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Disinfection affairs № 1 / 2008



To 75-years of NII desinfectology Rospotrebnadzora
Information report about the meeting of NOD Presidium

O.M. Novoselskaya
About the course of fulfifilment of Plan of work of Executive direction and resolution of XVI conference of NOD for 2007
Dimensions of entering and member of payments for 2008 calendar year
Information report about reception in members of NOD
Plan of exhibition measures with participation of NOD
Compounds of working commisions of NOD for 2008 calendar year
Description of organisation verifying the action and allowing it for application of Sign of accordance in the System of voluntary certification of disinfection works/services
Position of Sign "The preparations is given by NOD" (with alterations introduced by the decision of the Presidium of NOD from December 13, 2007)
Position of encouragement of members of NOD, moving a depoint in the development of disinfectology and organisation of disinfectology activity in Russian Federation
About consolidation of composition of reduction colleges and critics of magazine "Disinfection Affairs"
Subscription of magazine "Disinfection Affairs"
Forms of readers of magazine "Disinfection Affairs"
Prisemen of fill of charge subscription of magazine "Disinfection Affairs"
Educational-production plan of Moscow medical academy I.M. Sechenov for 2008 year
Learning in Educational centre of Moscow municipal centre of disinfection
Information report about meeting of Soviet of producers of means and equipment for DDD production at NOD
Information report about VII International forum "The dairy and meat industry 2008"
Information report about Open meeting of restaurateurs
nformation report about XIII International specialized exhibition "Grain-Combifoder-Veterinary-2008"
Recommendation "Disinfection, designation, deratisation at enterpisers of public nourishment"

M.G. Shandala
Standing and development in our country the first scientific disinfectologic institution (to 75-anniversary from the day of foundation)
Margarita Alexeevna Galkina

G.G. Volanuk

GGU of public health "Oreol of town disinfection station, town Oreol"

History of organisation and formation of disinfection service in town Oreol

Presented are the stages of history of development of disinfectology of Oreol town. Formation of Oreol town disinfection station as separate subdivision of sanepidservice of Oreol region. Industrial activity and problems of disinfection station.

To 10-years of Federal state unitary unit of disinfection profile "Disinfection" in Komi Republic (town Siktivkar)

I.A. Chodjakova, A.N. Murashkina, I.A. Shukina, V.A. Bondarev, N.V. Zubchonok, S.I. Saveljev

Goverment of Rospotrebnadzor in Lipetsk region;
FGUZ "Centre of hygiene and epidemiology in Lipetsk region"

Epidemiologic peculiarities of flash of hemorragic fever with renal syndrome in Lipetsk region

At the territory of Lipetsk region from 2002 year is an existances of two endemic natural hearths. GLPS and active circulation of two species of pathogenic chantaviruses Dobrava and Puumala. The main carriers of chantaviruses in the present period are natural hearths with meadow-field landscape is a field-vole associated with virus Dobrava, and in natural hearths with forest-and-steppe regions – with red voles, associated with virus Puumala, and field-vole mouse (virus Dobrava). The sick rate GLPS in winter 2006–2007 was connected with sharp increases of quantity of rodents in all habitats. High specific gravity in all sick rates of non-operating contingents and the data of epidemiologic investigation testity that principal in the life is primarily testity that infecting exists in the air-dust conditions. Determined is a genetic non-uniform of populations of virus Dobrava, circulating on territory of region, and is proved the existence of common hearth of GLPS associated with virus Dobrava of neighbouring territories of Lipetsk and Voronezh regions. Shown is epidemiologic effectivity of complex deratisation measures on localization of flash of GLPS.

A.A. Nafeev

FGUZ "Centre of hygiene and epidemiology in Uljanovsk region";
Uljanovsk State university, medical faculty

Epidemic manifestation of hemorragic fever with renal syndrome in the region with active natural nidi

It is shown in issue the analysis of contemporary tendencies of epidemic manifestation of hemorragic fever with renal syndrome. The given materials testity that in wood and in forest-and-steppe regions the condition of population of red voles is a main factor determining the epidemiologic situation in GLPS in territory of Uljanovsk region. in spite of remoteness of epidemic spriding of ELPS in the region, in the present time appear new epidemiologic symptoms requiring the further study for working out the more effective prognose and more epidemic process.

V.A. Trifonov1, V.V. Gasilin2, T.A. Savitskaya1, R.S. Yusupova1

1Government of Rospotrebnadzor in Tatarstan Republic;
2FGUZ "Center of hygiene and epidemiology in Tatarstan Republic"

Peculiarities of disease with GLPS in Tatarstan Republic

Main peculiarities of disease with GLPS on the territory of Tatarstan Republic: endemicity off all regions, uneven distribution of number of fallen ill. The sick rate in Tatarstan is higher than the mean number by 4-6 times. The investigations of rodents on chantaviruses show that infection disease vary from 1% to 19%, and the mean quantity amounts to 11% from the number of investigated beasts. Population with rodents of life-conditions makes up in establishments (pre-school and school) – 0,5, enterprisers of public health – 0,6, enterprisers of food industry – 1,0%. With a view to stabilization and decreasing of morbidity with GLPS, it is built a complex of prophylactic and counterepidemic measures including the destructing measures against rodents in populated areas on the area of 53 mln m2, on open territory of 20,2 mln m2. In service after deratisation is 85,6 thousands of objectives which forms 91,2 of all area of objects sudjected to deratisation.

V.V. Shkarin, O.N. Vorobjova, S.A. Ermoljeva, N.K. Kobjakova, V.V. Guzeev

GOU VPO "Nizh GMA Roszdrava", Nizhni Novgorod;
FGUP "NII of polymers named after academician Kargin V.A.", Dzerginsk

Study of antimicrobe action of new preparation Alkacetam and its compositions

In article the information is contained about a new worked out disinfection means Alkacetam, Alkacetam-M and compositions on ther base, which have the high antibacterial activity with respect to higher grade of tested microorganism.

V.G. Pilipenko, G.N. Beloglazova, V.P. Marakulin, L.G. Eremina

Governing of Rospotrebnadzor Tomsk region;
FGUZ "Tomsk regional center of disinfection"

Problems of pediculosis prophylaxis in Tomsk citi

In article presented is retrospective analysis of morbidity of pediculosis of population of Tomsk comparison with morbidity of Russian Federation in all. Analyzed is the dynamic of range of modifications of pediculosis as well as age-sex and social position of persons affected by pediculosis. It is established that for the period from 1995 to 2006 significantly changed the structure of family focuses of pediculosis. If in 1995 registered only the focuses of cephalic pediculosis, then in 1996 the part of focuses of closing and mixed pediculosis began rise (25,2%), and in 2002 to 2006 began dominate (80,9-66,4%). Social structure of focuses of pediculosis is represented as follows: 48,1% are inoperative citizens; 24,1% – pensioners; 19,1% – are single citizens; 5,8% are invalids; 2,9% are many-children families. The analysis of protivopediculosis measures conducted in territory of Tomsk is determined that contribution of Tomsk regional centre of disinfection in conducting the sanitary working of affected with cephalic pediculosis is composed 50%, and clothing and mixed are more than 90%.

Yu.M. Tokhov, O.N. Pugacheva, I.V. Chumakova

FGUZ "Сentre of hygiene and epidemiology in Stavropol region, in town Stavropol";
FGUZ "Stavropol scientific-research of antiplague institute"

Experiment of struggle with exode ticks in Stavropol region

In article are presented the results of many years testing of modern insecto-acaricide preparations of various chemical nature for destructing the exode ticks in natural biotopes on the territory of Stavropol region. The means are suggested for individual protection of population in hearths of Crimean hemorragic fever and determined are priority directions of the struggle with exode ticks.

M.N. Kostina

Laboratory of biologically insecticides NIID, Moscow

Ecologically safe insecticides

In case of ecologically safe insecticides, supplied are the regulators of development of insects (PPH), having the electing type of action and long residual activity. Stated is the history of their development, emergence of first preparatory forms and first laboratory and practical tests. Determined is the spectrum of theit activity, proposed are the methods of action with the register of biology of the item. It is recommended the scheme of introduction of the development of insects in the existing system of struggle with harmful arthropodes with the use of rotation of preparation with various mechanisms of action.

E.A. Grishina, S.A. Roslavtceva

FGUN NII of disinfectology of Rospotrebnadzor; Chamder of disinfectology of MMA named I.M. Sechenov, Moscow

Study of larvicide activity for mosquitoes insecticide from various chemical groups

In laboratory conditions on larval of 2–3 instars of mosquitoes Aedes aegipty in accordance with the methods, described in Guidelines for laboratory and field testing of mosquito larvicides (WHO/CDS/WHOPES/GCDPP/2005/13)" and MU "Methods of determining the effectivity of insects, acaricides, regulatory of development and repellents, used in medical disinsection" it is studied 2 preparatopry forms on the base of neonicotinoids: imidacloprid, acetamiprid, tiametoxam and one of forms on the base of piretroids and DV of phosphororganic insecticides. The more high larvicide activity have phention, chlorpirifos and cifox, neonicotinoids are less larvicide.

T.M. Zheltikova, V.P. Ipatov

Chamber of disinfection business and medical entomology, Russian Medical Academy of post-diplome education

Synantropic of community indoor environment and men health

The authors, using the data of the scientific literature and results of own researches, carry out the analysis of synantopic community inhabited indoor environment and influence on men health. In the article the necessity of monitoring and control of synantopic community number is proved.

The letter of Federal service in supervision of protection of rights of consumers and prosperity of a man from 08.11.2007 № 0100/11345-07-32 "About morbidity of echinococcosis in Russian Federation in 2006"
Order of leader of Federal service in supervision of protection of rights of consumers and prosperity of a man from 05.12.2007 № 345 "About accomplishment of acivity in effective expenditure of budget means"
Decision of Main State sanitary physician of Russian Federation from 21.12.2007№ 93 "About intensification of measures in struggle with tuberculosis in Russian Federation"
Decision of Main State sanitary physician of Russian Federation from 25.12.2007 № 94 "About strengthening of measures of warning against parasite infections and elimination of malaria in Russian Federation"
Order of leader of Federal service in supervision of protection of rights of consumers and prosperity of a man from 29.01.2008 № 32 "About conduction of All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Actual questions of theory and practice of disinfectology"
Order of leader of Federal service in supervision of protection of rights of consumers and prosperity of a man from 13.03.2008 № 91 "About conduction of All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Nidi’s and preventive disinfection in the prevention and liquidations of infectious diseases"
The letter of Federal service in supervision of protection of rights of consumers and prosperity of a man from 31.03.2008 № 01/2885-8-32 "About motion of accomplishing of resolution of Main State sanitary physician of Russian Federation from 29.08.2006 № 27"
The letter of Federal service in supervision of protection of rights of consumers and prosperity of a man from 31.03.2008 № 01/2890-8-32 "About measures on perfection of preventive maintenance Crimean hemorragic fevers in Southern Federal district"
List of the disinfection, disinsection, deratisation means, registered in 4th quarter of 2007

N.I. Romanchuk, L.I. Glushkova, I.V. Korabelnikov

Siktivkar state university

Application of organic fertilizers on the base of hydrolize lignin and protection of ambient surroundings

It is examined the question of utilization of chemically modified hydrolize lignin by means of including it into the soil-appearing processes in agrocenoses in North. It is shown that inclusion of hydrolize lignin into the compound of organic fertilizer is not only the method of utilization of multitonnage departures of hydrolize lignin, and by the method reduces the load on the ambient natural surrounding, but decides the task of increasing the content of the organic matters of soil and by this method creating the stability of ecologically steady agrosystems.


List of materials published in magazine "Disinfection Affairs" in 2007

Noticed misprints

Demand – answer