- Information
- Acceptation rules for members of National disinfectionists organization (NDO)
- 70 years from the date of the establishment of the Scientific research disinfectology institute of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation
- N.V. Shestopalov, O.M. Novoselskaja
- 10-years work results of the first in Russia Postgraduate training faculty for the management of the State sanitary and epidemiological service
Tracked down is the organization, up-coming and development of the faculty. The result of 10 years of work is represented. Realized is the main objective – postgraduate skill improvement for administrative stаff of the State sanitary and epidemiological service establishments: chief doctors, their deputies, specialists of economical and personnel services, as well as lawyers. This objective is especially important during the last 10 years in the situation of continuing State sanitary and epidemiological service reform and changing legislature in the Russian Federation.
- V.V. Timoshkov, G.M. Manenkova, L.V. Rodina
Centre for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance in Moscow
- Urbanization process and it’s influence upon tularemia and leptospirosis natural sources in Moscow
Developing building construction at the territory of Moscow, essential reduction of the basic tularemia sources (Еast European, ordinary and water field mouse) have led to a significant decrease of contagious capacity of the natural focuses of this infection, division of the focuses into microcenters, liquidation of some of them. One of the main sources of leptospirosis is the field mouse, that appeared to be more resistant to new conditions of the urbanized environment. Also, in the epizootic processes of leptospirosis, besides the field mouse and other "wild" rodents, participate gray rats, homeless and house hold dogs. In this connection, the natural centers of tularemia can keep high contagious capacity for several tens of years, and in some cases be transformed into natural-anthropurgic or synanthropic-urbanistic focuses.
- L.V. Rodina, G.M. Manenkova, V.V. Timoshkov
Centre for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance in Moscow, Russia
- Listeriosis prophylaxis experience in Moscow
Listeriosis is an anthropurgic natural-focus contagious disease. The analysis of materials on various aspects of listeriosis in Moscow conditions: for the last 12 years Moscow reports the quarter of all cases of listeriosis registered in Russia. The rate of disease among 100 thousand of population is much higher than average Russian rate. Sources of transfer of the activator: pets, infected vegetables and other foodstuff, pregnant women – carriers of the infection. Ways of transfer: contact, food and transplacental. It is noticed, that during last years the listeriosis rate and listeriosis-related mortality in Moscow increased. Epidemic surveillance of listeriosis is carried out. A bunch of basic documents is developed and introduced.
- S.U. Kreingold, K.A. Shestakov
Research Laboratory Center of MCDC
- Phosphide zinc determination method in technical preparations
By means of phase analysis methods of different origin phosphide zinc species it was shown that the main phosphide zinc impurity is metallic zinc. Regarding this fact, a simple method of calculation of Zn3P2 contamination in technical phosphide zinc was described, based on determination of metallic zinc and sum of metallic and combined to phosphide zinc. Deviations in analysis results by the proposed method and technical conditions method do not exceed the both methods’ errors.
- S.U. Kreingold
Research Laboratory Center of MCDC
- Information sources on disinfection means
Presented are the lists of some main information sources on disinfection means (disinfectants) – monographs, periodic editions, works of Institutes, Conference Theses. The more convenient and resultable is information obtained from reference Journals (Chemical Abstracts). The information received from Internet is less effective Diven are the examples of information extracted from Chemical Abstracts and Internet.
- T.M. Shuvalova
Moscow regional dermatological and venereologic clinic (dispensory) of Moscow
- Current scabies problems and new techniques in treatment and preventive maintenance of intrahospital parasitic infections
- Technique manual for the application of the aid "Brilliant" (OOO "Prophylaxes Center "HygieneMed", Russia) for disinfection and presterilizing treatment
- S.A. Roslavtseva
Scientific research disinfectology institute
- On the lice resistance to pediculicides
Author generalizes the data on appearance and distribution of resistant population of body, head and pubic lice to pediculicides on the basis of different chemical classes substances: chlorinated organic insecticides (DDT, Lindan), organophosphate (malathion (carbophos) and pyrethroids, particularly permethrin and sumithrin (phenothrin). Represented are the techniques and diagnostic concentration of known pediculicide substances to detect resistant populations, introduced by WHO. Especially, there is emphasized the danger of pyrethroid-resistant lice populations occurrence in Russia.
- M.N. Kostina, M.M. Maltseva, E.A. Novikova, Yu.V.Lopatina, I.A. Ershler, V.S. Novikov
Scientific research disinfectology institute;
OOO "Alina Nova", Moscow - New phentionbased insect&acaricide aids for the professional processing
Introduced are two new products for medical disinfection: "Technical Phention", containing 90–95% of active substance, and “Force-Site" – 25% emulsion concentrate on the basis of “Technical Phention". Examined is insect&acaricide action against cockroaches, ants, fleas, bugs, flies, mosquitos and rat mite. Represented is the identity of the Chinese product to widely used Germany produce, and to that earlier produced in Russia. Efficacy and safety of the product are at the appropriate level and meet the requirments of Russian sanitary legislature. “Force-Site" examination for being used against mite in the open nature is carried out at the moment.
- S.A. Roslavtseva
Scientific research disinfectology institute
- "BACTICID" – effective preparation against mosquitoes
Briefly presented is a history of study of microbiological preparation "Bacticide" on the base of bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis and the mechanism of action of this preparation. It is experimentally shown, that by the larvicide action which is specific for two types of mosquitos: Aedes aegipti and Culex pipiens molestus, the "Bacticide" preparation is similar to the "Bactoculicide" preparation (which was earlier produced in our country), possesses a stable high quality and is allowed for use in water basins of various types, including fish hatchery basins. The field of use of the "Bacticide" will be enlarged – the population will be allowed to use this preparation for processing the water basins of various types.
- S.P. Rasnitsyn
The test laboratory center of the state unitary enterprise The Moscow city center of disinfection (TLC State Unitary Enterprise MGTSD)
- Estimation of rodents eradication aids direct danger for people
Principles of rodent eradication aids danger estimation are the subject of the article. The author suggests to distinguish the toxicity (that is measured by the poisoning dose) and danger (lethal dose consumption probability). Also mentioned is the ecological and direct danger of the aids. Analized are the factors, that determine danger rate of rodent eradication aids, and individual features of people, responsible for poisonings with rodenticides. Also, given is a brief survey of rodenicide danger decrease techniques.
- N.F. Sokolova. To the 80-anniversary
- Sanitary-and-epidemiologic rules and norms 3.5.1378-03
- Sanitary-and-epidemiologic requirements to the organization and carrying out of disinsection actions against synanthropic arthropods. Sanitary-and-epidemiologic rules and norms
- The list of the disinfection means, registered in the second quarter of 2003
- The review of the book "Sanitary-and-epidemiologic service and its authorities"
- RATOBOR – a new range of highly effective preparation against synantropic rodents
- E.E. Sakovan, N.V. Enina
- Researches of consumer properties of "Domestos" universal cleaning powder