI)
p. 64
I.A. Nagibina, I.N. Litvinova, A.V. Kadykova, D.G. Tarasov
Computer monitoring of antibiotic resistance of microorganisms taken from patients of cardiosurgical departments
pp. 64-65
A.N. Nasyrova, E.A. Bogovskaya
Healthcare associated infections in patients with pathologies of maxillofacial area
p. 65
O.G. Novikova, A.I. Lokotkova
Epidemiologic characteristics of healthcare associated infections in oncological clinics
pp. 65-66
O.A. Orlova
Epidemiologic surveillance over congenital infections
p. 66
O.A. Orlova, V.G. Akimkin
Etiological structure of purulent diseases
pp. 66-67
G.P. Pankratova, A.L. Karaev, Zh.P. Alekseeva
Special aspects of using chlorine dioxide for disinfection
p. 67
L.G. Panteleeva, G.N. Melnikova, T.N. Shestopalova, E.P. Igonina
Decontamination of hands of medical staff. General and special requirements of Russian and foreign standards
pp. 67-68
A.S. Safatov, V.G. Akimkin, G.A. Buryak, G.V. Shuvalov
Methodical approach to efficacy assessment of air decontamination devices in healthcare organizations
p. 68
A.I. Ruleva, N.F. Fedosova, O.V. Shelkovnikova, A.A. Serov
Conducting antiepidemic measures for prevention of healthcare associated infections (HCAI) during joint replacement
pp. 68-69
T.A. Semenenko, E.V. Zhukova, A.A. Burova, S.A. Maziy, M.A. Mirskaya
Actual problems of healthcare associated infections (HCAI) in multi-speciality hospitals
p. 69
S.V. Skryl
Healthcare associated diseases in the Kamchatka region
pp. 69-70
L.G. Stoyanova, S.D. Dbar, T.V. Krupenio, N.I. Romanova, S.O. Sharapchenko, N.I. Gabrielyan
Antagonistic activity of Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis against opportunistic pathogenic bacterial flora
p. 70
M.A. Sukhina, V.I. Mikhalevskaya, S.I. Achkasov, A.L. Safin, A.Yu. Mironov
Pathogens of antibiotic-associated diarrhea in patients with enteropathies
pp. 70-71
R.P. Terekhova, A.S. Vasilev, E.G. Volina, E.A. Vasileva, N.V. Yashina, I.G. Osipova
Action of metabolites В. subtilis vkpm в-8611 and B. licheniformis vkpm в-8610 on E. coli and S. аureus antibiotic resistance
pp. 71-72
T.V. Fateeva, S.A. Vichkanova, I.V. Drabkina, S.O. Sharapchenko, N.I. Gabrielyan
Antimicrobial action of Sanguiritrin on hospital strains of opportunistic pathogenic bacterial flora
p. 72
L.S. Fedorova
Rational use of disinfectants in healthcare organizations as one of the conditions of effective prevention of healthcare associated diseases
p. 72
L.S. Fedorova, A.S. Belova
Modern disinfectants for hospital linen
p. 73
T.V. Fedorova, A.V. Begunova, D.V. Vasina, I.V. Rozhkova, M.Kh. Kubanova, T.V. Krupenio, N.I. Gabrielyan
Study of antagonistic activity of lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus spp. on clinical strains of Klebsiella pneumoniae
p. 73
N.R. Khabalova, L.A. Kaftyreva, A.K. Butaev
Healthcare associated diseases. Molecular genetic studies of antimicrobial resistance
p. 74
N.R. Khabalova, L.A. Kaftyreva, A.K. Butaev
Etiology of healthcare associated infections in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alaniya
p. 75
I.A. Khrapunova
Epidemiological measures of healthcare associated infections (HCAI) prevention in departments of reanimation and intensive therapy
p. 75
I.A. Khrapunova
Epidemiological diagnostics in resuscitation and surgical intensive care units
pp. 76
V.A. Tsurkan
Some epidemiological aspects of identification of surgical pyoinflammatory infections in surgical hospitals
p. 76
I.A. Shaginyan, M.Yu. Chernukha, L.R. Avetisyan
Mechanisms of variability of pathogens of chronic lung infections and their epidemiological meaning
pp. 76-77
N.V. Shestopalov, T.V. Gololobova, L.S. Fedorova, A.A. Serov, T.M. Mrugova, A.I. Ruleva
Assessment of microorganisms’ sensitivity to disinfectants
p. 77
T.N. Shestopalova, G.N. Melnikova, A.Yu. Skopin
Comparison of methodological approach to the assessment of antimicrobial activity and efficacy of skin antiseptics used in Russia and EU countries
pp. 77-78
N.I. Shulakova, I.V. Nozdrevatykh, E.V. Trushkina, N.E. Drozdova
Healthcare associated infections (HCAI) in metropoles
p. 78
E.A. Boldyreva, L.S. Mamontova, E.A. Zudinova
Special aspects of keeping record of epidemiologically hazardous waste in healthcare institutions