Demands to materials for publishing

in the journal «Disinfection Affairs»


I. General Terms

1. Results of research and scientific work (RSW, executed in organizations), formed in articles, must be sent to heads of organizations and in some necessary cases must be accompanied by expert report.

2. If the article is a part of thesis work, must be mentioned candidate name and his (her) chief.

3. Liability for the truthfulness, reflected in article materials and the authors are responsible for Privacy Policy.

4. Sending materials for publishing in the journal, the authors:
- confirm, that the present article wasn’t officially passed (dry existing contract) to anyone before and won’t be passed further for any use;
- agree with that they pass rights in article copying and distributing by all means, making available to the public and public use (demonstration in informational, advertising and different purposes) to editorial staff for free.


5.Before departure of article authors carry out an inspection of the manuscript submitted to publication on existence of illegal loans. The name of system of anti-plagiarism in which check (, and similar), her address on the Internet, date of check and a percentage indicator of originality is executed is specified in accompanying documents to article. Admissible percent of uniqueness of the text not less than 80.


II. Technical Specifications

1. The article is passed to editorial staff in printed version (one-side printing, paper size A4, 1,5-2 intervals in 2 copies). Besides, article text must be sent in electronic file to e-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript. in text editor - Microsoft Word, font - Times New Roman.

2. Including article it’s necessary to sent filled by an author (co-authors) agreement form about assignment of rights for publication (Application № 1 or Application № 2 to the present Rules).

3. In any scientific article of the journal must be reflected the following:
- name, surname;
- work place of each author must be in nominative case, pointing out occupation and academic rank, telephone/fax number, e-mail. In a case that all article authors work or learn in the same place, so this place should be pointed out once;
- ORCID ID ((author's profile on the website;
- last page of the article must be signed by all authors with clarification of signature, contact information of each author (postal index, address, telephone/fax and e-mail).

ABSTRACTS  Results of work need to be described extremely precisely and informatively. The main theoretical and experimental results are given. Conclusions can be accompanied by recommendations, estimates, the hypotheses described in article. The data containing in the title of article, shouldn't repeat in the text of the author's summary. It is necessary to avoid excess introduction phrases. Historical information if they don't make the main contents of the document, the description of earlier published works and well-known provisions in the author's summary aren't given. In the text of the author's summary it is necessary to use the syntactic designs peculiar to language of scientific and technical documentation, to avoid difficult grammatical designs and reductions. The volume of the text of the author's summary is defined by contents of the publication, the recommended volume of 150-250 words.
KEYWORDS.Each key word or word-combination separates from the other by comma or semicolon.

These data must be mentioned on russian and english!

4. Pictures, graphs and other visual material must be distinct, photoes are contrastive. On the other side of pictire must be marked number, author surname, article title by pencil. Demands to pictures, represented on magnetic media are shown at Application № 3.

5. Datasheets must be compact, have order number, name and exact marked headings.

6. Place, where in text there is a link to picture or datasheet is marked by square on the left field. In the square must be put the number of picture or datasheet.

7. All mathematical formalism must be checked and signed by black ink. In datasheets must be marked out: а) lower-cases and upper cases (lower cases are by 2 двумя upper hyphen and upper-cases are by 2 below); б) Latin and Greek letters (Latin is underlined by blue pencil, Greek is circled by red one); в) interlineary and superscripted letters and numbers.

8. Quotations, mentioned in the article, approved by author signature noted his comments in the margin of the manuscript. In a note must be pointed out quarry for citations (title, edition, year, publishing, page).

9. Bibliographical references in article text must be pointed out by numbers in square brackets in accordance with litrature list concerning в соответствии со списком литературы alphabetic order: first – russian, after - foreign.

10. Edition reserves the right for editing and text cutting.

11. About manuscripts, which were not taken for publishing: authors are informed; manuscript text is not returned.

12. LITRATURE LIST. Litrature list is not included unpublished works and textbooks. Author is responsible for validity of datas, pointed out in litrature list. Due to the journal preparation for inclusion into system of citing of Scopus, Russian-speaking sources of literature are brought by two lists: issued by GOST P 7.0.5-2008 operating in Russia and in the Romance alphabet (transliteration) about a repermission on English language [the translation is given in square brackets after trnansliterirovanny part] (see Example № 2). To authors, by drawing up lists of references, in Russian, it is necessary to refuse reduction of names of journals, conferences, etc.



Example № 1

Recommended variant of articles' description

UDC 021.6

The main forms of bibliothecal cooperation
I.I.Ivanov1, O.L.Lavrik 2

1Russian Academy of Medical Science Central Institute of Bibliothecal Cooperation, Moscow
1 Narodnohozyaiskaya str., Mosocow, 129075, Russian Federation
2Government Public Scientific-and-Technical Library, Russian Academy of Science Siberia department, Novosibirsk
15 Voshod str. , Novosibirsk, 630200, Russian Federation.

Summary. Discovered and viewed the main forms of bibliothecal cooperation. Studied special aspects of these forms. Represented their classification, were given definitions to each form of bibliothecal cooperation.
Keywords: form of bibliothecal cooperation, Library Association, bibliothecal corporation, bibliothecal society, bibliothecal union, bibliothecal consortium, bibliothecal partnership, bibliothecal alliance.

Authors: Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov – Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, Head of Biophysics Professorate in Central Institute of Russian Academy of Medical Science Bibliothecal Cooperation; e-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript., tel.: (495) 979-99-98
Olga Lvovna Lavrik – Candidate of Physical Science, Higher Senior Officer in Government Public Scientific-and-Technical Library, Russian Academy of Science Siberia department; e-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript., tel.: (5487) 99-99-98 


Example № 2

Formatting of article references or article litrature lists

monography, review by the author, dissertation

Балашов Ю.С. Паразитизм клещей и насекомых на наземных позвоночных. – СПб.: «Наука», 2009. – 357 с.
Balashov Yu.S. Parazitizm kleshchey i nasekomykh na nazemnykh pozvonochnykh [Parasitism of pincers and insects on land vertebrata.]. St. Petersburg: «Nauka», 2009, 357 p.
Гришина Е.А. Гигиенические обоснования дезинсекционных мероприятий по борьбе с комарами – переносчиками возбудителя лихорадки Западного Нила / Автореф. дисс. соиск. уч. ст. канд. мед. наук. – М., 2009. – 24 с.
Grishina E.A. Gigienicheskie obosnovaniya dezinsektsionnykh meropriyatiy po bor’be s komarami perenoschikami vozbuditelya likhoradki Zapadnogo Nila. Diss. cand. med. nauk [Hygienic justifications of disinsection actions for fight against mosquitoes carriers of the causative agent of fever of the Western Nile. Cand. med. sci. diss.]. Moscow, 2009, 24 p.

Articles from journals and collector

Акимкин В.Г., Бормашов А.В. Медицинские отходы: современное состояние и перспективы решения проблемы // Дезинфекционное дело, 2013. – № 2. – С. 11-17.
Akimkin V.G., Bormashov A.V. Meditsinskie otkhody: sovremennoe sostoyanie i perspektivy resheniya problemy [Medical waste: modern condition and aspects of problem solution]. Dezinfektsionnoe delo – Disinfection affairs, 2013, no. 2, pp. 11-17.
Crawford P.J. et al. The reference librarian and the business professor: a strategic alliance that works // Ref. Libr., 1997. – Vol. 3. – № 58. – P. 75-85.


Требования к материалам, направленным для опубликования в журнале «Дезинфекционное дело» (электронный ресурс) (дата обращения 22.01.2014).
Trebovaniya k materialam, napravlennym dlya opublikovaniya v zhurnale «Dezinfektsionnoe delo»  [Demands to materials for publishing in the magazine «Disinfection Affairs»]. Available at: (accessed 22.01.2014).

Materials from conferences

Сидоров Г.Г., Антонов В.А. Особенности дезинфектантов // Материалы VI Международной конференции «Нанотехнологии-2012». 4 мая 2012. – Москва. – С. 76-82.
Sidorov G.G., Antonov V.A. Osobennosti dezinfektantov [Features of the disinfectants]. Materialy VI Mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii «Nanotekhnologii-2012». 4 maya 2012 g. [Materials of the VI International conference “Nanotechnologies-2012”, May 4, 2012]. Moscow, pp. 76-82.




Application № 1

Author greement concerning passing assignment
of rights for manuscript publication
in the journal «Disinfection Affairs»



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Application № 2

Author greement concerning passing assignment
of rights for manuscript publication
in the journal «Disinfection Affairs»
in a case of co-authorship



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Application № 3

Demands to pictures

♦ platform (PC) – IBM РC or comparable;
♦ form of halftone images – *.tif, *.psd;
♦ form of vector images – *.eps, *.xls (for graphs), *.cdr (with attached fonts);
♦ ;♦ implemented graphs to the document must be attached by separate file*.xls;
♦ resolving capacity – 300 dpi and mor;
♦ color model – CMYK, don't use colors - PANTONE;