- On National Disinfecter Organization Presidium session
- On the temporary stop of membership
- L.G. Podunova, K.I. Luchina
Federal Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance
- State Sanitary & Epidemiological Service 80 years anniversary
Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of Russian Federation as a united federal centralized branches and establishments system, that maintains State sanitary and epidemiological surveillance to support sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population has passed a complicated way of development and perfection. Day of it’s birth is marked on September 15, 1992, when the Decree of National Commissioners of RSFSR "On Sanitary es tablishments" had been issued, at the day there were determined the structure of sanitary organization, it’s rights, duties and regulation on it’s branches construction.
- S.N. Zarechnaja, A.I. Levitina, L.S. Bojko, O.M. Novosel’skaja
- To the 10year anniversary of "Disinfection Business" magazin
Group of authors narration describes the 10_years of the way and the presence of this National Disinfecter Organization Publication – from a bulletin to the "Disinfection Business" magazine, and tells us about it’s founders.
- N.V. Shestopalov, O.M. Novosel’skaja
National Disinfecter Organization
- National Disinfecter Organization establishment preconditions, and summarizing of elevenyear experience of activity
Preconditions of uniting of disinfection specialists into public organization – National Disinfecter Organization are analyzed on the basis of archive materials and personal links with the people, who founded the Organization, authors express their respect to them and commemorate people, that left us forever. Also, they hope, for long activity of those, who actively work now in the sphere of disinfectology popularization.
- M.G. Schandala
Scientific Research Disinfectology Institute, Moscow
- Perspectives and problems of contemporary disinfectology
Main problems of contemporary disinfectology, concerning from the one side – differences in groups, kinds, stamps of microorganisms disinfectant resistibility, from the other side – features of different medical technologies, with different tools adjustment and levels of disinfection required for them, are being formulated in the article. There are described main factors of disinfection efficiency. Requirements to "ideal" disinfectants and disinfection technologies are represented in this work. Also, there are discussed points of new approaches estimation harmonization and trends in enclosing of domestic and foreign disinfection methods.
- A.P. Mochalkin, L.G. Muhutdinova, R.G. Agadullin, R.R. Minibaev, A.A. Ramazanova, R.B. Rakhmankulova, F.S. Schakirov, V.H. Khabibullin
Disinfection station of Ufa
- Disinfection station of Ufa – Past, Present and Future
In the article there are described stages of up-coming and development disinfection station of Ufa, which was organized in the second decade of the last century, in the period when efforts of medical workers were undertaken to liquidate the consequences of civil war, ruins and famine, and to prevent the spreading of contagious diseases. During the Second World War employees of city disinfection station have brought a big contribution to preserve sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population. They were engaged in hospitalization and sanitary treatment of persons, who arrived from the front, and evacuated persons. To the middle of the 70-s, city disinfection station has become the Bashkir medical institute, medical school and preparation of the medical personnel of treatment-and-prophylactic establishments educational base in "Disinfection activities" specialty. Now the disinfection station is placed in a new building, and together with the Center of in Bashkortostan Republic it is carrying out a spadework on its transformation to the federal state enterprise of disinfection profile.
- N.A. Sjomina, E.P. Kovaljova, V.V. Galkin
Central Research Institute of Epidemiology, Moscow
- Immense of disinfection and sterilization in intrahospital infection prophylaxis
The urgency of a problem of intrahospital infections (IHI) in Russia does not tend to decrease. According to experience of practical surveillance, at least 5 % of patients suffers from intrahospital infections. Addition of an intrahospital infection to the basic disease increases duration of stay of the patient in a hospital on the average for 6–8 days, it raises the level of lethality, results in significant economic losses.
- I.A. Khrapunova, V.J. Philippova, E.P. Shelud’ko
Moscow County Center for Sanitary & Epidemiology Surveillance
- Intrahospital B and C hepatites morbidity and professional treatmentandprophylactic establishments medical personnel morbidity situation in Moscow
As the result of analysis of intrahospital paraentheral viral hepatites B and morbidity, authors come to the conclusion, that the main factors of infection transfer are injections and intravein infusions in treatment-and-prophylactic establishments. Besides, authors analyze professional treatment-and-prophylactic establishments medical personnel morbidity and estimate high efficiency of specific immune prophylaxis, comparing the morbidity level in the contingent before the beginning of immune prophylaxis with the morbidity level of the non-vaccinated grownup population of Moscow. At the basis of the analysis they make the profound conclusions and introduce some proposals of the ways to come to a decrease in the number of B and C hepatites cases among patients, as well as well among medical personnel.
- J.N. Markova
Johnson & Johnson ASP/Medical
- Teaching HospitalAcquired Infection Prevention and Control
Training in Hospital-Acquired Infection (HAI) Prevention and Control for health care professionals is one of the critical elements of HAI Control and Prevention system. This article is a review of actions and events to improve health care professionals’ competence in HAI Control and Prevention.
- A.V. Ivanenko, R.S. Ibragimov, V.I. Khizgjaev, I.L. Shahanina
Center for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance in Moscow, MGCD
- Disinfection as a necessary part of nonspecific infectious diseases prophylaxis
Scientific principles of disinfectology are based on the knowledge of complex of disciplines, among which epidemiology is at the first place. In this article has been maid an attempt of coordination of the general disinfection measures conduction and level and tendencies in epidemic process development in the cases of some infections. Organization and conduction of disinfection measures depend on the epidemic process characteristics. Epidemic process of some infections analysis testifies the presence of possible sources of organizational forms and contents characteristics of disinfection measures improvement. There is a possibility to divide infectious diseases that are the subject of disinfection measures in for 4 groups. Scabies and pediculosis are the indicators of sanitary and epidemiological status of population. Deratization is a matter of primary importance in the prophylaxis of natural sources infections morbidity growth in Moscow population, associated with natural sources activation in Moscow region. The measures are undertaken to restore the continuous principle of deratization, that had been broken in 1990-s. There is shown in the article, that hygiene training and decreed population group attestation are necessary parts of nonspecific infectious diseases prophylaxis.
- I.I. Kornev
Medical Center of Presidential Affairs Management Department
- Usage of Computer technologies in deratization activities surveillance in NorthWest Moscow County Center for Sanitary & Usage of modern packaging materials for protection of sterile products from reinfection
Medical devices protection from reinfection solution is to be supplied at all the stages of sterile materials preparation, sterilization and usage. There were conducted bacteriological tests to determine microflorae sowing from samples of devices sterilized in different packages. Retrieved results showed unfitness of round sterilization boxes usage for devices sterilization. In the same time, paper and combined materials packages, produced by "Vipak Medical", appeared to be faultless, all the samples inside the packages were sterile. Requirements to protection packages have been formulated.
- S.U. Kreyngold, K.A. Shestakov
Research Laboratory Center MGCD
- Determination of triclosan in liquid toilet antibacterial soap
Spectrophotometric determination method of triclosan in liquid toilet antibacterial soap was described based on triclosan ethanol solution absorption at 280 nm. Triclosan concentration can be also determined by measuring absorption of colored product (maximum 490 nm) formed in presence of 4-aminoantipirin and oxidant.
- S.U. Kreyngold, K.A. Shestakov
Research Laboratory Center MGCD
- Determination 0,02–0,1% of fipronil in insecticide gels by gaschromatographic, thin layer chromatographic and spectrophotometric methods
Gas chromatographic and spectrophotometric methods determination 0,02–0,1% of fipronil in insecticide gel "Goliaf" was given. Fipronil was previously extracted by chloroform. After evaporation of the extract fipronil was determined by gas chromatographic method at column temperature 227°C. In the spectrophotometric method the concentrated solution was put on the "Silufol" plate and fipronil was isolated by means of the moving phase CCl4 : CHCl3 = 1:1. Fipronil spot (Rf = 0,10) was cut off, fipronil was extracted by alcohol and the solution absorption was measured at 280 nm (molar absorption 6800 l/mol·cm). The analysis results of "Goliaf" and other fipronil containing gels by two mentioned methods corresponds with standard deviations 10–15%.
- A.I. Tchizhov, E.N. Zubova, E.N. Stasch
Dezindustria Co., Moscow
- Antiseptics. Features and rational usage
This article is dedicated to the topical questions of antiseptic hand treatment of medical staff. Special attention is given to the antiseptic use peculiarities in order to avoid mistakes and negative consequences. Here you can find description of principles and technical methods of antiseptic usage in practice.
- Methodical Directive "Disinfectants toxicity and hazard estimation" (MU 1.2.110502)