- About situation in South Osetia
- Information report about the meeting of NOD Presidium
- Statue of NOD with modification and supplements
- New requirements to the materials directed for publication in "Disinfection Affairs"
- Subscription of magazine "Disinfection Affairs"
- Information about exhibition in first half year of 2008 with participation of NOD
- About All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Focus and prophylactic disinfection in prevention and liquidation of infections diseases" devoted to 125 anniversary of
- Federal state disinfection station of public health "Saint-Petersburg city disinfection station, Saint-Petersburg"
- Welcome letter of Governor of Saint-Petersburg of V.I. Matvienko
- Welcome letter of Main State sanitary physician of Russian Federation of G.G. Onishchenko
- Alexander Iosifovich Levitin
- Natalia Filippovna Sokolova
- V.P. Ipatov
- Chamber of disinfection business and medical entomology, Russian Medical Academy of post-diplome education
- Chamber of disinfection matter and medicinal entomology of GOU DPO "Russian medical academy of afterdiplome formation"
- M.G. Shandala, N.F. Sokolova
FGUN "NII of Disinfectology" of Rospotrebnadzor; Chamber of disinfectology of MPF PPO MMA named for I.M. Sechenov, Moscow
- Disinfectology as scientific principle of disinfection activity
- L.S. Fedorova
FGUN "NII of desinfectology" of Rospotrebnadzor
- Methodology of creation of new disinfectant means
For effective prophylaxis of infection diseases, it is required the disinfectant means corresponding to the contemporary requirements. For purpose of constructing the disinfection means FGUN "NII of desinfectology" of Rospotrebnadzor, on the base of results of analyses of great experimental material were worked the scientifical-methodical principals of perfection of foundation of properties of disinfection means. Realization of the scientific principals is to create the wide assortment of disinfectant means with improved quantity. However, the change of conditions of application and production of disinfectant means, increasing the requirements to their antimicrobe activity and safety factor are placed the new tasks and make necessary the constant search of new disinfectant means.
- T.D. Tarasova, A.V. Lipnitsky, V.S. Lesovoy, V.N. Andrus
FGUZ "VolgogradNIPCHI" of Rospotrebnadzor
- Comparative characteristics of sensitivity of pathogen and opportunistic mushrooms to preparations of quarterly-ammonium connections (second report)
Given are the data about the effectivity of some different means for disinfection of means of external medium, contaminated exciters of micoses. Special attention is given to primary pathogens, which are the exciters of special dangerous mushroom morbidities. On the example of exciter of hystoplasmodes , it is taken the greater sensitivity to disinfectants of saprophyte (spawn) phase as compared the parasite (yeast-like). The enlarging stability is indicated by measure of ageing mycelium cultures C. posadasii 36S and H. capsulatum 6650. This fact is explained by diminishing the penetration of cellular cover.
- L.A. Kaftyreva, S.A. Egorova, M.A. Makarova
St-Petersburg Pasteur Institute
Resistance mechanisms to antibiotics and disinfectants among food born pathogens are considered. Epidemiological data about the incidence of Salmonella enterica different serovars resistant to antimicrobials are given.
- Disinfectants resistance of enterobacteriaceae – food born pathogens
- A.A. Kuzin, P.I. Ogarkov, V.V. Bojarintsev, A.N. Kazakov, T.N. Suborova, S.D. Zhogolev
Military-medical academy of S.M. Kirov, Saint-Petersburg
- Application of contemporary disinfection means, multiprofile stationeries of MD RF for prophylaxis of intrahospital infections
- G.E. Afinogenov, A.G. Afinogenova, N.A. Postrelov, M.V. Krasnova
FGU "Russian scientific-research institute of traumatology and orthopedies named R.R. Vreden of Federal agency of high-technological medical assistance", Saint-Petersburg
- Influence of nanoclusters of silver on forming of microbe biofilms to items of medical purpose
- A.A. Veselov, S.F. Slivinskaya, V.Yu. Nazarov
FGUZ "Saint-Petersburg city disinfection station, Saint-Petersburg"
- Actual problems of disinfection and sterilization in establishing of stomatologic profile
- V.V. Shkarin, O.V. Kovalishena, A.S. Blagonravova
GPU VPO "NigGMA of Roszdrav"
- Characteristics of stability to disinfection means of exciters of out of hospital infections
- N.A. Kireeva, N.I. Osmolovich, V.Yu.Nazarov, A.A. Veselov, S.F. Slivinskaya
FGUZ "Saint-Petersburg city disinfection station, Saint-Petersburg"
- Usage of biological test-objects for control of sterilizing apparatus and the results of conducted investigation in medical establishings of Saint-Petersburg in 1992–2007
- G.N. Mel’nikova
FGUN "NII of desinfectology" of Rospotrebnadzor
- The contemporary antiseptical means for processing the hands of medical personnel
This article is devoted to question on antiseptical means for processing the hands of medical personnel. For 1990 year and for the present time (in the comparison with the preceding years). The characteristic is given for created in various years, among them the new contemporary antiseptic means for processing the hands of medical personnel, containing the active щавшааукуте chemical groups: one-fourth – ammonium connection (CHAS), derivative of guanidine, tertiary amines, active iodide, spirits (ethanol, isopropanol), by means of their combination with different auxiliary substances and functional addition.
- V.F. Dyakov, V.Yu. Nazarov
FGUZ "Saint-Petersburg city disinfection station, Saint-Petersburg"
- Disinfection measures in points of transmitting of the state boundary on the territory of Saint-Petersburg (sea commercial, passenger, fish ports, airports)
- T.I. Cepkalo, I.A. Rakitin, A.V. Meltzer, N.S. Bashketova, V.Yu. Nazarov, A.A. Veselov, A.M. Dackevich, A.V. Segida, E.Ya. Krol’, V.F. Dyakov, I.A. Chmyr’, Yu.G. Lutov
Department of Rospotrebnadzor of Saint-Petersburg;
FGUZ "Saint-Petersburg city disinfection station, Saint-Petersburg";
FGUZ "North-West anti-plague station", Saint-Petersburg - The experience of organization and conducting the wide-scale out-of-plan deratization measures on the territory of contemporary megapolice
- A.N. Marchenko, E.V. Shabalina
FGUZ "Centre of hygiene and epidemiology in Tumen’"
- About of continious deratization in Tumen’ region in 2007
- A.N. Matrosov, T.V. Knyazeva, A.A. Kuznetsov, N.V. Popov, V.V. Kutyrev
Russian Anti-Plague Research Institute "Microbe", Saratov
- Emergency measures on the non-specific prophylaxis of diseases in plague natural foci of the Russian Federation
The conception of plague epidemiological surveillance based on the spatial differentiation of natural foci in the territory of Russia in the epidemic risk level allows to rationally reconstruct the system of prophylaxis of this infection and zooanthroponoses associated with it. The leading measures are the emergency ones on non-specific prophylaxis of diseases carried out in accordance with the Regulations that determine the content, dislocation, periods of time, multiplicity and volume of disinfection in every plague natural foci. It is impossible to provide the high performance of these measures without in-depth studying of the species composition dynamics, natural habitats, carriers and vectors of plague, solving of the administrative and financial problems of functioning of antiplague institutions.
- Members of exhibition
- List of the disinfection, disinsection, deratisation means, registered in 3 quarter of 2008
- I.Ju. Ivanova1, I.I. Tomilina2, V.M. Sherstnev3
1Orenburg state medical academy;
2Institute of biology of inner wsters of name of I.D. Papanin of RAN;
3FGUP "Centre of disinfection in Orenburg region, Orenburg" - Ecological monitoring of fresh-water echosystems and the health of population (Orenburg region)