

Journal "Disinfection Affairs" (Dezinfektsionnoe Delo) is for professional audience and recommended by Higher Attestation Commission (HAC). Issues quarterly, catalogue Agentstvo po rasprostraneniyu zarubezhnykh izdaniy subscription (section 10, subscription index 81926) and at editorial staff. The journal is about management problems and development of disinfecting service of Russia, present situation of National organization of disinfectionists (NOD) are reflected in this journal. "Disinfection Affairs" published from 1992 with Federal Service for Consumer Rights and Human Welfare Protection & All-Russian Research and Practice Society of Epidemiologists, Microbiologists and Parasitologists. Publisher: Non-profit partnership "National Organization of Disinfectionists" (NOD).

The main journal sections: "Epidemiology", "Disinfection", "Disinsection", "Deratization", "Sterilization", "Life of NOD", "Disinfection business management".

Research and practice and also advertising aids about desinfecting means and equipment for disinfecting, disinsection, deratization and sterilization, manufacturers of these means and equipment are represented in this journal.

The journal is presented in EBSCO Publishing - the largest aggregator of scientific resources of the leading publishing houses of the world, and Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory - the authoritative source of bibliographic and publisher information on periodicals of all types academic and scholarly journals.

The National Organization of Disinfectionists is a member of PILA (Publishers International Linking Association, Inc.), which is administrative structure of the registration agency Crossref and from the second number of 2019 we appropriated DOI (Digital Object Identifier) to all scientific articles in the journal "Disinfection Affairs".

Dear readers!

We invite you for cooperation with our journal. We're waiting for your analytic, scientific, practical and disputing materials concerning disinfecting and sterilization problems.

From 2003 the journal was included by Higher Attestation Commission of RF to the list of research and practice medical editions (represented by the leading medical editor) and to the list of periodical scientific and scientific and technical publications of RF (recommended for scientific dissertation results publishing, concerning science degree competition: Doctor/Candidate of Science). From 2022 on scientific specialties:

• Virology (1.5.10.) (Medical Sciences)
• Hygiene (3.2.1.) (Medical Sciences)
• Epidemiology (3.2.2.) (Medical Sciences)
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