- Information report about conference of the Presidium of National organization of disinfectionists № 2006-2 which took place from 15.03.2006
- Our gratitudes
- Information communication about conference of Soviet of manufacturers
- Information report about the firms which binded to observe the Etic codex of Council of manufacturers of agents of DDD (disinfection, disinsection, deratisation)
- Sibscribing of Magazine "Disinfection Affairs"
- Programme of conference of disinfection matter (March 14, 2006б Moscow)
- G.G. Onishenko
- Federal service on supervision in the sphere of protection of rights of consumers and well-being of a man
- About condition of supervision of conducting the measures on non-specific prophylactic of infections illnesses and talks on its perfection
- N.N. Shestopalov
Federal service on supervision in the sphere of protection of rights of consumers and well-being of a man
- Organization and realization of disinfection measures by establishments of Federal service and talks on its perfecting
- L.M. Simkalova
Federal service on supervision in the sphere of protection of rights of consumers and well-being of a man
- State registration of disinfection means as a form of estimation of correspondence to the requirements of safety of production in Russian Federation
- G.G. Volyanuk
FGUZ "Disinfection station in town of Orjol"
- Experience of organization of disinfection measures on the territory of Orlovsky region
- Yu.A. Ledenyov, L.N. Borodina
FGUZ "Center of hygiene and epidemiology in Bryansk region"
- About condition of disinfection means in Bryansk region
- M.A. Galkina, A.N. Kaira, P.I. Ermolovich
FGUP "Moscow region center of disinfection";
Territorial department of Rospotrebnadzor in Moscow region;
FGUZ "Center of hygiene and epidemiology in Moscow region" - Experience of work in organization of measures in Moscow region
- T.A. Stepikina
FGUZ "Center of hygiene and epidemiology in Amur region"
- Disinfection activity in the territory of Amur region
- Resolutions of conference of disinfection matter
- N.D. Pakskina1, A.A. Nafeev2, N.G. Kovalev2, O.A. Balaban2, G.V. Sysoliatina2, A.V. Vorgulev3, E.V. Zentsov3, G.V. Potapov4
1Federal service on supervision in the sphere of protection of rights of consumers and well-being of a man;
2Center of hygiene and epidemiology in Uljanovsk region;
3Territorial control of Rospotrebnadzor in Stavropol region; 4Center of hygiene and epidemiology in Stavropol region - The peculiarities of flash of leptospirosis in Krasnogvardeysk district of Stavropol territory: establishing the natural focus of leptospirosis
Article concerning the materials of examination of flash of leptospirosis in Krasnodar region in 2005 year. In the basis lies the methodological approach to investigation of flash of mixed leptospirosis infection by specialists of sanitary- epidemiologic supervision together with specialists of establishments of public health service, veterinary service, antiplague institute; developed are the sentences of sanitation of focus.
- A.P. Kondratov, M.V. Ryabkin, A.V. Platonov
Military college of radiation, chemical and biological protection of name Marshal of the Soviet Union S.K. Timoshenko
- Antimicrobe effectivity of physical-chemical methods of disinfection of air
In the work investigated are the question of effectivity of various methods disinfection of air, the solution of which permits to perfect the samples of everyday and medical instruments, designed to clean the air of a closed compartments. It is manufactured the qualitative comparison of methods of disinfection of air by ozonization in plasma of corrosium category, photomineralization on dispersion of oxide of titanium, etc.
- V.I. Semilet, A.S. Sokolov, A.K. Brusova, E.G. Klimenko, E.V. Moskalenko
FGUZ "Disinfection station in town of Rostov-on-Don"
- About the imperfection of normative documents of disinfection activity
In the article authors invite to discussion of a question on a unsatisfactory condition of the normative documentation on disinfection activity. The problem has got a special urgency recently when in the market disinfection means constantly there are new preparations from various chemical groups, both domestic, and foreign manufacturers. To disinfection agents instructions on application in which there are mistakes much, illogical and epidemiology unjustified positions and recommendations, divergences with working Sanitary rules, etc. are applied.
- Project of Federal law of Russian Federation "About biological safety" (general technical regulation)
- Supplement (obligatory) to project of Federal law of Russian Federation "About biological safety" (general technical regulation). Objects of technical regulation of Federal law "About biological safety"
- The project of the Special technical rules (СТР) "About requirements to safety disinfection means, processes of their development, manufacturing, manufacture, test, storage, transportation, realization, application and recyclings"