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Disinfection affairs № 1 / 2011



Information report about conference of presidium of National Organization of Disinfectionists (№ 2011-1 from 25.01.2011)


The plan of the work of NOD in 2011


The plan of exibition activity of NOD in 2011


The announcement of competition and nominations following the results of work for 2010


About publishing of recommendations concerning the desinfectologic technology


Information report about сonference of redaction assotiation of magazine "Disinfection Affairs" from 25.01.11


The critics of the magazine "Disinfection Affairs"


The industrial-practice planned of chair of disinfection business and medical entomology of Russian Medical Academy of post-diplome education on 2011


Educational-industrial plan of desinfectology of First MSMU of I.M. Sechenov as concerns the after the higher institute of learning for 2011 year


subscription of magazine "Disinfection Affairs"


About education guide of S.N.Zarechnaya “Selected lections on medical entomology"


P.I. Mel'nichenko1, S.D. Rojkov2, S.S. Rojkov2

First Moscow state medical university of I.M.Sechenov; GUP "Dezcontrol", Moscow

Contemporary requirements in organization and conducting of sterilization and disindection measures in stomatologic organizations on the basis СанПиН

It is seen the new СанПиН "Sanitary-hygienic requirements for organization carried out the medical activity". It is studied the application of new normal-low document with respect to stomatologic assistance to the population and struggle with intrahospital diseases.

Key words: СанПиН–10, sanitary-hygienic requirements, well-being, intrahospital infections, medical-profilaction organizations, disinfection measures, stomatology, stomatologic organizations.


G.N. Voichishin1, N.S. Lobanok1, I.V. Sekisova1, A.V. Pentyuhov2, A.Z. Slobodin1, G.A. Tyutina1, Yu.V. Shiyan1

1GUP "Moscow city center of disinfection" ; 2The department of social protection of Moscow

Organization of work of sanitary throughput capacity in Moscow under contemporary conditions

In the article describe is the work of Moscow sanitary throughput capacity under contemporary conditions. In throughput capacity is conducted the sanitary treatment of persons with pediculosis, scabies and other forms of medical assistance. This work depresses the disease of population with pediculosis and scabies, and supports the sanitary-epidemiologic welfare in Moscow.

Key words: sanitary-epidemiologic welfare, sanitary throughput capacity, sanitary equipment, pediculosis, scabies.


Yu.M. Tokhov1, I.V. Chumakova1, A.R. Elcanova2, U.M. Aschibokov1, A.A. Dylov2

1The Federal State Institution of Public Health "Stavropol Research Antiplague Institute" of the Rospotrebnadzor; 2Stavropol Territory Board of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Consumers’ Rights Protection and Welfare of Man, Stavropol

To the knowledge of non-specific profilaxis of Crimean hemorrhagic fever

The article presents the results of acaricide treatments of natural biotopes in the area of Stavropol Territory and their importance in regulating the numbers of arthropods.

Key words: natural biotopes, ticks, numbers, acaricide treatments, effectiveness.


A.A. Kuzin

S.M. Kirov military medical academy, St. Petersburg

Modern aspects of chemical disinfection and the sanitary-bacteriological control of its efficiency in the hospital

Among actions for preventive maintenance and struggle against hospital infections; the special place is occupied with the disinfection directed on removal of microorganisms from objects of the hospitals. For definition of quality of disinfection, carrying out of sanitary-bacteriological researches is required. Especially it becomes actual at disinfection carrying out in the locations of patients with infectious complications which etiology is connected with hospital microorganisms. It is necessary to carry out monitoring of hospital microorganisms and to reveal their resistance to disinfection, especially in branches, in which high level of disease has been found out by hospital infections.

Key words: disinfection, hospital, hospital infections, the sanitary-bacteriological control.


V.I. Sergevnin1, L.G. Kudryavceva2, A.U. Golovenkina3, N.F. Alatureva4, G.A. Aleksandrova5

1Perm' State Medical Academy named after acad. E.A. Vagner; 2Department of the Rospotrebnadzor at the Perm’ krai; 3State Center of sanitary-epidemiological control at the Perm’ krai; 4Perm' krai pediatric clinic hospital; 5Natural Sciences Institute of Perm’ State University

Evaluation of antifungal effect of preparation "Amiksidin" n solution of test-surfaces in the experiment and in the aerosol disinfection of the air in the ventilative system of the hospital

The experiment revealed visible antifungal effect of 1,5 % solution of Amiksidin during the solution of test-object, imitating tough surface. It was also proved that "Amiksidin" provides antifungal effect in aerosol solution of ventilative system of the hospital. Spraying the 1,5 % solution of preparation by means of cold fog generator "Turbofogger" with expenditure of 50 ml preparation per 1 m3 and 60-minute exposure of disinfection with preliminary mechanical cleaning of the inside surface of the air-pipes led to the reduction of fungi in the air of the hospital by 10 times – from 28,3±17 to the 2,7 KOE/m3.

Key words: preparation «Amiksidin», solution of test surface and air in the ventilative system, antifungal effect.


V.I. Sergevnin1, N.G. Zueva3, P.B. Azanov3, N.I. Markovich2, N.S. Avdeeva4, E.O. Volkova4, I.S. Sharipova4, N.I. Reshetnikova4

1Perm’ state medical academy named after acad. E.A.Vagner; 2Ministry of public health of Perm’ country; 3Perm’ district clinical hospital; 4Clinical hospital № 7 of town Perm’

Stability to disinfectants and antiseptics Кlebsiella pneumonia, isolated in obstetric stationary in not unitary morbidity of newborns with purulent-septive infections

It is conducted the epidemiologic analysis of reason for not unitary morbidity of pneumonia caused by Кlebsiella pneumonia among the newborns in obstetric hospital. It is carried out the molecular-genetic classifying of clinical lines of microorganisms, as well as their antibiotic sensitivity and sensitivity of disinfectant and antiseptic means. Strains Кl. pneumonia became the genetically relative and regard to the same antibiotic type. At the same type, the stability of microorganisms to working solutions of disinfectants and antiseptics was recognized only in same cases. Consequently, the resistency of some exciters to disinfectant and antiseptic remedies are the sign of hospital strain, but the coincidence of profile of stability of the microorganisms to disinfecting preparations – compulsory indication of epidemic communication between falling ill.

Key words: intrahospital pneumonia of newborns, Кlebsiella pneumonia, stability to disinfectants and antiseptics.


D.A. Sharov, K.I. Gurin, A.V. Kungurov

Federal State Establishment "Russian Federation Ministry of Defense 48 Research Institute", Kirov

Novel Sporocide Preparation for Cautious Disinfection of Protective Cloths

Was studied biocide activity of disinfection compositions based on glutaraldehyde and hydrogen peroxide directed against the spore forms of microorganisms vaccine strain STI-1 B. anthracis in the process of contamination of protective cloths.

Key words: biological defence, microorganisms, disinfection, sporocide activity.


D.V. Trankvilevskii1, S.O. Strygina2, A.V. Kutuzov3, Yu.O. Bahmet'eva1, O.V. Tregubov4, I.V. Rodina5, A.D. Bernshtein7, N.S. Korotina7, T.K. Dzagurova7, Yu.I. Stepkin1, M.I. Chubirko6, E.A. Tkachenko7

1FGUZ "Center of hygiene and epidemiology in Voronej region"; 2Voronej state agrarian university by K.D.Glinka; 3Institute of water problems of RAN, Moscow; 4Voronej state wood technology academy; 5Filial of "Rosselhozcenter in Voronej region"; 6Government of Rospotrebnadzor in Voronej region; 7Institute of poliomyelitis and virus encephalitis by M.P.Chumakov, RAMN, Moscow

Many years dynamic of quantity and species composition of small-sized mammals in open pasture lands of Voronej region and change of epizootic and epidemic situation in locations of zoonosis

It is produced the analysis of dynamic of population and small mammals (MM) on various physic-geographic territory of Voronej region from 1950 to 2008 year in pasture lands. Recently, as compared to the second half of 20 century, resulted in significant increase of relative number of mammals for whole analysed period of time. Now, resulted in the increase of field mouse (Myagrum), grey voles and wood mouses on the background of reducing of grey mouse, which dominated in 70–80 years of the last year. At the territory of the Oksko-Donskoj low plain after the 90x years, the funds are the field mouse and grey mouse; on the middle Russian high-ground and plain zone wooden mouse and grey mouse. Originating the group morbidity with hemorrhaging fever with renal syndrome is etiologically by hantaviruses Dobrava (ГЛПС-ДОБ) and is explained by very expressive and often frequently adjusting quantity of main reservoir of hantaviruses – field mouse. The modified situation at the territory of Oksko-Donskoj plain is permitted to count the ГЛПС-ДОБ "reemerging" infection.

Key words: small mammals, the dynamics of relative abundance, species diversity, field mouse, wood mouse, house mouse, vole, gray, gray hamster, leptospirosis, tularemia, hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome.


E.A. Nikiforova

Directorate of the Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-being (Rospotrebnadzor) in Komi Republic, Syktyvkar

The basic laws of formation of not infectious pathology at the population of area Ezhva of city of Syktyvkar

In clause, the characteristic of a medical and demographic situation in the area of Ezhva of city of Syktyvkar, the basic laws of formation of not infectious pathology, including the group of ecology-dependent diseases is observed.

Key words: health of the population, medical and demographic parameters, the primary disease, ecology-dependent diseases.


N.A. Alesho1, E.V. Mahan'ko1, L.A. Voroncova2, N.N. Goncharova2

1The department of disinfection matter and medical entomology of Russian medical academy of after diplome education; 2Disinfection station № 9 GUP "Moscow city center of disinfection"

The little-known for town entomofaune news of articulation, detected in category objects

The territory of large modern city this the place of many forms of articulation. In the article described are the cases of sporadic discovery of some exofilic views on objects of various category.

Key words: town entomofaune, articulation, category objects, straight-wings, millipedes, membranous-wings, two-winged, bugs.


The project of Resolution of sanitary-epidemiological requirements for enterprisers for processing and pouring of drinking waters (extracts)


The project of Resolution of sanitary-epidemiological requirements "Prophylactic of leptospirosis infection of people" (extracts)


The project of Resolution of sanitary-epidemiological requirements "Prophylactic of ornithosis (extracts)


The project of Resolution of sanitary-epidemiological requirements "Prophylactic of fever Ky (extracts)


List of the disinfection, disinsection, deratisation means, registered from November 2010 – February 2011


Demand – answer


List of materials published in magazine "Disinfection Affairs" in 2010


Rules for the authors