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Disinfection affairs № 3 / 2007


Statement about the information-methodical service for organization of disinfection means and equipment
Subscription to the magazine "Disinfection affairs"
Pricing schedule on advertisements in the magazine "Disinfection affairs" in 2007

Program for XVI Congress of National Organization of Disinfectionists

N.V. Shestopalov
Entrance address in opening of XVI Congress of National Organization of Disinfectionists

N.I. Briko

Moscow medical Academy of I.M. Sechenov

Epidemiologic principals of disinfection practice of chronical infection diseases

M.G. Shandala

FGUN "Research Institute of Disinfectology of Rospotrebnadzor", Moscow

Disinfectology bases of non-specific prophylaxis of chronic infections

V.P. Sergiev
Animals in town: non-realized danger

L.S. Fedorova

FGUN "NII of disinfectology", Moscow

Tuberculosis and disinfection

Coming from the contemporary epidemiologic tuberculosis situation, the author estimates the problems and methodological ensuring of disinfection measures in medical-prophylactic establishments and infection foci. It is made a conclusion about the necessity contemporary methods and means of disinfection for the achievement of efficiency of prophylactic measures in tuberculosis.

N.I. Eremeeva, M.A. Kravchenko, V.V. Kanishchev, D.V. Vakhrusheva, L.S. Fedorova

URIPP, Yekaterinburg;
The Scientific Research Institute for Desinfectology, Moscow

About overcoming of resistance to disinfectants of different mycobacteria species

The results of comparative study of sensitivity in various disinfectants of pathogenic (including drug resistant), potential-pathogenic and avirulent saprophytic species of Mycobacteria are given in the article. It is determined, that the traditional for Russia test-strain – Mycobacterium B-5, used on trials for tuberculocidal activity of new disinfectants, is the least resistant, then pathogenic mycobacterial species. Hence, the tuberculocidal concentrations of known disinfectants not always provide effective disinfection concerning real activators of tuberculosis and mycobacterial infections. According to the results of trials, the authors concluded that M. avium and M. terrae are more adequate for trials in new disinfectants.


State N.F. Gamaleya Institute for Epidemiology and Microbiology, RAMS, Moscow

Epidemyological approaches to Leptospiroses prevention and control

S.I. Saveliev, I.A. Schukina, A.N. Murashkina

Governing of Rospotrebnadzor Lipetsk region

Supervision and disinfection in Lipetsk region

I.A. Rakitin, A.V. Meltzer, N.S. Bashketova

Goverment of Federal service on inspection in the sphere of protection rights of consumer and prosperity of a Man in the city of Saint-Petersburg

Experience of conducting in Saint-Petersburg of compact extraordinary deratisation

Yu.V. Shiyan, G.A. Tutina, E.V. Yurkova, L.N. Rumiantseva

GUP "Moscow city centre of disinfection"

Experience of work of Moscow city centre of disinfection on prophylaxis of infections and parasitic diseases

M.A. Galkina

FGUP "Moscow regional centre of disinfection"

Organization and disinfection measures in liquidation of flash of grippes of bird in Moscow region

P.A. Mochalkin, S.V. Rjabov, A.P. Mochalkin, M.I. Shutova, A.V. Stepanov, A.V. Timakov

FGUN "NII of disinfectology of Rospotrebnadzor";
FGUZ "Disinfection station, town Ufa"; OOO "Razfarm"

Non-specific prophylaxis of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in antropurgic and natural foci of Bashkortostan

V.A. Rylnikov, U.V. Toschigin, M.A. Samurov

NOU "School-RAT";
Federal state health care institution "Center of hygiene and epidemiology in Moscow city"

Control over Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus Berk) population as a part of methodology of declining risks in human life

According to the literary data in historical aspect, they made an analysis of development of ratextermination concept, damage making by Norway rats as from the medical point of view so as from the economic one. Presence of rats, their activity in human being and his environment, is considered as a risk factor. The main incentive for ratextermination is a reduction of risks in human vital rhythm including reduction of probability to get sick with parasitic viruses which are carried by rats, reduction of ratty bites and economic damages caused by their activity. And methodology of Norway rats population control has also to ensure the minimum risk for a human being and his surrounding environment.

Account of exhibition of "Means of Disinfection, Desinsection, Deratization and Sterilization", which was the last as XVI Congress of National Organization of Disinfectionists
Catalog of firm-participants of exhibition XVI Congress of NOD

Resolution of Chief State sanitary physician of Russian Federation from 13.06.2007 № 33 "About measures of waring of diseasing the peoples with hemorragic fever with renal syndrome"
Order of Chief State sanitary physician of Russian Federation from 18.06.2007 № 190 "About сarring out scientific-practical conference on organization of anti-epidemic measures in prophylaxis of GLPS"
The letter of the Russian Federal Consumer Rights Protection and Human Health Control Service № 0100/6339-07-32 "About trichinosis disease incidence in the Russian Federation in 2006" from 22.06.2007
The letter of the Russian Federal Consumer Rights Protection and Human Health Control Service № 0100/6611-07-32 "About accomplishing of decision of Chief State sanitary physician of Russian Federation from 20.12.2005 № 33" from 28.06.2007
Decision of Congress on improving the measures on organization and accomplishing the state epidemiological surveillance on territory of Russian Federation and on the transport
List of the disinfection means, registered in 2d quarterof 2007