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Disinfection affairs № 1 / 2005

Information on NDO meeting
NDO (National Disinfecters Organization) Exectuve Direction Plan for 2005
On the voluntary dinsinfection, disinsectization and rat eradication services
Manufacturers Council Information Sheet

B.S. Gorjatchkin
On the work of disinfectants manufacturers at NDO in 2004

A.I. Levitin

Astrakhan Federal State Institution Ministry of Healthcare Filial Enterprise "PROPHYLAXY" ("DISEASE PREVENTION")

Federal state enterprises for disinfection: medical, social and economical significance

Life in high technically developed society leads us to the possibility (risk) of different etiology catastrophes that conditions the development of their prevention measures. Author accentuates a special focus at the prevention measures with the techniques and means of disinfection, disinsectization, rat eradication as at the most cheap, accessible, relatively easy and reliable techniques and means.

A.N. Anikin

State medical establishment Perm Regional Disinfectology Centre

General improvement directions of disinfection service in Perm region

The prerequisites of the disinfection service improvement directions in Perm region appeared to be the public healthcare, including State sanitary service, system reform, the introduction of new juridical and natural persons into the disinfection services market. The experience of Perm Region Disinfection Center deserves some attention from disinfectors.

A.V. Ivanenko

Moscow Centre for State Sanitary and Epidemiologic Surveillance

Types and structure of managerial solutions, aimed at the decrease of contagious diseases rate

Represented is the analysis of actual in Moscow legislation and regulation documents on contagious diseases preventive care for the last 15 years. It is determined, that legislative base of managerial solutions controls epidemic situation for the majority of contagious diseases, that is testified with the decrease in measles, German measles, epidemic parotitis (mumps), whooping-cough, diphtheria, B Hepatitis, acute intestinal infections, tuberculosis, influenza and acute viral respiratory infections level is supported at the socially acceptable level. Analysis of the official regulative and methodical forms and structure indicates great interest and active participation of the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of Moscow, State sanitary and epidemiologic surveillance service leaders in the fight against contagious diseases and, consequently, for the city health improvement.

L.A. Rubashkina, V.A. Kitajkin, M.M. Schvager

Rostov Basic Medical College;
Rostov Region Centre for State Sanitary and Epidemiologic Surveillance Federal state establishment

On the disinfection training at the Rostov basical medical college

The article describes the experience of "Disinfection business" training at the Rostov basical medical college.

A.V. Mizgajlov, T.V. Gololobova

Moscow Centre for State Sanitary and Epidemiologic Surveillance

Management of the State sanitary and epidemiologic surveillance after the disinfection activities in Moscow

The article describes the huge managerial work for the construction of state sanitary and epidemiologic surveillance for disinfection activities in Moscow.

A.V. Ivanenko, V.I. Khizgijaev, S.D. Rozhkov

Moscow Centre for State Sanitary and Epidemiologic Surveillance;
"Dezcontrol" State unitary enterprise

Disinfection measures in the system of epidemic control

Authors carry out a profound analysis of the epidemic situation in Moscow for a 5 years period (1999-2003) and also analyze disinfection measures complex. Revealed is the connection of contagious diseases spread, disinfection measures volume and quality. Authors convincingly prove, that substantiation, development, management and carrying out the disinfection measures are, at first, defined with the epidemic process characteristics, that realize a certain technique of infector transmission from the source to the recipient body. In whole, benevolent tendency in contagious morbidity complies with positive dynamics of the city disinfection service main indicators. At the same time, the analyzed period is characterized with high continuous increase of pediculosis and scabies among the socially disabled population groups. Authors make a conclusion, that it is necessary to focus special attention at the further measures. Aimed to decrease spreading of the named infections to the socially acceptable level, and one of the leading parts in it belongs to the disinfection measures.

A.A. Golubkova, S.S. Smirnova, A.N. Kharitonov, V.M. Votchinsky, D.V. Krajukhin, J.V. Jajulontseva

The Ural State Medical Academy; Sverdlovsk Region Centre for State Sanitary and Epidemiologic Surveillance Federal state establishment;
Centre for AIDS and other contagious diseases preventive care and treatment;
Centre for State Sanitary and Epidemiologic Surveillance Federal state establishment in the Ekaterinburg of Sverdlovsk Region

Some problems of disinfection measures management and possible approaches to their efficacy estimation

Materials of the group of authors from Ekaterinburg were read at the XIV-th National Disinfecters Organization (NDO) Congress. The article deals with the results of disinfectants expense norms definition and finding out the demand of every clinic of the city. Purulent staphylococci infection morbidity in newborns and their mothers has a correlative dependence on the disinfectants, sterilants and skin antiseptics supply of the maternity homes. At the basis of the carried-out research, offered are actions to improve the disinfection process management in public health establishments.

S.A. Musienko, B.I. Martchenko, O.V. Musienko, N.M. Grinko

Centre for State Sanitary and Epidemiologic Surveillance in Taganrog, Neklinovsky, Matveev Kurgans and Kujbyshev districts of Rostov region

Approaches to the entomology welfare provision in an industrial city

Rostov region and some settlements are described as still having problems with conservation and circulation of such natural focal infections as tularemia, Q fever, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, and others. Activation of the pestholes is directly correlated with the changes of ixodes ticks number and activity. Research of the epidemic situation defined the necessity to develop and practical implementation of the anti-epidemic and hygienic measures. The provided work achieved good efficacy.

Т.I. Ivanova, O.I. Mukhina, N.S. Lobanok

Moscow Centre for State Sanitary and Epidemiologic Surveillance; Disinfection station № 1 of Moscow Disinfection Centre State unitary enterprise

Sanitary and technical evaluation of Moscow water reservoirs and disinsectization measures in malaria prevention

This article gives a brief historical review of malaria morbidity in Moscow. Simultaneously authors analyze current situation with malaria risk in megapolis, gives their assessment to measures held in Moscow with the participation of the State sanitary and epidemiologic service institutions. These measures are based at the epidemic analysis, phenological observations of malaria transmitters, operative control of open water reservoirs sanitary and technical condition, efficiency of measures and so on.

J.N. Zubkova, S.N. Bazdyrev, V.A. Butskih, O.N. Rodionov, V.D. Bytchenko

Center for Sanitary and Epidemiologic Surveillance on traffic in Sheremetjevo;
"Moskva" companies group;
"Sanita" joint stock venture;
"Aeroflot" joint stock venture medical center

Aircrafts onboard disinfection

Authors share the experience of their practical work and scientific researches results, related to the usage of disinfectants at the special assignment units – air fleet crafts.

M.V. Kunashev, M.I. Shutova

Supersun MK Private Limited Company;
The Ministry of Healthcare Scientific Research Disinfectology Institute

To the problem of rat eradication at the units with pendant ceilings

Having analyzed new building technologies, authors share experience of rat eradication works at the units with pendant ceilings.

B.I. Kurtchanov, V.M. Tkachiova, J.V. Schijan, A.A. Veselov, H.O. Makedon, A.M. Datsevitch, I.M. Tchmyrj, J.G. Ljutov

Saint’Petersburg Centre for State Sanitary and Epidemiologic Surveillance Federal state establishment;
The Ministry of Healthcare Saint’Petersburg city disinfection station State enterprise;
The Ministry of Healthcare Anti’plaque Centre Northwest anti’plague Station state enterprise

Experience of nonscheduled widescope deratization actions management and realiztion at the territory of a presentday megapolis

Authors share their experience of nonscheduled rat eradication actions in a multimillion megapolis. Good results of such a complex approach are illustrated in the article.

S.P. Rasnitsyn

Moscow Disinfection Centre State unitary enterprise

Planning of laboratories population living organisms

It was proposed the index, characterizing the temp of growth of the organisms numbers, the method of its calculation and examples of its using for cultures planning, determination of production value.

M.A. Samurov

State institution Anti’plague Center

To the issue of disinfection business and pests control

The article describes some distinctive features of the management and carrying out of the fight against pests in the system of disinfection business and pest control. Estimated Is the part of biologists in the management and carrying out the pests number control.

N.S. Vasiliev, O.D. Lyamkina

Scientific and production company "Vinar", Moscow

Problems of steam sterilization of aqueous solutions

Sterilization of solutions at laboratories and pharmacies, in accordance with the existing regulatory documents, is permitted by the following technologies (sterilization cycles): a) cycle with full removal of air from sterilization chamber used to sterilize only objects sustaining excess internal pressure over 2 atmospheres; b) cycle with steam-air mixture, heating with steam, pressure compensated with compressed air supply used to sterilize solutions in any containers and capacity; c) cycle with steam-air mixture, heating with hot water, pressure compensated with compressed air supply used to sterilize solutions in sealed containers and bottles. Russian market for pharmacies and laboratories provides only steam sterilizers using sterilization cycle with full removal of air from sterilization chamber (types VK-75 and GK-100). These sterilizers contain no instruments to control critical parameters of sterilization process or monitoring systems. The only means of control for such sterilizers are chemical, indicators. The list of chemical indicators is given to control compliance with critical parameters of steam sterilization either in chamber of steam sterilizer or inside control sterilized flasks. On the basis of analysis of sterilization technology and regulatory documents, requirements are drafted for steam sterilizers for sterilization of solutions.

M.M. Livshits, Yu.G. Suchkov

Research laboratory center MGCD

The control of activity of air sterilizers

The outcomes of tracing biological (IB) with disputes Bacillus licheniforormis the strain G ВКМ 1711ВD. Application IB since 1986 for the control of activity of air sterilizers are submitted(shown) has allowed to lower number of unsatisfactory result ins 4 times (to 0,8%)

K.A. Shestakov, A.M. Kochetov, I.I. Strelnykov

Research Laboratory Center MGCD

Spectrophotometric phosphide zinc determination method in technical preparations

Alternative content zinc method of determination in technical phosphide zinc was proposed. The method is based on the Spectrophotometric analysis of complex compound zinc with с [l-(2-piridilazo)-2-naphtol] (PAN).

Our congratulations

The Russian Federation Government Decree from January, 17, 2005
List of the disinfection means, registered in the januaryfebruary of 2005

List of writings published in "Disinfection Affairs" in 2004

OOO "Flagman-MFK"
OOO "Medifox"
K. Geinbihner: "On the flies we march"
The Centre of disinfection technologies