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Disinfection affairs № 2 / 2013



Life of NOD
Information report about conference of presidium of National Organization of Disin­fectionists (№ 2013-3 from 27.05.2015)


Congratulation new members of NOD


Information report about сonference of redaction assotiation of magazine "Disinfection Affairs" from


The analysis of the documents concerning licensing of works/services in the disinfectology


Gratitude of a family of Levitin A.I. for donations on monument installation


About exhibition with participation of NOD in March-May, 2013


V.G. Akimkin1,2,3, A.V. Bormashov4

1Federal Budget Scientific Institution "Scientific Research Disinfectology Institute" of Federal Service for surveillance on consumer rights protection and human well-being; 2I.M. Sechenov’s First Moscow State Medical University; 3Federal Budget Scientific Institution "Central Scientific Research Epidemiology Institute" of Federal Service for surveillance on consumer rights protection and human well-being; 4Federal service in supervision of protection of rights of consumers and prosperity of a man, Moscow

Medical waste: modern condition and aspects of problem solution


Akimkin V.G. - Corresponding member of RAMN, Doctor of Medical Science, professor; director deputy of FBSI ««Scientific Research Disinfectology Institute» of Rospotrebnadzor; tel.: (495) 332-01-50, e-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript..


Rapid pace of urbanization and modern development of public health services in the country insist on problem solving of neutralization, processing and dumping of medical waste, which nowadays is the most important epidemiological and ecological element of national safety. From 2005 the quantity of medical waste in RF increased 3 times and was more than 1,5% from the total quantity of production and consumer waste in 2011. There is a part of medical waste (more than 30%), which is very dangerous in epidemiological sphere, represents a real risk of zymosis and need serious approaches for their neutralization from the point of view of epidemiological and ecological safety. Considering progressive growth rate of public health services and analysis of present problem abroad, the quantity of medical waste will increase next several years in RF. Important promising direction of solving this problem in RF will be: legislative control improvement of this problem, creation of federal, regional and municipal purpose-oriented programmes for safety, centrally managed appeal with medical waste on the base of specific and accredited institution, licensing of the activities with medical waste, obligatory educational activities concerning medical waste questions, including demands of modern regulatory system, international experience and present epidemiological situation.

Key words: urbanization, public health services, medical waste, epidemiological and ecological safety, disinfection, inspection of apparatus and equipment, legislative control, educational activities.


A.A. Nafeev1,2, N.V. Savel’eva1, F.T. Habibullina1, A.Yu.Smolin3, G.F. Bekmetova3

1FGUZ "Centre of hygiene and epidemiology in Ulianovsk region"; 2Ulianovsk state university, medical faculty; 3GUZ “Reginal child’s infecting hospital", Ulianovsk

The question of organization of epidemiological surveillance of West Nile fever in Ulianovsk region


Nafeev A.A. - Doctor of Medical Science, docent; head of dangerous infections section in FBYZ «Hygienic and Epidemiological Center in Ulyanovsk region»; professorate of skin and venereal diseases of medical faculty in Ulyanovsk government university, Ulyanovsk; tel.: (842-2) 40-51-72, e-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript..


West Nile Fever (WNF) - acute zoonotic natural focal transmissible arboviral disease. In the present article is represented clinical epidemiological characteristic of 4 sickness cases of locals (Ulyanovsk Region, 2012) and their states of genetic immunity to West Nile Fever. Appearance of first cases of West Nile Fever between locals is needed further development of epidemiological surveillance under West Nile Fever.

Key words:  West Nile Fever, aseptic meningitis, diagnostics, monitoring survey.


Disinfection & sterilization
M.G. Shandala

Federal Budget Scientific Institution "Scientific Research Disinfectology Institute" of Federal Service for surveillance on consumer rights protection and human well-being; Chair of disinfectology of the I.M. Sechenov’s First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow

Assessment of the status and enhancement of the national disinfectological technologies


Shandala M.G. - Academician of RAMN, Doctor of Medical Science, professor; chief research worker of FBSI «Scientific Research Disinfectology Institute» of Rospotrebnadzor»; tel.: (495) 332-01-10, e-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript..


We justify the necessity of more intensive development of national technologies of disinfectological infections prevention. The article deals with theoretical and methodological basis to create high-effective and optimal hygienic disinfection means and methods to conduct different types of disinfection. We define problems of disinfectology as science and practical branch of preventive medicine, criteria for disinfectant selection for preventive, focal disinfection, to combat hospital-acquired infections and for other purposes. Also, examples of existing and new issues of development of required disinfection technologies for different purposes are given.

Key words: disinfectology, decontamination, disinfection, sterilization, pest-control, desakarization, rodent control, repellency, pathogenic germs, arthropods, rodents carriers, insecticides, raticides, repellents.


L.S. Fedorova, I.M. Cvirova, N.N. Levchuk, A.S. Belova

Federal Budget Scientific Institution "Scientific Research Disinfectology Institute" of Federal Service for surveillance on consumer rights protection and human well-being, Moscow

Oxygen activity of desinfectants (review of literature)


Fedorova L.S. - Doctor of Medical Science; head of laboratory of desinfectology problems of FBSI «Scientific Research Disinfectology Institute» of Rospotrebnadzor; tel.: (495) 332-01-60, e-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript..


Was represented review of literature, dedicated to affectivity’ questions of oxygen activity of desinfectants, directions and methods of their feature improvement. Knowledge of these questions is useful for choosing desinfectants and their appropriate use in practice of medical desinfecting.

Key words: desinfectants, antimicrobial activity.


N.V. Shestopalov1, A.I. Frolova1,2, S.A. Roslavtseva1,2, Yu.V. Lopatina1,3, O.Yu. Eremina1, V.A. Tsarenko4, N.Z. Osipova4

1Federal Budget Scientific Institution "Scientific Research Disinfectology Institute" of Federal Service for surveillance on consumer rights protection and human well-being; 2Chair of disinfectology of the I.M. Sechenov’s First Moscow State Medical University; 3M.V. Lomonosov’s Moscow State University; 4FBUZ "Federal Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology" Rospotrebnadzor, Moscow

Informational letter "Modern pediculicidal remedy against lices" (as of 01.01.2013)


Roslavtseva S.A. - Doctor of Science in biology, professor; head of scientific bacisc and deratization department of FBSI «Scientific Research Disinfectology Institute» of Rospotrebnadzor; tel.: (495) 332-01-76, e-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript..


Was represented records concerning pediculation disease incidences in RF from 2002 to 2012. There are micro-population of lices, resisted to permethrin. At the same time were accidents of lices crossed resistance to permethrin and to different pyrethroids. Were represented negotiation’ ways of lices’ resistance to permethrin – comeback to organophosphorous compound (OC) and new formulation on the basis of benzyl benzoate, use of vegetable matter, organopolysiloxanes (dimethicones) and others. Was represented records about authorized for use remedies with insecticidal activity as related to lices, including to resistant to pyrethroids.

Key words: pediculation, clothes louse, resistance, pediculicides, mode of action.


L.N. Mazin1, M.N. Kashtankin2, L.N. Rumyantseva1

1SUE "Moscow Town Disinfection Center"; 2Federal State-Funded Healthcare Institution "Hygienic and Epidemiological Center in Moscow"

Theriological and parasitological monitoring over small mammals populations within undeveloped areas of Moscow. Message 1. Theriological monitoring in 2002–2011


Mazin L.N. – Candidate of Biological Sciences; Head of preventive disinfection department of desinfectology center № 9 of GUP «Moscow urban desinfectology center»; tel.: (499) 613-91-96, e-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript..


The analytical review of organization history and theriological monitoring were executed in 1964–2001. The procedure of quantitative accounting of small mammals and their processing are given. The geography of this account is shown in 2002–2011. Species composition of small mammals within undeveloped area of Moscow is represented in the form of comparison in 1997–2011 and in 1964–1996. In the same place and during the same period the population of small animals was revealed and the comparative analysis was performed in 1964–2001. Some ecological peculiarities of the most popular species of small mammals are established.

Key words: quantitative accounting of small mammals, habitats, geography of accounts, species composition and population of small animals, common species.


To help professionals to work with the population
A.I. Frolova
Memo for locals. Pediculation and fight against it


Order of Main State sanitary physician of Russian Federation from № 284 от 07.05.2013 "About carrying out the scientific and practical conference devoted to the 80 anniversary of FBSI "Scientific Research Disinfectology Institute"


The letter of Federal service in supervision of protection of rights of consumers and prosperity of a man from № 01/6810-13-32 from 17.06.2013 "About a situation with malaria in the Russian Federation in 2012"


The letter of Federal service in supervision of protection of rights of consumers and prosperity of a man from № № 01/6490-13-32 from 07.06.2013 "About epidsituation on poliomyelitis in the world"


List of the disinfection, disinsection, deratisation means, registered in Janyary-April 2013


S.A. Lisovskaya1, N.I. Glushko1, E.V. Khaldeeva1, N.P. Artemova2, L.E. Nikitina2

1Kazan scientific research institute of epidemiology and microbiology; 2Kazan State medical university

Influence of limonene derivatives on cytological and morphological peculiarities of micromycetes


Haldeeva E.V. – Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Head of mycetology laboratory; tel.: (843) 236-56-59, e-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.


Influence of limonene and its derivatives on cytological and morphological peculiarities of yeasts and mycelial fungi was investigated. It’s established that addition of investigated compounds in the media leads to delay of growth, decrease of spores formation ability of mycelial fungi. Pathological changes of membrane structures of cells, decrease of adhesive activity of strains and possibility to germ tubes formation were observed for yeasts in the presence of investigated compounds.


Pricing schedule on advertisements in the magazine "Disinfection affairs" in 2013


V.G. Akimkin
About a seminar "Organization and carrying out actions for nonspecific prevention of tick-borne virus encephalitis and other natural and focal tick-borne infections"


Subscription of magazine "Disinfection Affairs" on 2013 year


About education guide of S.N. Zarechnaya "Selected lections on medical entomology"


About sanitary book' form on the special transport and transport facilities, which are suitable for transportation of provision


Demand – answer