- Information report about conference of presidium of NOD (Protokol № 2011-2П from 17.05.2011)
- About exhibition with participation of NOD
- Subscription of magazine "Disinfection Affairs"
- N.Z. Osipova (her 80th anniversary)
- V.V. Shkarin1, S.A. Razgulin1, O.V. Kovalishena1, A.S. Blagonravova1, L.A. Bashkatova2, O.N. Knyagina3, I.N. Okun'3, L.A. Bahtina3
1State Educational Institute of Higher Professional Education "The Nizhegorodskaya State Medical Academy" of ministry of public health of Russian Federation; 2Ministry of public health of Nizhni Novgorod region; 3Rospotrebnadzor department in Nizhni Novgorod region
Organizational and functional model of the monitoring of resistance to disinfectants at the regional level
The article describes the basis for organization the monitoring of resistance to disinfectants, the methodical approach to its implementation. The character, regime, and volume of activities are identified. Presents the experience of organizing the monitoring of resistance to disinfectants in the Nizhny Novgorod region, shows the functions of various institutions and organizations for its conduct.
Key words: resistance to disinfectants, the monitoring of resistance to disinfectants, organizational and methodical maintenance of monitoring.
- I.G. Tekhova1, M.G. Dar’ina1, A.V. Lyubimova2, A.V. Vygonyailov1, B.I. Aslanov2, V.Yu. Khoroshilov2, N.V. Satosova2, A.A. Dolgiy2
1Saint-Petersburg City Clinical Epidemiology Department of the Medical Information Analytical Center; 2Saint Petersburg State Medical Academy named after I.I. Mechnikov, Department of Epidemiology
Disinfection and sterilization in health care facilities: problems and solutions
In the complex of measures to ensure safe medical care in health care facilities cleaning, disinfection and sterilization of medical devices have paramount importance. Lack of proper attention to this issue leads to the enormous material and social harm. Analysis of the situation in public health facilities revealed the existence of problems in this area: not enough rational and substantiated choice of the disinfectants; errors in the selection of disinfectants, depending on the type and the subject of disinfection, as well as the type of the ward and microorganisms circulating in the hospital; mismatch of the sterilizing equipment and hospital needs; insufficient compliance with current requirements of the central sterilization departments; insufficient quality control of sterilization; difficulties in maintaining sterility of equipment and instruments after sterilization. To reduce nosocomial infections in modern conditions, along with other measures, it is necessary to improve existing, and develop and put into practice new science-based methods of disinfection and sterilization.
Key words: disinfection, sterilization, nosocomial infection.
- V.I. Afanas' eva1, V.A. Ivanis1, I.G. Maksema2, G.G. Kompanets2, R.A. Slonova2
1Vladivostok State Medical University; 2Scientific research institute of epidemiology and microbiology of the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Science, Vladivostok
Clinical features of the Hemorragic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) in Primorsky region
The analysis of case records of 40 patients with hemorragic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS), taking place in infectious hospitals of Primorsky region in 2006–2008 has been done. The modern clinical features of the Hemorragic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) in Primorsky region (Russia) are considered. Hantaan and Amur serotypes are revealed to initiate leaver disease. Seoul-infection mainly causes hepatitis and respiratory syndrome. Hemorragical syndrome|, caused by all the types of hantavirus, is rarely met. The coherence between the level of the trombocytes of periferic blood and the clinical features of hemorragical syndrome is shown.
Key words: hantavirus infection, syndromes, symptoms, Hantaan-infection, Amur-infection, Seoul-infection.
- M.Yu. Solov'ev, E.V. Kovalev, V.Yu. Ryjkov, G.A. Miroshnichenko, O.V. Goncharova, N.V. Leonenko
Department of the Rospotrebnadzor at the Rostov region, Rostov-na-Dony
Priority aspects of Crimean hemorrhagic fever nonspecific prophylaxis in Rostov region
In the article presented are the basic directions of works carried out at the territory of Rostov region on the reduction of ticks р. Hyalomma – basic removal of Crimean hemorrhagic fever.
Key words: falling ill with the Crimean hemorrhagic fever (КГЛ), virus ККГЛ, ixode ticks, acaricide treatment, financing of measures, remedics of protection.
- A.N. Matrosov, A.A. Kuznetsov, T.V. Knyazeva
FSOH Russian Anti-Plague Research Institute "Microbe" of the Rospotrebnadzor, Saratov
Evolution of opinions on the essence of plague non-specific prophylaxis in natural foci in the territory of russia and other cis countries
Evolution of opinions on the essence of plague non-specific prophylaxis in different historical periods is considered in the review. Significant experience in this particularly dangerous infection control accumulated by the anti-plague organizations of the CIS countries was laid in the basis of formation and development of the modern conception of plague non-specific prophylaxis in the territory of Russia.
Key words: non-specific prophylaxis of the diseases, disinfection, disinsection, deratization.
- V.V. Kanischev
The branch office of FGU 48 CNI MO RF "Centre of military-technician problems of biological protection", Ekaterinburg
Answer the tasks of biosafety of the use of disinfection means recommended for relation to bacteria (except for tuberculosis)?
Considered are the questions of application of modern disinfection means during the conducting of generating retraction in medical-preventive organizations. It is shown that many means have many overstating regimes with respect to effectivity. It is shown the question that the use of agents of not very stables may be used. Argumented is the use of disorder means, which positively affect the prophylactic of means and not accompanied by habituation of pathogenic microorganisms to them.
Key words: dismeans, current and general retraction, medical-prophylactic organization, innerhospital infections, prophylactic disinfection, effectivity of dismeans, regime of application of dismeans, test microorganisms.
- L.P. Zueva1, E.N. Kolosovskaya2, A.V. Lyubimova1, B.I. Aslanov1, A.E. Goncharov1, Yu.S. Svetlichnaya2
1Saint Petersburg State Medical Academy named after I.I. Mechnikov, Department of Epidemiology; 2Saint-Petersburg City Clinical Epidemiology Department of the Medical Information Analytical Center
Substantiation of disinfectant sensitivity monitoring of pathogens circulating in hospitals
It is shown that hospital strains are able to acquire resistance to various disinfectants used in the healthcare settings. Taking into account this situation, there is a need for regular disinfectant sensitivity testing of the long time circulating hospital strains. Such sensitivity testing should be a part of the general microbiological monitoring operating within the infection control system, as well as should be an integral part of the epidemiological surveillance.
Key words: disinfection, disinfectant, hospital strain, resistance, sensitivity testing, microbiological monitoring.
- E.V. Fedorova1, A.N. Haritonov2
1State Educational Institute of Higher Professional Education "The Urals State Medical Academy" of ministry of public health of Russian Federation; 2MU "City center of medical preventive maintenance", Ekaterinburg
Disinfection of medical wastes: high-temperature technology of destruction of wastes in Ekaterinburg
A technology of high-temperature destruction of dangerous medical waste (DMW) without disinfection. The technology used in the hospital in Ekaterinburg and her features are: no stage disinfection DMW, used to collect single-use packaging; DMW transported by the specialized transport; high-temperature destruction of DMW produced in the incinerator. Results of its introduction are shown.
Key words: dangerous medical waste, high-temperature destruction without disinfection.
- M.Yu. Kuznetsova1, A.V. Sevbitov1, N.A. Shalimova1, E.Yu. Kanukoeva1, N.N. Filatov2
1First Moscow State Medical University named for I.M. Sechenov; 2FGUN "Central scientific-research institute of epidemiology"
Criteria for selection of tools for chemical sterilization of dental instruments
Medical products used in dentistry differs from the variety of design and composition of their constituent materials and their purpose. In this connection, we need an individual approach when selecting funds for chemical sterilization. Studied the criteria influencing the choice of drugs for sterilization of medical products to health facilities of dental profile.
Key words: disinfectants, chemical sterilization of the medical appointments in dentistry.
- M.G. Shandala, N.I. Shashina, O.M. Germant, N.D. Pakskina, O.P. Chernyavskaya, V.A. Tsarenko, M.M. Gavrilov, N.Z. Osipova
1FBUN "NII of Disinfectology" of Rospotrebnadzor; 2Rospotrebnadzor; 3FGUZ "Federal center of hygienic and epidemiology" of Rospotrebnadzor, Moscow
Information letter “about non-specific prophylactic of tick encephalitis, ixodic tick borreliosis (Lime disease), crimean hemorragic fever and other infections, causactive agents of which are transmitted by ixodic ticks (by conditions of 2011)
- A.Ya. Nikitin, E.I. Andaev, M.V. Chesnokova, S.V. Balahonov
FGUZ "Irkutsk antiplague research institute of Siberia and Far East" of Rospotrebnadzor
The prophylaxis of tick encephalitis on endemic territories of Siberian federal district
It is analysed the situation by the tick encephalitis and preventive measures in 12 objects of Siberian federal districts. It is shown that the great amount of infection is kept in Republics Altai, Khakass, Tuva; Krasnoyarsk border and Tomsk region. The specific accept was done on role and contemporary features on non-specific features of prophylactic of tick encephalitiс as measures of different prevention of some infections transmitted in case of biting by ticks. The antitick measure in stock fauns may be the wide application of acaricide in cattle. It is required that the individual protection of population against the biting of transmitters. The above measures do not give the considerable protection of population. However, the deterioration of attention to this problem may induce the raising of this illness and some other transmissive infections.
Key words: the Siberian federal district, morbidity by tick encephalitis, transporter, taiga tick, non-specific prophylactic, vaccination, serum immunization, pesticides, acaricides.
- S.A. Yakovlev, S.I. Tolokonnikova, M.M. Shilov, V.N. Chekashov, A.N. Matrosov, A.A. Sludsky, M.A. Tarasov, A.I. Udovikov
FGUZ "Russian Research Institute for Plague Control" Microbe "Rospotrebnadzor, Saratov
Experience in prevention of diseases in active natural focus of HFRS
The article presents the results of seven years of monitoring the effectiveness of deratization in the Camp, which was recorded in the vicinity of a stable circulation of hantavirus. Reducing the number of rodents, depletion of the species composition of groups in conjunction with sanitary and technical measures furnished sustained anti-effect.
Key words: hantavirus, rodents, deratization, anticoagulants, strength.
- To help professionals to work with the population
- L.S. Fedorova, I.M. Cirova
FGUN "NII of Disinfectology" of Rospotrebnadzor, Moscow
Disinfection in your house
Disinfection in the house work is one of the obligatory sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic measures, and it is directed to the struggle with infection morbidity by means of destroying of pathogenic and conditionally-pathogenic microorganisms on the objects of environment – possible factors of transfer of infection. Since the disinfection in life is exercised by the people, it is quite necessary to explain some questions concerning the danger of distribution of infections, their meaning, correct selection of the method and means of disinfection. Competent procedure of disinfection in homes permits to avoid the developing of morbidity among the members of family.
Key words: disinfection, infection diseases, pathogenic microorganisms.
- New documents of Rospotrebnadzor
- List of the disinfection, disinsection, deratisation means, registered from February to May 2011
- T.M. Zheltikova
- The book "Cockroaches. Biology, ecology, sanitary-and-epidemiologic value, number control of sinanthrop cockroaches" by autors V.P. Dremova and N.A. Alesho
- Demand – answer