M.A. Galkina, O.M. Novosel’skaya
- Role of professional public organization "National Organization of Disinfectionists" in increasing the quality of the disinfection material
- About exhibition with participation of NOD, which takes place in the 2 quarter of 2009 year
- The results of conducting the All-Russian conference "Natural-focus infections of Far East", August 18-19, 2009, Khabarovsk
- Resolution of conducting the All-Russian conference "Natural-focus infections of Far East"
- Regulatory and instructional materials
- Subscription of magazine "Disinfection Affairs"
- V.A. Tsarenko1, N.Z. Osipova1, O.M. Novosel’skaya2
1FGUZ "Federal centre of hygiene and epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor",
2MoscowRussian Medical Academy of post-diplome education - Some aspects of activity of disinfection organizations of Russian Federation for the last 5 years (as to the reference data of form № 27 of federal statistic study)
The materials were produced with sounds at the All-Russian conference "Actual problems of disinfectology" which consisted in May, 20–21, 2009 in Ufa, Republic Bashkortostan. In the article is given the dynamics of the power supply system of the services of organizations of a disinfection profile of the state and non-state forms of property in Russian Federation for the 5-year of period of time.
Key words: organization disinfection profile, Disinfection, instructor-disinfector, quality deratization and pest activities, equipment disinfection and sterilization equipment, disinfection chamber, a central sterilization department.
- N.D. Pakskina
Federal service in supervision of protection of rights of consumers and prosperity of a man, Moscow
- Epidemiologic situation and basic directions of prophylaxis of a specially danger and natural-origin illnesses in Russian Federation. Contemporary requirements for organization of sanitary protection of territory of Russian Federation in the frames of realization of MMSP (2005)
The report was made at the conference of perfection of epidemiologic supervision of especially dangerous infection diseases and organizations of antiepidemiс measures, which was in November 19–20, 2008, in Zvenigorod, Moscow region.
Key words: sanitary protection area, the epidemiological situation, prevention of especially dangerous diseases.
- I.V. Korabel’nikov
FGUP "Disinfection", Syktyvkar" Rospotrebnadzor"
- Theoretical aspects of disinfectology
The materials were produced with sounds at the All-Russian conference "Actual problems of disinfectology", which consisted in May, 20–21, 2009 in Ufa, Republic Bashkortostan. The article is of a discussion character and contains the theoretical approaches to an object, subject, goal, tasks and methods of contemporary disinfectology.
Key words: object, object, goal, objectives and methods of disinfectology.
- M.G. Shandala, N.F. Sokolova
FGUN "NII of Disinfectology" of Rospotrebnadzor; Chamber of disinfectology of MPF PPO MMA named for I.M. Sechenov, Moscow
- Actual questions of natural security of disinfectology prophylaxis of natural-origin infections
The materials were produced with sounds at the All-Russian conference "Actual problems of disinfectology", which consisted in May, 20–21, 2009 in Ufa, Republic Bashkortostan. On the basis of data of episootological and epidemiologic properties of natural-origin infections, the available information about the disinfection, desinsection and deratisation, as well as normal-methodical documents which regulate the organization and conductance of disinfection measures at some illness relating to 4 group of natural-origin infections, formulated the actual directions of scientific investigations of disinfectology prophylaxis of the natural-origin infections.
Key words: disinfectology, natural foci of infection, disinfection, disinfestation, rodent control, regulatory and procedural documents.
- R.M. Takaev, N.A. Kuchimova, O.M. Mavlyutov
Management of Rospotrebnadzor of Republic Bashkortostan
- Prophylaxis of infection diseases in Republic of Bashkortostan
The materials were produced with sounds at the All-Russian conference "Actual problems of disinfectology", which consisted in May, 20–21, 2009 in Ufa, Republic Bashkortostan.
Key words: infectious diseases, prevention, deratization activities, particularly dangerous infections, hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS), anthrax, cholera.
- V.A. Trifonov1, V.A. Bojko2, V.S. Potapov3, R.S. Fassahov3, A.V. Kutyrkin2
1The goverment of Rospotrebnadzor in Republic of Tatarstan, Medical academy of Kazan;
2Institute of ecology and use of interior of the earth of AN RT, Kazan;
3FGUN "Kazan NII of epidemiology and microbiology" of Rospotrebnadzor - The basic epidemiologic rules of illness of some natural-focus infections in Republic of Tatarstan
Given are the information about the disinfection and causes of contemporary of unsuccessful illness of population with hemorragic fever with renal syndrome, tongues encephalitis, ixodes tongues borrelioses and fever of West Nil in Tatarstan. The authors give the results of serologic investigation of blood serous of possible transfer of virus of infection of West Nil – of planktonic birds as well as people, hospitalized with various infection diseases.
Key words: hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, tick-borne encephalitis, ixodid tick-borne Lyme disease, West Nile fever.
- S.V. Balahonov1, A.B. Boloshinov2, Z.F. Dugarzhapova1, R.S. Shoboeva2, A.V. Rodzikovskii1, T.A. Ivanova1, M.Yu. Shestopalov1, E.V. Kravets1, M.V. Chesnokova1, L.N. Yuzvik3
1Irkutsk Antiplague Research Institute of Siberia and Far East;
2Department of Rospotrebnadzora at Buryat Republic;
3Chita Antiplague Station - Evaluation of present epidemiological situation on anthrax in Siberia
Current epidemiological features of anthrax in Siberia are detected. Characteristics of the anthrax outbreak at Bargusinsky district of Buryat Republic in 2008 are presented. Efficiency of the rapid laboratory diagnostics PCR methods is shown. Main trends for anthrax prevention are suggested.
Key words: anthrax, epidemiology, disease anthrax, Bacillus anthracis.
- N.F. Sokolova
FGUN "NII of Disinfectology" of Rospotrebnadzor; Chamber of disinfectology of MPF PPO MMA named for I.M. Sechenov, Moscow
- Perfection of disinfection measures with a view to non-specific prophylaxis of anthrax of people
The article is prepared to the reference of the report on the scientific-practical conference "Theoretical and practical aspects of epidemiology", which was held in Moscow in January 28, 2009, and devoted to 75 anniversary from the day of birth of serviced worked of science of RF, academician of RAMN Beniamin Lazarevich Cherkassky. The contemporary services about the epidemiology of anthrax, standard of morbidity of people and animals contribute to the necessity of disinfection measures, development of disinfection means possessing sporocide action.
Key words: incidence of anthrax, disinfectants.
- A.N. Marchenko1, O.P. Markova2, E.V. Speranskaja1
1FGUZ "Center of hygiene and epidemiology in Tyumen region";
2GLPU "Tyumen region clinical hospital" - The peculiarities of microbe landscape of the objects of the hospital medium of surgical stationaries of many-profiles hospital
The article give the results of investigation of microbe phone of objects of ambient environment of stationares. Studied is the sensitivity of microbe agents of hospitals to antibiotics and disinfection means.
Key words: surgical hospitals, nosocomial infections, microbiological monitoring, sensitivity to disinfectants.
- E.S. Minakov, L.V. Taipova, G.V. Lysenko
Rospotrebnadzor department in Kemerovo region
- About organization and conducting the final disinfection of tuberculosis focuses in Kemerovo region
Analyzing the unfavorable condition connected with insufficient work with disinfection in the focuses of tuberculosis, the authors are divided with honor in development and introduction of some measures in strengthening of disinfection service in administrative territory of Kemerovo district, as well as to improving the work with the final disinfection in the focuses of tuberculosis.
Key words: final disinfection, foci of tuberculosis, the incidence of tuberculosis.
- V.V. Shkarin, A.S. Blagonravova, O.V. Kovalishena, I.G. Alekseeva, N.Ju. Ivanova, N.V. Saperkin
GOU VPO "Nizhegorodskaya state medical academy of Federal agency of public health and social development", Nizhni Novgorod
- Characteristic of microbe landscape of the external atmosphere of the birth house
It is concered with the results of evaluation of microbe landscape of the birth houses of Nizhegorod district, with the sensory of microflore to antibiotic and disinfectants. It is installed the common characteristics and divergence of microflore of any ambient medium of the obstetric care. The authors give the recommendations an epidemiologic supervision and complex of measures.
Key words: hospital-borne infections purulent-septic morbidity, maternity hospitals, microbial landscape of the environment, antibiotic resistance, and disinfectants.
- N.A. Zamyatina, R.M. Elbakyan, M.I. Mikhailov
Institute of poliomyelitis and virus encephalitis of M.P.Chumakov, RAMN
- The stability of virus of hepatitis A to the physical and chemical actions
The article gives the results of study of stability of virus of hepatite A to the action of various physical and chemical factory. These factories are of major actions during the development of contemporary agents, more effective and safe disinfectology means designed for disinfection of epidemically known objects contamination in virus of hepatite A. Shown is more high suitable of virus of hepatite A to physical and chemical factory to investigated in comparison with other virus of poliomyelitis. It is grounded the soundness of conducting the necessity of example of disinfecting means directly on virus of hepatite A and advisability of inclusion of virus of hepatite A.
Key words: hepatitis A virus, polio virus, virucidal activity, antigenic activity, quaternary ammonium compounds, physical and chemical factors, disinfectants, resistance.
- I.V. Kapba, E.N. Zubova
OOO "Dezindustriya", Moscow
- Selective fungicides – alternative approach for struggle with mold
The materials were produced with sounds at the All-Russian conference "Actual problems of disinfectology", which consisted in May, 20–21, 2009 in Ufa, Republic Bashkortostan.
Key words: fungal infection, mold, technology to combat mold, antifungal agents, water-repellent activity, the requirements for drugs against mold.
- The letter of Federal service in supervision of protection of rights of consumers and prosperity of a man from 19.05.2009 № 01/6767-9-32 "About malarial situation in Russian Federation in 2008"
- The letter of Federal service in supervision of protection of rights of consumers and prosperity of a man from 15.06.2009 № 01/8279-9-32 "About falling ill with trichinosis in Russian Federation in 2008"
- The letter of Federal service in supervision of protection of rights of consumers and prosperity of a man from 29.06.2009 № 01/9004-9-32 "About activity of parasitologic laboratories in 2008"
- The letter of Federal service in supervision of protection of rights of consumers and prosperity of a man from 29.06.2009 № 01/9005-9-32 "About realization of Resolution from December 27, 2007 № 94 "About strengthening of measurements by prevention of the parasitic illness and elimination of malaria in Russian Federation"
- List of the disinfection, disinsection, deratisation means, registered from Oktober 2008 to August 2009
- A.N. Marchenko1, O.P. Markova2, E.V. Shabalina1
1FGUZ "Center of hygiene and epidemiology in Tyumen region";
2GLPU "Tyumen region clinical hospital" - The experience of introduction of apparatus decontamination of dangerous medical waste products in many-profile stationary
The authors divide with the experience of apparatus decontamination of medical waste products.
Key words: hardware decontamination and disposal of medical waste.
- V.A. Tsurkan
The center of preventive medicine mun. Belz, Republic Moldova
- Use of combined method of decontamination of water in mine wells
The article is dedicated to the actual questions of disinfecting of water of the uncentralized sources. The special attention is spared to application of the combined method of disinfection of water of dug wells. The results of the conducted researches testify to efficiency and safety of the use of ultrasound with frequency of 250 and more kHz at remaining ions of chlorine in water within the limits of 0,08–0,1 mg/l. In presence of gaseous matters, the process of disinfecting of water is accelerated in 1,5–2 times.
Key words: water treatment, water sources, combined disinfection, wells, the use of ultrasound.
- M.N. Kostina, M.M. Mal’tseva, A.P. Kuschenkova
FGUN "NII of Disinfectology" of Rospotrebnadzor
- Dependence of effectivity and unsafety of connections from the preparative form
In the article, on the example of 7 connections from various chemical groups (piretroids, FOS, phenyl-pyrasoles, neonikotinoids) is shown their unsafety and objective efficiency from the preparative form. Shown are the indicators of toxicity and effectivity to various groups: concentrates of emulsion on water base solvents or on organic solutions; water-soluble granules and powders; suspension concentrates, gels.
Key words: insectoacaricides means, pyrethroids, phenylpyrazol, neonikotinoidy, preparative form.