- The XII-th congress of the National disinfecters organization informational report
- A greeting word of deputy chief of the administration of Krasnodar territory to the participants of the XII-th congress of the National disinfecters organization
- On the executive management work
- O.M. Novoselskaja
- The XII-th congress of the National disinfectionists organization Resolution
- On the size of the National disinfecters organization membership dues for the year 2003
- M.G. Shandala
Disinfectology Scientific and Research Institute
- Questions of disinfection biosafety maintenance
The article is dedicated to the urgency, state and directions of the further perfection of biosafety medical problems. In particular, there are given the characteristic features of various disinfection techniques; a state of the development of means of disinfection necessary for these purposes, decontamination, sterilizations, disinfection and deratization; requirements to "ideal" disinfectants for treatment facilities; the foreign data on comparative stability of pathogenic microorganisms to disinfectants; and also a substantiation of necessity of scientific researches on development of effective ways of destructing prions.
- N.I. Shashina, M.N. Levchuk, V.M. Sorkin, A.P. Stepnov
Disinfectology Scientific-and-Research Institute of the Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation,
The Center of researches of scientific, technical, economic, normative and reference information of the Ministry of Industrial Science of the Russian Federation,
"Sana-info"Ltd. - Ways of the perfection of disinfectology experts informational supply
There is a brief analysis of the informational supply of experts in the field of the disinfectology. There is a necessity of improvement of the informational supply of experts and the population, and, in particular, on the expediency of the edition of a disinfectology abstract magazine. The data on a new web-site of Disinfectology Scientific and Research Institute are revealed in the article.
- M.M. Maltseva, G.N. Zaeva, T.Z. Rysina, R.P. Rodionova, G.P. Pankratova, N.A. Kotova, O.I. Berezovsky
Disinfectology Scientific-and-Research Institute, Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
- Estimation system of disinfectants safe application
In the article, the estimation system of the disinfectants safe application is considered for disinfectants of different assignments (disinfectant, disinsectant and deratization) with the account of assignment, modes of application and preparative means. For disinfectants with the account of their different assignments there have been developed the limiting criteria for the estimation of their safe application. The criteria for disinsectants is the biocide effect acute and subacute zones; for means of disinfection – zones of acute and subacute toxic action; for deratization means – parameters of acute toxicity and cumulative properties. Considered are the approaches to safe application of disinfectants of drinking water, of non-centralized water supply and water of swimming pools. In view of the developed criteria for all disinfection means, accepted as a basis is a four-grade classification of their hazard. Depending on a hazard, the disinfectants are ranged by application spheres, objects, safety precautions, ways of processing and expenditure rates while working with them.
- R.S. Ibragimov, R.R. Ibadulin
Moscow municipal disinfection center
- Some problems of disinfectology
Some problems are discussed that may delay the development of medical disinfectology as a medical specialty and acceptance of disinfection measures as one of the forms of medical activity.
- R.S. Ibragimov, V.F. Kolkov
Moscow municipal disinfection center
- Present-day problems of disinfection measures in Moscow
Moscow municipal disinfection center acts to ensure epidemic sanitation safety of Moscow population. Arriving problems have been dissolved considering the specificity of capital, by interacting with organs of government, sanitary-epidemiological departments, scientific centers and organizations of different property forms. Disinfection, disinsection and deratization data of the 3-year operation period are given in this article.
- S.U. Kreyngold
Moscow municipal disinfection center
- Express and simple chemical methods of disinfection preparations quality control
The express and simple methods to specify the acting agents in the insecticide, ratycide and disinfecting preparations are developed using the acceptable and economical means. Developed also are the express methods of control of the disinfectant acting solutions (hydrogen peroxide, chloramines, neutral anolyte, polysept) with the use of the indicator papers with contrast colour scales. Described is the possibility of the licensed chemical laboratory to identify the composition of the unconditioned or falcified preparations. Published is a substantially added with new methods "Practical guidance on chemical analysis of disinfection preparations".
- М.А. Galkina
General director of FGUP "Moscow regional centre of disinfection"
- Moscow region disinfection service reform results
The article reports about the problems of the disinfection service reformation. The point of view is set forth concerning the possibility of service reformation by means of opening the separate structural subdivisions – FGUP divisions.
- M.O. Mkrtchan
Center of State Sanitary-and-Epidemiologic Inspection in Krasnodar territory
- On the organization of epidemic-preventive (disinfection) actions during high flood of the year 2002 in Krasnodar territory
Given in the article are the data on the activity of the state sanitary-and-epidemiologic inspection in Krasnodar territory to eliminate the consequences of high flood in 2002. During the summer period in the south-east zone flooded were 30149 home ownerships, 1160 private and 56 public wells; 21954 private and 88 public lavatories. In the south-west flooded were 6328 home ownerships, 6261 private and 45 public lavatories, 1225 private and more than 60 public wells. Also can be found in the article the data on organizational, disinfecting and sanitary-and-epidemiologic measures taken to prevent the outbreak of infectious diseases.
- Yu.M. Mikhailov
General Director of the "Disinfection Center in the Stavropol Territory" of State Sanitary-and-Epidemiologic Inspection in Stavropol territory
- Social and economical aspects of carrying out the disinfection actions in the emergency cases in Stavropol territory
- P.S. Oparin, T.A. Antoniva
The Federal state unitary enterprise "Irkutsk disinfection station" Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation
- Application of modern disinfectants for hospital waste products disinfection
- E.I. Gudkova, A.A. Krasilnikov, N.L. Ryabtsevа
The Belarus State Medical University,
JointStock Company "BelAseptika", Byelorussia, Minsk - The past, the present and the future of quaternary ammonium
- G.G. Kardash, A.V. Belyakov, L.S. Pomogayeva, A.F. Moroz
MK VITA-POOL Co., Ltd., Moscow
- Some aspects of creating effective disinfectants on the base of tertiary amine – Lonzabac 12.100
The publication concerns the creation of domestic disinfectants with a broad-range activity on the base of the biocide substance, still new for Russia, N,N-bis-(3-aminopropyl)dodecylamine. The article covers dependence of efficacy of N,N-bis-(3-aminopropyl)dodecylamine base composition upon its existence form in the solution: saline or amine. The publication comes out of a supposition of the mechanism of biocide action of N,N-bis-(3-aminopropyl)dodecylamine.
- S.A. Roslavtseva
Disinfectology Scientific and Research Institute
- Present-day bait insecticides for houseflies eradication
The review of organophosphorus insecticides (chlorophos, azametiphos – Alphachron 50% SP, and others), aminoformic acid derivatives (methomyl – Bait, Muskachid) and neonicotinoids (imidacloprid, thiamethoxam – Agita 10 % water-soluble granules) as baits for houseflies eradication.
- M.N. Kostina
Disinfectology Scientific and Research Institute
- Imidacloprid as a representative of neonicotinoids
Neonicotinoids represent a rather new group among insecticides in Russia. They are antagonists of nicotine-acetylcholin receptor, that possess intestinal, contact and systemic action upon insects. Among medical disinsectants, the most known is imidacloprid, due to the "Ultra-gel" preparation by Bayer AG, Germany. It is a perspective insecticide designed to eradicate the cockroaches and ants of various kinds, being used in Russia for about 3 years. Procedure of its registration for processing the air boards of civil air-craft in the Russian Federation comes to an end.
- V.A. Kirillovskih, I.P. Strelets
The experimental-manufacturing center "Disinfectionist ("DDD" joint-stock company), Moscow
- Development and manufacturing process of new generation of pediculicide shampoo
In the article there is a list of pediculicide aids allowed by the Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation for the treatment of head and pubic pediculosis. It is underlined, that practically all of them do not possess the ovicide action that entails necessity of the repeated processing connected with additional expenses of time and means. The named drawbacks were removed by the way of the development, standardization and manufacturing new generation pediculicide shampoo "Veda-2", which at one-time application renders pernicious action at all the stages of lice development – from eggs up to imagoes. Time of an exposition is reduced down to 10 minutes, and the date of storage of the shampoo is 1,5 years. There are no domestic and import analogues registered in the Russian Federation.
- L.E. Darkova, L.I. Misсhenko
Disinfеctional station № 4 of Moscow municipal disinfection center
- Specificity of deratization measures in Moscow central administrative district
Existence of sinantrop rodents in a big city (rats and mice) depends on some reasons: – Rodents transport together with cargo; – Rodents migration from park and forest zones; – Easy rodent adaptation to new life conditions; – Existence of underground communications in city; – Impossibility to achieve the overall deratization. Presented is the disinfection station experience on deratization of different objects for the last 3 years.
- E.V. Kremlyova, O.V. Larionova
Moscow North-West District Sanitary-and Epidemiologic Centre
- Usage of computer technologies in deratization activities control on Moscow North-West District territory
Described in the article is an experience of Moscow North-West District Sanitary-and-Epidemiologic Centre
- The order of Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation from 10.11.2002 № 344 "On the state registration of disinfectants, disinsectants and deratization means for use in life, treatment-and-prophylactic establishments and in other objects for good safety and health of people"
- The letter of the Ministry of Public Health of the Russian Federation from 11.02.2002 № 2510/12395-02-32 "On disinfection, disinsection and deratization services rendered by the State sanitary and epidemiologic establishments of Russia under contracts with citizens, and individual businessmen"
- Sanitary-and-epidemiologic requirements to deratization. Sanitary-and-epidemiologic rules СП