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Disinfection affairs № 2 / 2010



Information report about conference of presidium of National Organization of Disinfectionists (№ 2010-1 from May, 20, 2010)
New members of NOD
Place for membership in NOD
Position of Honorable member of NOD
Registration of emblem NOD
About exhibition with participation of NOD
A.A. Nafeev

FGUZ "Centre of hygiene and epidemiology in Ulianovsk region"; Ulianovsk state university, medical faculty

Problems of organization of the epidemiologic supervision for natural-focus infections of zoonosis character in contemporary conditions

The leptospirosis together with other natural-focus infections are of great problem of public health of Russian Federation. For the most of natural-focus infections are characterized the dispersion in the zones of moderate climate. To such zones are refered the lands along the Volga, where variety of landscapes , weather-climatic factor, the speciality of geobotanic assotiations and faunistic complexes contribute to supporting of stimulants of leptospirosis. The changes in Russia in the period of the last decades, the difficult transitional period to the news forms of social and economic relations, no doubts create the new row of conditions complicating the situation. The forming new social-economic reasons give the significant role of the appearance of leptospirosis on the territory of Ulianovsk region. The innovation to approach to the epidemiological supervision of leptospirosis in the present time should consider the formation of new natural sources under the action of new anthropogenic and climatic factors; change of biocenotic structure of natural sources; forming of natural-focus of combined infection diseases (leptospirosis and GLPS); change of epidemic potentiality of natural sources; sinantropization of infection diseases.

Key words: leptospirosis, natural focal infection, anthropogenic and climatic factors, epidemic potential.


O.A. Ignatova1, A.N. Kaira1, T.V. Solomai2, G.V. Yuschenko1

1Moscow Russian Medical Academy of postdiplome education; 2Rospotrebnadzor department in Moscow region

Peculiarities of epidemiologic virus hepatite A in Moscow region on a contemporary stage

In the article analyzed is the condition of sick rate of virus hepatite A (GA) in Moscow region for 10-year period, etiologic structure of virus hepatite, the analyses of reason of origination of GA, epidemiologic cases of ignition of GA among the population of Moscow region.

Кey word: viral hepatitis A, etiologic and age structure, dynamics of incidence, seasonal fluctuation, poor water samples, transmission, disinfection measures.


V.I. Sergevnin1, I.S. Sharipova4, N.I. Markovitch2, N.G. Zueva3, N.S. Avdeeva4, P.S. Gusmanova4, P.B. Azanov3

1Perm state medical academy named for E.A. Vagner; 2Ministry of health of Perm region; 3Perm regional clinical hospital; 4Perm Clinical hospital № 7

Value feasibility of entry agents of pyo-septic infection through medical latex gloves

Established the penetration of S. aureus and E. coli through latex medical gloves Perri and Dermagripp in the experiment after 30 minutes on average 15 % of cases, after 60 minutes – 25 %. The penetration of microorganisms through gloves of same species treated with antiseptic found in 29,5 and 45,5 %, respectively.

Key words: latex medical gloves, opportunistic microorganisms, penetration.


A.A. Golubkova1, E.I. Sisin2, S.A. Balagutdinova2, L.I. Soboleva2

1Uralsk state medical academy, Ecaterinburg; 2Nyagans regional clinical hospital, Nyagan

Contemporary disinfectology technologies in the prophylactiс of professionally-conditioned medical personal

Adverse effect of occupational hazard factor influence at the respiratory apparatus disease occurrence, microflore hand skin composition, cause complain at the health state of medical personnel. Technology improvement proposes consequence warning.

Кey words: occupational disease of medical workers, negative exposure disinfectant technologies, respiratory apparatus disease, microflore skin change, questionnaire measure correction.


L.S. Fedorova1, I.N. Chernyavskii2*, E.V. Kudryashova2, O.N. Nikitina2

1FGUN "NII of Disinfectology" of Rospotrebnadzor; 2OOO "Disassist", Moscow

Investigation of microbe seeding of ventilation system and air conditioning in various objects of Moscow

Studied is the microbe seeding of air ventilation system and conditioning in Moscow; indicated is the connective between the sanitary equipment and unsatisfactory condition of these systems in the bacteriologic relation.

Key words: bacterial contamination of air, disinfection systems, ventilation and air conditioning, sanitation systems, ventilation, sanitary and bacteriological examination of indoor air.


N.N. Filatov1, M.Yu. Kuznetsova2, A.V. Sevbitov2

1FGUN "Central scientific-research institute of epidemiology", Moscow; 2Moscow Medical academy named for I.M. Sechenov

Modern analysis of corrosion activity of disinfection measures

The corrosion activity "Ecodez" in quantity of acting agent has 50% of alkildimethylbenzilammony chloride. It has the high anti-microbe and sporocyde action. It is demonstrated that this agent has the minimum corrosion activity as compared to standard culture (hydrogen peroxide).

Кey words: disinfectants, corrosion activity, «Ekodez».


M.G. Shandala1, N.I. Shashina1, O.M. Germant1, N.D. Pakskina2, V.A. Tsarenko3, M.M. Gavrilov3, N.Z. Osipova3

1FGUN "NII of Disinfectology" of Rospotrebnadzor; 2Rospotrebnadzor; 3FGUZ "Federal center of hygienic and epidemiology" of Rospotrebnadzor, Moscow

About non-specific prophylactic of tick encephalitis, ixodic tick borreliosis (lime disease), crimean hemorragic fever and other infections, causactive agents of which are transmitted by ixodic ticks (by conditions of 2010)
Yu.A. Kozlova, D.B. Verzhutskiy, E.A. Vershinin, V.M. Korzun, A.Ya. Nikitin

Federal State Health Care Institution of Siberia and Far East Rospotrebnadzor, Irkutsk

Assessing Efficiency of the Actions Aimed at Synathropic Blood-Sucking Insects Control in Irkutsk

Long-term materials on the occurrence dynamics have been reviewed for cellar mosquito Culex pipiens pipiens f. molestus and cat flea Ctenocephalides felis in Irkutsk city facilities. The materials show that within the period from 1997 till 2007 the occurrence and abundance of mosquitos in cellars declined. Though the number of places characterized by flea populations has not changed a lot since 2002. A conclusion was drawn that common disinsecting measures are not enough to control these two types of blood-sucking insects. Disinsecting measures should be undertaken simultaneously with a number of actions including drainage of cellars and ensuring their inaccessibility to domestic animals who may be potential feeders of fleas imago. In addition, it is very likely that the flea population became resistant to widely used insecticides. In order to ensure efficiency of the disinsecting measures it is essential to replace the applied poisons and to regularly change the insecticides in future.

Key words: synathropic blood-sucking insects, disinsection, mosquitos, fleas, sanitary actions.


V.V. Shkarin, A.S. Blagonravova

Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy

Theoretical poinT of view on disinfection, disinsection, deratization

The article contains the theoretical problems of disinfectology. Authors discussed disinfection, disinsection and deratization (rodent control), as a independent brunches of epidemiology with different objects and points of action (different links of epidemical process), aims, tasks, objects of investigation, methods of action to the biological objects.

Key words: disinfection, disinsection, deratization, disinfectology, epidemiology, epidemical process, science, object, aims, tasks, methods.


About the projects of documents of Rospotrebnadzor
The letter of Federal service in supervision of protection of rights of consumers and prosperity of a man from 08.02.2010 01/6276-10-29 from 22.04.2010 "About the additional measures on information about the production not subject to sanitary-epidemiologic examination"
Decision of Main State sanitary physician of Russian Federation from 19.03.2010 № 57 "About the prophylaxis of acute intestinal infections"
Agreement between Service of supervision in the sphere of defence of rights of users and welfare of a man (Russian Federation) and Central Government of Chinese People Republic on inspection for quality and quarantine in the region of sanitary protection of territories
About preparation of children for summer sanitation campaign of 2010 year and problems of preparations of general instruction equipment for new 2010-2011 years
Hygienic requirements for arrangement, organization, equipment and maintenance of objects of public health and social service designed for constant living of very old and invalids
List of the disinfection, disinsection, deratisation means, registered from Februry 2009 to April 2010
Demand – answer