Presidium NDO session information report
Acceptation rules for members of National disinfectionists organization (NDO)
Grant state for realization of scientific research disinfection works
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Readers thanks
- M.I.Levi, Ju.G.Suchkov, Ju.S.Zueva
Experimental data according differentiation of antibacterial treatment periods of patients with purulent wound
Research Laboratory Center, MGCD, Moscow
In some experiments with mixture of penicillin and staphylococcus the bacteria concentration may be reduce and subsequently change to increase. The same may be when microflora of purulent wound interacted with antibiotics. Obtained data confirm the differentiation of two periods of antibacterial treatment and connected twofold checking sensitivity of microflora of wound to antibiotics.
- L.V.Rodina, V.V.Timoshkov, G.M.Manenkova, L.A.Zvil, M.A.Samurov, V.P.Golovanova, E.I.Konjakhin, V.M.Dozhidaeva
State Departament of Sanitary-Epidemiological Supervision, Moscow; Disinfectional station № 2 of MCСD
Natural leptospirosis origin in Moscow Agricultural Academy park territory
Results of many years observations on species, population and leptospirosis epizootic situation in midst of little mammalia in natural leptospirosis origin of the Moscow agricultural academy park territory was given. It had been stated that the main leptospirosis orogin were field mice more spreaded and dominated in midst of other rodent species. Unless of actions made to diminish men illness, the leptospirosis origin is still active, and so the risk of men at the harvest work and territory cleaning up remained.
- R.R.Ibadulin
Moscow city disinfection center
Disinfection actions against plague in Russia at the begining of XX-th century. Histirical revue
Organization principles and concrete disinfection actions against plague had place at 1910 in Odessa city and at 1921 in Primorsk region and in Vladivostok was observed. An attеmpt was made to obtain knoulege some of wich is actual up to day.
- V.P.Sergiev
Parasite illness and disinfection
- A.I.Chijov, E.N.Zubova
Chlorgexidin bigluconate 1% water solution influence on function properties of skin
The antiseptik trentment of hand skin is evryday frequent procedure of medical staff workers of food and pharmaceutical indastries. But sometimes use of antiseptic leads to changes in fanctional state of hand skin dermatitis and allergic reaction. It can be concerned not only with wrong use of antiseptic, when it is placed on the skin, which is already damaged, but also with too long use of one antiseptic. The result is reduction in snaff motivation to antiseptic hrocedures and removing employees from professional activity in the case of allergic skin reaction. That’s why the study of antiseptic influence on the functional state of hand skin during long and frequent use allows to find an objective evaluation and to guarantee safety during the use of antiseptic under condition of right maintenanct of methodical directions.
- S.M.Ivanov
Standard GOST ISO 11140 "Medical production sterilization. Chemical indicators" and its application
- S.A.Roslavtseva, E.I.Bakanova
Some questions on improving of disinfection preparations and on raise of effectiveness of disinfection actions
- S.P.Rasnitsyn
Laboratory of biocontrol RLC MGCD, Moscow
The using of traps and poisoned baits in control with synantropic cockroaches
In the article the possibilities of using of traps and poisoned baits in control with cockroaches are considered.
- N.M.Kostina, M.M.Maltseva, E.A.Novikova, A.E.Novikva, S.N.Khvorov, D.L.Balandin
New insecticide preparation on basis of binary mixture of piretroid with inhibitor of hitin synthesis
- G.A.Rjasantseva
Investigation results of inscticide-acaricide prearation "Zifox" (OOO NPZ "Fox and Co.", Russia) for suppression of number of carrying over infections pincers
- Miscellaneous
- T.P.Voronova, L.Ja.Budanova
Revue most often occurring transgressions in bookkeeping and tax calculation on GUP examinations at 2001
RF Health Ministry order № 324, 15.08.01. "State registration of some sorts of production of potential danger for men, and so of some sorts of production coming for the first time to Russian Federation"
RF Health Ministry order № 325, 15.08.01. "Sanitary epidemiological production examination"
RF Health Ministry order № 326, 15.08.01. "Realization order of sanitary epidemiological examinations, investigations, inspectations, researches, tests and toxicological, hygienic and other sorts of estimations"