- А.I. Levitin, S.N. Pushkarev
- Current problems of the federal state unitary enterprises
- A.A. Nafeev
The Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance in Ulianovsk region
- The organization of deratization in preventive maintenance of environmental natural-origin infections in the conditions of the disinfection system reform
The material is devoted to the problems of deratization in the establishments (disinfection structures) of various ownership forms. But, the leading part belongs to state enterprises, which solve the problems of maintenance of well-being of sanitary-and-epidemiological condition of territories in close interaction with the establishments of state sanitary and epidemiological services.
- Z.V. Pinkovskaya, N.V. Arkhipova, GA.Tyutina, L.N. Rumyantseva
Sanitation-epidemic supervisor center of Moscow East South administration district, Moscow city disinfection center
- About interaction of Sanitary-Epidemiological inspection center of Moscow South-East Administrative District and MGCD Disinfection station № 3
The activity of the Sanitation-epidemic supervisor centre of Moscow South-East administrative district and MGCD Disinfection station № 3 together with the Prefecture and district counsils is directed to ensure sanitation-epidemic safety of population. The necessity is underlined to divide the control and executive functions and to join activity in examination of water reservoirs, different buildings and general-city measures directed to exclude infection diseases.
- R.Sh.Ramazanov
Head physician of "Center for sanitary and epidemiological inspection at transport", Novorossijsk
- Some special aspects of deratization, disinfection and disinsection actions in the field of borders sanitary protection
Stated in the article are extracts from the international sanitary rules with reference to protection of borders and state sanitary and epidemiological inspection at the check points of the territory borders (the airports, seaports).
- E.V. Yurkova, V.F. Kolkov, E.P. Gorina
Moscow municipal disinfection center
- Organization of sterilization control in Moscow Municipal Treatment-and-prophylactic Institution
Stated is the necessity to improve quality of prophylactic and antiepidemic measures in treatment-and-prophylactic institution to exclude hospital infections. To obtain that aim the sterilization control by physical, chemical and bacteriological methods is important. Presented is the dynamic og control on the stream and air sterilize rs in treatment-and-prophylactic institution for the last 15 years. Given are the solutions of this problem in perspective.
- E.V. Yurkova, I.M. Bondarev
Moscow municipal disinfection center, Moscow public health Committee
- The influence of final disinfection on epidemic process at itch
Polyfactorial estimation of 27 skin-generologic dispensaries grouped by the levels of itch morbility and frequency of final disinfection by disinfectional stations in the focuses of itch, testifies to performed correlation dependence between these two parameters. The scope of final disinfection by disinfectional stations at an average of 93,2±2,6% of the itch focuses is necessary for the reliable decrease of the itch morbility in Moscow.
- N.S. Lobanok, K.G. Tolstov, V.I. Scherbinin
MGCD Disinfection station № 1
- Organization and fulfillness of prophylactic measures in natural-origin infection places in Moscow North-West and Zelenograd administrative districts
More than 30 years specialists of Sanitaru-and-epidemiological department and MGCD Disinfection station № 1 fulfil entomologic, epizootic examinations and prophylactic measures to prevent infection diseases in natural vacant sites of Moscow North-West and Zelenograd districts. Some people diseases such as(leptospirosis, listeriosis and haemorragic feber with renal syndrome) take place. The importance of deratization, disinsection, and epidemiological, epizootic monitoring is evident. Every year in spring and in autumn carried out are the calculations of the number of rodents and microbiological examinations of these rodents.
- V.M. Bakhir1, V.I. Vtorenko2, B.I. Leonov1, S.A. Panicheva3, V.I. Prilutsky1
1The All-Russian Research Institute for Medical Engineering (VNIIIMT MZ RF), Moscow;
2City Clinical Hospital № 52 (GKB № 52), Moscow;
3Electrochemical Technologies Ltd. (ECT, Ltd); St. Louis, USA - Efficicacy and safety of chemical solutions for desinfection, presterilization cleaning and sterilization
Offered is the estimation concept of chemical antimicrobic solutions efficacy and safety, considered are the perspective ways of disinfection activity development.
- V.P. Sergiev
E.I. Martsinovsky Medical parasitology and tropical medicine Institute (IMPITM), I.M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy
- Parasitic diseases and disinfection
- U.G. Suchkov, M.I. Levi
MGCD Research Laboratory Center
- Some results in production of biological indicators for wet heat sterilization efficacy control
Presented is the observation on production of more than 110 series of spores Bacillus stearothermophilus ВКM В-718 (of which 88 are productive). Differences in spores survival rate after storing from 12 to 48-55 months were established. Some reasons of that phenomenon were stated and practical recommendations for biological indicators production were given.
- S.U. Kreingold
Research laboratory center MGCD
- Determination of Potassium Monoperoxosulfate in Disinfectants
Determination of potassium monoperoxosulfate persisting in some disinfectants in the form of triple salt (2KHSO5·KHSO4 · K2SO4) is based on titration by tin chloride solution in the presence of potassium bromide with potentiometric registration by means of point platinum and glass pH electrodes. performed is the analysis of "Vircon" solution.
- L.K. Brusova, V.I. Semilet, A.S. Sokolov, E.V. Moskalenko, L.G. Sviridova, V.R. Kolmakov, L.V. Shakhova, S.A. Nenadskaya, L.N. Lukashova
Desinfection Station, Rostov-on-Don;
Sanitary-Epidemiological inspection centre, Rostov-on-Don;
Sanitary-Epidemiological inspection centre, Rostov region - Experience in application of up-to-date desinfectants in treatment-and-profilactic institutions of Rostov-on-Don сity
- S.U. Kreingold, K.A. Shestakov
Research laboratory center MGCD
- Determination of 1-(1-naphtil)-2-thiourea in poisoning baits
Proposed are spectrophotometric methods of determination of 1-(1-naphtil)-2-thiourea (NTU) in poisoning baits. Standard deviation 3–5%. The first method is based on self-absorption of NTU at 290 nm, the second method is based on appearance of colored azo-compound NTU at interaction with diazonium sulfanilid.
- M.N. Kostina
Disinfectology Scientific and Research Institute
- The basic directions of disinsection improvement at the present stage
In the article, offered are the ways to increase the number of eradication actions against the arthropods, that have sanitary-epidemiological and hygienic value. The initial stage is the action upon inhabitancy of a specie, depending on its biology. Also given is a list of available insecticide means with a detailed characteristic of the mechanism of their action in scientifically acknowledged circuits of rotation.
- A.I. Frolova, E.V. Yurkova, E.M. Gagua
Scientific Research Disinfectology Institute of Ministry of Public Health of Russian Federation,
MC Open jointstock company "Aeroflot",
I.M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy - Problem of pediculosis control in Moscow
- S.A. Roslavtseva, V.D. Bychenko, G.V. Stepanova, O.Yu. Eremina
Scientific Research Disinfectology Institute of Ministry of Public Health of Russian Federation,
MC Open jointstock company "Aeroflot",
I.M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy - And again on aircraft disinsection
The article deals with the problem of aircraft disinsection and describes the situation with on-board disin -section in Russia, disinsection aids recommended for use in aircraft as well as new sanitary regulations.