- Life of NOD
- M.A. Galkina1, O.M. Novosel'skaya2
1National organization of disinfectionists; 2GOU DPO “Moscow Russian Medical Academy of post-diplome education", Moscow
Actual questions of the work of organisation of disinfection in the conditions of developing market economy
The materials are reported in the conference devoted to the 80-universary service of prophylactic disinfection of Saint-Petersburg "Actual question of development of disinfection service for the purpose of guarantee of sanitary-epidemiologic prosperity of the population" taking place in 18-19 of May 2011.
Key words: diseases natural-foci infections, acaricide processings, the new qualifier of the nomenclature of services of a disinfection profile, a labor safety.
- Materials of all-russian scientific-research conference
- "Actual question of development of disinfection service
- for the purpose of guarantee of sanitary-epidemiologic prosperity of the population", devoted to the 80-universary service of prophylactic disinfection of Saint-Petersburg
- A.A. Veselov1, M.S. Ignatieva2, P.I. Ogarkov3, M.I. Ishkildin3, A.A. Kuzin3
1FBUZ "St.-Petersburg city station of disinfection"; 2OAO "Station of preventive disinfection"; 3"Military Medical Academy by name of S.М. Kirov" of the Ministry of Defence of Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg
J.L. Okunevsky’s role and his scientific heritage in the organisation of preventive disinfection works (to the 80 anniversary of service of preventive disinfection in St.-Petersburg)
The article contains the history of J.L. Okunevsky’s activity – the famous Russian scientist, recognised expert of military and civil public health services and his role in development of scientific bases of disinfectology, theories of teaching of disinfection works, creation of one of the authoritative disinfection establishments of the country and working out of rational system of disinfection service of a great city.
Key words: The doctrine about disinfection, practical guidance of disinfection, disinsection and deratization, training to disinfection works, preventive disinfection.
- V.U. Nazarov, A.A. Veselov, A.M. Datskevich, T.I. Cepkalo, T.L. Kochanova, L.I. Kabay
FBUZ "St.-Petersburg city station of disinfection, St.-Petersburg"
The activity of the department of preventive disinfection FSIH "Saint-Petersburg city disinfection station, Saint-Petersburg" for the period from 2003 to 2010
Department of preventive disinfection was restored after a lack of 15-year in FSIH "Saint-Petersburg city disinfection station, St.-Petersburg". The division participated in unscheduled universal deratization in the budgetary institutions of the city in terms of deteriorating sanitary-epidemiological situation. Volumes of insecticide and deratization activities increased from 2003 to 2010. By the year 2010 in comparison with 2003 the volume of activities implemented increased by 2–5. And also increases the diversity of services provided during this period. All specialists of the department of preventive disinfection and the average medical personnel have the appropriate certificates and a certificate of advanced training by 2010. 30 % of them have the highest qualification category. Department of preventive disinfection covered the territory of the city of St. Petersburg and the part of Leningrad region in its activities.
Key words: department of preventive disinfection, disinfection, disinsection, deratization, universal deratization, improvement of professional qualification.
- I.A. Rakitin1, А.V. Melzer1, О.V. Parkov1, I.G. Ckindgeria1, S.I. Bogachkina1, L.P. Antykova2, A.M. Datskevich3
1Control department of Rospotrebnadzor of St.-Petersburg region; 2FGUZ "Center of Hygiene and Epidemiology in St.-Petersburg region; 3FBUZ "St.-Petersburg city station of disinfection"
The value of acaricide treatments in prevention of natural focal diseases – tick-borne encephalitis and lyme distress in Saint-Petersburg
Seven administrative districts of St. Petersburg out of eighteen on the list of territories of the Russian Federation of endemic tick-borne encephalitis. Annually in medical institutions of the city is drawn from 7 to 16 thousand people affected by the bites of ticks, including 1–1,5 thousand victims celebrate the fact sucking ticks in areas of suburban districts. Epidemiological significance have two kinds of ticks: the dominant of the taiga tick – Ixodes persulcatus and less significant forest tick – Ixodes ricinus. Practitioners share their experience of the organization and conduct of acaricidal treatments for the prevention of tick-borne infections in St. Petersburg.
Key words: natural focal disease, the territory of endemic tick-borne encephalitis, ixodid ticks, tick-borne encephalitis, tick-borne Lyme disease, Rospotrebnadzor, executive authorities, entomological surveys, acaricidal treatment, acaricidal drugs.
- V.U. Nazarov, A.M. Datskevich, L.I. Kabay
FBUZ "St.-Petersburg city station of disinfection"
Preparation of poison baits by the forces of the disinfection institutions. Problems and ways of solution
Organizations disinfection profile, despite a sufficient number of proposals ready poison baits in convenient bags and different taste qualities, have not abandoned the possibility to cook yourself poisoned baits. According to the "Methodological guidance on the application of rodenticide substances", the basis of the food are good-quality food products: refined grains, groats, mixed fodder, etc. and, if necessary, attractants. The analysis of offers of suppliers on the market of Saint-Petersburg showed their inability to meet the needs of the disinfection profile. For preparation of high-quality baits, there is a question on necessity of use of additional equipment, the graphics use rodenticides, the use of modern attractants, monthly planning of volumes of standard baits with the ecology of synanthropic rodents, the characteristics of the populated facilities and the continuing assessment of the effectiveness of the baits.
Key words: deratisation, synanthropic rodents, food additive, poisoned bait, attractant, evaluation of the effectiveness of poisoned baits.
- V.U. Nazarov, S.F. Slivinskaya, I.M. Zelyanina, L.A. Vlasova
FBUZ "St.-Petersburg city station of disinfection"
The organization of final disinfection in the centers of infectious diseases
In Disinfection station, since the basis (1883г) and till now, one of the basic functions of establishment is to do a complex sanitary-and-hygienic, treatment-and-prophylactic and administrative actions in a city, for example, to do final disinfection in the centers of infectious diseases. This article is devoted to the organization of final disinfection in the centers of infectious diseases in reorganization of disinfection service when state financing and support of industrial activity of disinfection establishments has actually stopped.
Key words: final disinfection, the infectious disease center, the analysis of an epidemiological situation.
- А.А. Veselov1, N.A. Kireeva1, N.V. Lelis1, T.N. Ulianceva1, O.V. Mironenko2
1FBUZ "St.-Petersburg city station of disinfection"; 2GOU DPO "St-Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Studies", Academic department of Medical Ecology and Epidemiology by name of G.V. Chlopin.
Study and evaluation of new methods and means of disinfection in laboratory conditions
One of the methods of non-specific prevention of infectious diseases, including nosocomial infections, is a compliance with the disinfection and sterilizing modes for the use of new methods and means of disinfection. Disinfectant with deodorizing and washing the effects of "3D-Cept", disinfectant deochlor-4 g and SAP-polymer – 10 in hygienic packages, portable tap water, treated ionizing equipment with silver for water "NEVOTON IS-115 in the mode "Drinking" and in storage as (preservation) of treated water within 15 days have passed the tests on the basis of the laboratory FBEH "Saint-Petersburg city disinfection station". The results of the tests, the effectiveness of new disinfection, cleaning agents, skin antiseptics, performed at the laboratory in a number of cases were the basis for the expansion of indications for their use in institutions health, development or supplements the instructions for the use of the equipment, devices or preparation, as well as for the certification of products.
Key words: nonspecific prevention of infectious diseases, hospital infection, disinfection, test disinfectant, certification preparation.
- L.A. Kaftyreva1, E.N. Kolosovskaya2, V.N. Ushakova3, N.B. Vedernikova4, M.V. Klemeshova4, S.A. Egorova1, M.A. Makarova1, L.V. Suzhaeva1
1FGUN "Saint-Petersburg NIIEM by name of Paster" of Rospotrebnadzor; 2Medical information-analytic centre of commitee by public health of Administrative of Saint-Petersburg; 3НПФ "Clinitech"; 4GUZ Hospital of Hole Georgiy, Saint-Petersburg
Change of the purity and microbial background in hospital environment as a result of the modern cleaning technologies
The visual and microbiological assessment of professional cleaning efficiency in one of hospitals of St.-Petersburg was performed. The visual assessment of space purity has shown the advantages of professional cleaning. Considerable decrease in bacterial contamination of hospital environment is revealed. The number of samples with bacteria in total, sanitary-indicative microorganisms, S. aureus, spore formed bacteria, microbial associations – has decreased. Reduction of microbial contamination of the hospital environment, certainly, will result in decrease of nosocomial infections, including in the surgical sites.
Key words: nosocomial infections, hospital, cleaning, sanitary-indicative microorganisms, S. aureus, microbial contamination.
- V.U. Nazarov, A.A. Veselov, N.A. Kireeva, S.F. Slivinskaya, L.A. Dodonova, L.V. Khramenkova, V.A. Chizhov
FBUZ "St.-Petersburg city station of disinfection"
Use of biological test objects for control of sterilizing equipment and results of the spent researches in medical institutions of St.-Petersburg for 1992–2010
Improvement of a quality monitoring of the sterilizing equipment is an important and actual problem in a complex preventive, sanitary-and-hygienic, treatment-and-prophylactic and administrative actions for struggle against intrahospital infections. The estimation of overall performance of sterilizers by means of biological tests has been made. The estimation of overall performance of sterilizers for 6 years (2005–2010) has been made. The condition of steam and air sterilizers as a whole on the medical organizations, and also a condition of sterilizing equipment in surgical and obstetric branches was separately estimated. The estimation of efficiency of various marks of sterilizers, both steam and air, domestic and import manufacturers has been made.
Key words: quality monitoring of the sterilizing equipment, intrahospital infections, estimation of overall performance of a sterilizer, the biological test.
- M.G. Shandala
FBUN "NII of Disinfectology" of Rospotrebnadzor
Condition and tasks of normal-legitimate regulation of disinfection activity in Russian Federation
It is based the necessity of the normal-legitimate regulation of the organization and conducting of disinfection measures and operations of the preventive treatment infection illness. It is shown and discussed the acting normal-legitimate documents of these questions and planned the perspectives of their development.
Key words: disinfection activity, normal-legitimate regulation and its documents, sanitary rules, sanitary rules and normatives, normative-methodical papers, directions, methodical indications, information letters, technical regulation.
- N.F. Sokolova
FBUN "NII of Disinfectology" of Rospotrebnadzor, Chamber of disinfectology of MPF PFO of MGMU named for I.M. Sechenov, Moscow
Methodological security of appraisal of effectivity and safety of disinfection means
In the base of analysis and unification of methodology of the study of the life safety and margin of safety of disinfection means and criteria is given the appraisal of the disinfection, sterilizing, desinsection, repellent, pediculicide and deratization means. Formulated are the ways of introduction of approved and put into operation methodical documents.
Key words: desinfectology, methodical documents, disinfection means, toxicity, safety, effectivity, appraisal criteria.
- A.I. Frolova1,2, Yu.V. Lopatina1,3
1Department of disinsection problems of Federal State Scientific Organization "Scientific Research Disinfectology Institute" of Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-being; 2Medico-prophylactic faculty of Postgraduated education affiliated to the First I.M. Sechenov’s Moscow State Medical University; 3Moscow State University
Pediculosis and its control in Russia
Problem of pediculosis in the Russian Federation is discussed. Head and body lice resistance to permethrin is recorded and the ways for overcoming this resistance are offered.
Key words: pediculosis, lice, permethrin, resistance, pediculicides.
- S.V. Rjabov
FBUN "NII of Disinfectology" of Rospotrebnadzor, Moscow
Ways of increasing effectivity of the struggle with rodents in populated points
The use of extensive methods for organization of struggle with rodents decreases the possibility of control the process of prophylaxis and improve sanitary condition of the populated sites in territorical natural-focus systems. This may be obtained only by the help of applicable the intensive measures. In this case it may be obtained in full measure during the usage of scientific-technical activity, training the personned by the base of new disinfection means and attracting the federal, regional and commercial financing sources.
Key words: extensive method, intensive method, struggle with rodents, effectivity, deratization, novations, timely organization structure, sanitation of seats, container baits, OZDS.
- I.V. Korabel’nikov, Yu.I. Egorova
FGUP "Disinfection", Syktyvkar" Rospotrebnadzor"
The experience of cooperation GUP "Disinfection" town Syktyvkar of Rospotrebnadzor with scientific organisations which works about natural-foci diseases in Komi Republic
The article presents practical ways of cooperation of institutions and research organizations in the prevention of natural focal diseases in the case of the Komi Republic. It`s possible to keep a steady increase in the incidence of tick-borne encephalitis in the republic, observed in recent years, only through an integrated approach, implementation of which requires knowledge of the real picture of the situation with ticks and infections transmitted by ticks. Established that Ixodes persulcatus collected in the Komi Republic are the vectors of various natural and focal infections.
Key words: natural focal diseases, prevention, infection of ticks, Ixodes persulcatus.
- Documents
- List of the disinfection, disinsection, deratisation means registered in May 2011
- Demand – answer
- Miscellanius
- Subscription of magazine "Disinfection Affairs"
- About education guide of S.N. Zarechnaya "Selected lections on medical entomology"
- Information about normal and methodical papers in the region of desinfectology
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- А.V. Prosviryakov
- Vapour disinfection: peculiarities, characteristic, experience in application