- Our congratulation
- Information report about conference of presidium of National Organization of Disinfectionists (record № 2009-3 from November 19, 2009)
- Dimensions of entering and member payments in 2010
- New members of NOD
- New project of NOD
- About exhibition with participation of NOD, which takes place in the 4 quarter of 2009 year
- Resolution of sdc "Contemporary aspects of epidemiologic infection and prophylaxis of extremaly dangerous and natural-focus sticks", Irkutsk, September 22–24, 2009
- Mahan’ko Elena Vladimirovna
V.P. Marakulin, L.G. Yeremina
FGUZ "Tomsk regional centre of disinfection"
- Disinfectant service of a town of Tomsk is 85 years
The main stages of formation of the disinfectant service of Tomsk from the end of 19 century up to now are stated in the article. The data on a sanitary-technical status of medical institutions of a towsn, methods and disinfection resources in 1890 are detected in archive documents. The facts of cholera epidemy control from August up to October 1892 in Tomsk and preventive measures for spread of camp fever and relapsing fever for the periods of 1918 – 1922 and 1941–1943 are interesting. Main marks of development of the disinfectant service in system of the state sanitary-and-epidemiologic supervision are considered.
Keywords: disinfection, the disinfectant station, disinfectant business.
- S.V. Balakhonov, T.I. Innokenteva
FGUZ "Irkutsk antiplague research institute of Siberia and Far East" of Rospotrebnadzor
- 75th anniversary of Irkutsk antiplague research institute of Siberia and Far East awarded with order of the red banner
The history of organization, development and activities of the institute from the date of its foundation till now is represented.
Key words: history of the institute, organization development, Siberia, the Far East.
- N.I. Shashina, O.M. Germant
FGUN "NII of Disinfectology" of Rospotrebnadzor, Moscow
- Contemporary means of defense of people from invasion of Arthropoda – transfers of pathogens of extremely dangerous
- and natural-focus sicks
The report was sounded at the scientific-practical conference "Contemporary aspects of epidemiologic supervision and prophylactic of extremely dangerous and natural-focus diseases", devoted to 75-year Irkutsk by order of Zabour Red Banned scientific-research antiplague Institute of Siberia and Far East, September 22–24, 2009 in town of Irkutsk. In the article given are the modern investigations about the agents and methods of non-specific prophylactic of natural-focus infections, whose pathogens are transmitted through blood-sucking by ixode ticks and fleas.
Key words: natural-focal infections, nonspecific prophylaxis, ixodid ticks, fleas.
- V.M. Voronok1, E.E. Rumyantseva1, G.A. Zaharova2, E.G. Buruhina2, E.V. Pavlenko3, G.N. Leonova3
1Rospotrebnadzor government in Primorsk region;
2FGUZ "Center of hygiene and epidemiology in Primorsk region";
3NII of epidemiology and microbiology, Sibirsk division of RUN, Vladivostok - Contemporary epidemiologic situation on tick virus encephalitis in the south of Primorsk region
It is given the analysis of morbidity with tick encephalitis in Primorsk region. The particular attention was given to last 10-year, when indicators of morbidity became more lower; it is given a supposition to this effect in the neuroinfection.
Key words: tick-borne encephalitis, morbidity, epidemiology.
- T.M. Pankina1, N.V. Red’kina1, S.V. Istratkina1, T.N. Poltoratskaya1, A.V. Shihin1, L.V. Polozova1, L.M. Kondrat’eva1, V.P. Marakulin2
1The centre of hygiene and epidemiology in Tomsk region";
2FGUZ of "Tomsk regional centre of disinfection - Today epidemiologic situation in tick virus encephalitis in Primorsk region
The research study of density of population of ixodic ticks show that in forest-park zones of Tomsk the number of ticks varied from 0.5 to 19 models for 1 km, in the neighborhood of the town – form 15 to 150. The level of content of virus TE in ticks, assembled in town Tomsk, is varied form 0 to 0.1 %, in neighborhood – 0–13.3 %; the stimulator ITB in Tomsk – 15.3 to 63.8 %, in neighborhood – 13.3 to 62.0 %; the stimulus of granulocyte anaplasmosis in neighborhood of town – 10.6 %, monocytic erhlihyosis – 3.1 %. The intensive cases, where the maximum number of sucking the high risk of infection is registrated in forest-park zones of Tomsk – in s. Anikino, s. Zavarzino, s. Timirjazevo, in neighborhood of s. Bogchevo, 41 km of railway. It is detected the territories subjected to anti-tick progressing, total amount to 301.5–428.15 ga.
Key words: ixodid ticks, tick-borne infections, nonspecific prophylaxis.
- I.V. Korabelnikov1, Yu.I. Egorova2
1FGUP "Disinfection", Syktyvkar" Rospotrebnadzor";
2Syktyvkar State University - The effect of anthropogenic activity on propagation of natural-focus infections in Komi Republic
The territory of the Republic of Komi is endemic for tick-borne encephalitis, borreliosis, anthrax, tularemia and other diseases. In recent decades, natural ecosystems are being subjected to increasing anthropogenic press. As a result, changes in ecosystems has increased the intensity distribution of natural focal diseases. Expansion to the north of the range distribution of ixodid ticks in the Komi Republic has led to an increase in the number of reported cases of bites of ixodid ticks citizens.
Key words: naturofocal disease, tick-borne encephalitis, borreliosis, ecosystems, anthropogenic press.
- The letter of Federal service in supervision of protection of rights of consumers and prosperity of a man from 01.11.2009 № 01/16326-9-23 "About strengthening of measures in groups of risk in the period of pandemia of grippe"
- The letter of Federal service in supervision of protection of rights of consumers and prosperity of a man from 16.10.2009 № 01/15412-9-32 "About the supervision of tick virus encephalitis in epidemic season of 2009"
- Decision of Main State sanitary physician of Russian Federation from 06.10.09 № 539 "About maintenance of main directions of activity of Rospotrebnadzor, its organs and organizations in 2010"
- Actual questions of organization of supervision after rabies in Russian Federation
- SanPiN 3.5.2528-09 "Organization of disinfection and sterilization measures in hospital-prophylactic clinics". Supplement № 2 to SanPiN "Hygienic requirements to arrangements, building, equipment and exploitation of hospitals, giving birth and other therapeutic stationaries"
- SanPiN "Sanitary hygienic requirements to stomatologic medical organizations". Revision 2to SanPiN
- Order of Ministry of public health and social development of RF "About assertion of Interindustry rules of ensuring the workers with special clothes, special shoes and other devices of individual protection"
- SP 3.1.2485-09 "Prophylactic of intrahospital infections in stationaries (divisions) of chirurgial profile of medical organisations". Supplement № 1 to SanPiN "Hygienic requirements to arrangements, building, equipment and exploitation of hospitals, giving birth and other therapeutic stationaries"
- V.G. Morozov1, S.I. Kolominov1, V.P. Vehnik2, T.K. Dzagurova3, Yu.P. Krasnobaev2
1NOU VPO Institute of medical-social rehabilitation, Samara;
2GU Zhihulevsk state natural reservation by I.I. Sprigin, s. Bahilova Polyana of Samara region;
3Institute of polyomyeletis and virus encephalitis by M.P. Chumakov, RAMN of Moscow region - Detection of hantavirus antibodies in chiropterans (Pipistrellus kuhlii) in natural focus of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome
45 chiropterans were examined for Hantavirus infection. They were caught in the regions of Samara and Saratov in natural foci of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome. A fluorescent antibody test of a lung tissue sample taken from a Pipistrellus kuhlii specimen revealed presence of specific Hantavirus antibodies in 1 to 4 ratio. This Pipistrellus kuhlii specimen was caught in the attic of a school building in Khvalynsk town of Saratov region, which is the Southern border of the active focus of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome on the territory of Samarskaya Luka National Park. The possibility of Hantavirus infection of chiropteran migratory population inhabiting places close to the active foci of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (Pipistrellus kuhlii) may contribute to Hantavirus infection spread to other territories.
Key words: hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, hantavirus, natural focus, chiroptera, indirect immunofluorescence, immune-enzyme analysis, lung tissue suspension, Pipistrellus kuhlii, hantavirus antibodies, synanthropic species, migratory population, epizootic process.