- NOD Regulations
- Acception rules for members of national disinfectionists organization (NDO)
- On the size of the national disinfectionists membership dues
- Subscription for "Disinfection Affairs" magazine for 2005
- List of reviewers of "Disinfection Affairs" magazine
- Information for disinfectants manufacturers
- Requirements to the materials directed for publication in "Disinfection Affairs" magazine
- With care about nationўs health
- N.N. Filatov, I.A. Khrapunova, Yu.E. Emelina, E.P. Igonina, M.P. Finkhel, V.Yu. Filippov
- State Sanitary-and-Epidemiologic Surveillance Centre, Moscow
- Sanitary-engineering conditition of medical institutions and nosocomial morbidity in Moscow in 2003
The data given in the article concern the sanitary-engineering condition of the treatment-and-prophylacttic institutions according to the organization-lawful form of activity (state or private), distribution among the groups of sanitary authority, confirmed by the results of the laboratory and instrumental methods of investigation. Given is the structure of the nosocomial infections. The leading part among them belong to the purulent-septic infections (2/3); 1/3 belong to the “classic" infections. Prevalence to the risk factors of nosocomial infection caused by viral hepatitis belong to the infections, diagnostic manipulations and surgical interventions . The given analysis presents a basis for the development of prophylactic measures directed to the diminishing of the risk of nosocomial infection among the patients and personnel of the treatment-and-prophylactic institutions.
- T.V. Merenkova
Department of State Sanitary-and-Epidemiologic Surveillance of Ministry of Transport of Russia
- Organization and carrying out the antiepidemic and disinfection measures in case of detection of contagious patient in the passenger train during passengers’ travel
The report was made at exhibition "Disinfection, Disinsection, Deratisation" on March 3-6,2004 (Moscow).Given in the article are the data concerning the experience of the joint operation of the specialists of the sanitary-and-epidemiologic service of the railway transport and sanitary control points againts spreading the infection. In detail described are the peculiarities of the prophylactic measures carried out at the railway transport during the passengers’ travel.
- Yu.S. Yakovchik
Department of State Sanitary-and-Epidemiologic Surveillance of Ministry of Railway Transport of Russia
- Specifity of carrying out disinfection, disinsection and deratisation on objects of railway transport
The report was made at exhibition "Disinfection, Disinsection, Deratisation", on March, 2004, Moscow and reflects the experience of work of the prophylactic disinfection Department of the centres of state sanitary-and-epidemiologic surveillance of the Ministry of Railway Transport of Russia.
- V.P. Sergiev
E.I. Martsinovsky Medical Parasitology and Tropical Medicine Institute (IMPITM)
- Role of interspecies struggle in evolution of human being, causative agent and pathology
The report was made at the Scientific Programme following exhibition "Disinfection, Disinsection, Deratization" on March 5, 2004.
- A.V. Ivanenko, V.I. Khizgiyaev, S.D. Rozhkov
State Sanitary-and-Epidemiologic Surveillance Centre, Moscow, and State Unitary Enterprise “Dezcontrol"
- Significance of disinfection measures in epidemiologic control system
The analysis of epidemiologic situation and disinfection measures carried out in Moscow for the 5-year period made it possible to determine the closeness between the quality and the volume of disinfection measures and the spreading of the infectious diseases and those caused by social reasons (tuberculosis, pediculosis, scabies, microsporia, and trichophytosis). It is determined that the favourable tendency of the infectious morbidity in the population of Moscow greatly depends upon the activity of the disinfection service, satisfactory results of its work. At the same time, the increasing number of the revealed persons suffering from tuberculosis, pediculosis, scabies, microsporia and trichophytosis cause the necessity of more close interdepartmental activity in revealing the affected persons and more active carrying out the measures on the final disinfection in the foci of infectious diseases. The enlargement of the complex of the disinfection measures will make it possible to reduce the spreading of the infectious diseases, particularly caused by social reasons, first of all, among the desadapted groups of population.
- M.G. Shandala
Disinfectology Research Institute of Ministry of Public Health of Russian Federation, Moscow
- Virucidal activity estimation for disinfectants and some testing problems
This article is introduced to develop the discussion of the named problem (Disinfection Affairs, 2004, № 1, pp. 52–57) It is indicated, that according to the current knowledge, reflected in the the European Committee for Standardization European Standard prEN 14476 "Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics – Virucidal quantitative suspension test for chemical disinfectants and antiseptics used in human medicine – Test method and requirements (phase 2/step 1)", there are used special strains of model-viruses. They are poliovirus and adenovirus for normothermic procedures, and parvovirus for chemothermic procedures. Other standards and recommendations apparently are under development and, probably, will include some other model-viruses and techniques of virucidal activity estimation.
- Yu.G. Suchkov, I.I. Strelnykov, V.G. Slizkova, B.I. Leonov, V.P. Ippolitov, V.M. Bakhir
Research Laboratory Center MGCD,
The AllRussian Institute for Medical Engineering (VNIIIMT MZ RF) - Disinfection of conditioners by ANOLIT solution
The disinfection effect of anolit was investigated by means of irrigation of the internal surfaces of conditioners. It was determined the high efficiency of the disinfectant, especially for spore forming bacteria. The conclusion about expediency of anolit application for disinfection of house hold conditioners without coal filters is made.
- V.M. Bakhir, B.I. Leonov, S.A. Panicheva, V.I. Prilutsky, N.Yu. Shomovskay, I.I. Strelnykov, Yu.G. Suchkov
The All-Russian Institute for Medical Engineering (VNIIIMT MZ RF),
Research Laboratory Center MGCD - Ways of creation of effective and safe antimicrobic liquid means and evolution of public recognition of disinfections
Discussed in the article are the questions of a choice of liquid antimicrobic preparations. Theoretically anolit ANK has advantages over stable organic disinfectants
- M.N. Kostina, M.M. Maltseva, Yu.V. Lopatina, E.A. Novikova, M.M. Akulin
Disinfectology Research Institute of Ministry of Public Health of Russian Federation;
ZAO "Rosagroservice". Moscow - Imidacloprid as a new substance for insecticide development in Russia
Imidacloprid (95,3%) neonicotinoids group substance has been researched and studied at the territory of the Russian Federation. This substance by its action principally differs from traditional FOS, pyrethroid, carbamat insecticides. The substance is designed to be used for different preparative forms development. "Confidant" 20% water soluble disinfectant based on imidacloprid is distinguished from others with its high efficacy, different species sensibility and prolonged residual action, that is also peculiar to other representatives of neonicotinoids.
- V.V. Timoshkov, G.M. Manenkova, L.V. Rodina, L.N. Rrumiantseva
State Sanitary-and-Epidemiologic Surveillance Centre, Moscow,
Moscow municipal disinfection centre - About brown rat fleas in Moscow
Presented in the article are the data about the species of fleas detected on brown (Norway) rats in Moscow , dynamics in quantity of rat fleas Nosopsyllus fasciatus and Xenopsylla cheopis. Described are the cases of supposed bringing of fleas X. cheopis to Moscow in 1997–2000.
- G.N. Zaeva, M.M. Maltseva, O.I. Berezovsky, M.I. Shutova, T.Z. Risina, R.P. Rodionova
Disinfectology Scietific Research Institute,
Ministry of Public Health, Russia - Risk of secondary intoxication of non-target species when employing deratisation means
The danger exists for deratisation means containing the highly effective and stable actively functioning agents (АДВ) to affect the fauna of non-target species such as domestic and wild animals, birds via the dead bodies of rodents (mice, rats, voles, sand eels, susliks), thus creating the conditions for secondary intoxication. The main danger for non-target species presents the wide-range extermination treatment of natural habitats which are the reservoirs of the natural infections. Used nowadays deratisation means are divided into large groups: acute poisons and poisons of cumulative action. The most dangerous in acute poisons with respect to secondary intoxication is zihc phosphide (ФЦ). As concerns the poisons of the cumulative action, the most dangerous are anticoagulants – 4-hydroxycumarin derivatives (bromadiolon, warfarin, brodiphacum, cumatetralil, flocumaphen, etc.) The data presented require the strict approach to the wider-range treatment of the inhabited points with deratisation means, particulary at the places of habitation of the diurnal and night(time) mammals and birds, who can eat the weakened rodents, and obligtory utilisation of non-used baits and dead bodies of animals and birds.
- N.S. Vasiliev, V.S. Andreev, O.D. Lyamkina, S.M. Savenko, P.A. Demidov
- Chemical indicator class selection to control sterilisation conditions in chamber of gravitation steam steriliser
Scientific and production company "Vinar"(Moscow);
Clinical Hospital of Administration of the President of the Russian Federation;
4th Municipal Clinical Hospital, Moscow - S.M. Ivanov, V.S. Andreev, I.M. Abramova, V.V. Diakov
Scientific and production company "Vinar";
Disinfectology Scientific Researcg Institute, Moscow - Choice of chemical indicators for control of sterilisation conditions inside and outside the objects to be sterilised
The control values of critical parameters according to GOST R ISO 11140-1 are the most important specifications for chemical indicators. Suitability of an indicator for the sterilization cycle control depends on its stated values. Control values should be given in user’s guidance. Basic requirements for chemical indicators intended for critical parameters control inside the objects being sterilized (inner control), and the same for control in the sterilizer chamber outside the objects (outer control) are considered. Background is given why there should be different indicators with differential stated values for efficient inner and outer control of critical parameters in steam sterilizers with gravity air displacement by means of blow-out with stream.
- Resolution of Russian Federation Government from June 30, 2004 № 322 "On ratification of Status of Federal service of the surveillance in the sphere of defence of rights of consumers and welfare of people"
- Resolution of Russian Federation Government from June 30, 2004 № 325 "On ratification of Status of Federal agency on public health and social progress" Federal service of the surveillance in the sphere of public health and social progress. Letter from 28.07.04. № 1326/04
- Medifox
- Deltasept
- DDD – Disinfection, Disinsection, Deratisation