- Life of NOD
- Our congratulation on rewarding with a medal «90 years of Russian Gossanepidslugba»
- Regulation of service medal "90 years of Russian Gossanepidslugba"
- Congratulation new members of NOD
- M.A. Galkina, O.M. Novosel'skaya, N.V. Shestopalov
National Organization of Disinfectionists, Moscow
20 years of National organization of disinfectionists: last, real and future
Novoselskaya O.M. - Candidate of Medical Science, Moscow
Material was created for anniversary general assembly of disinfectionists national organization, dedicated to 20 years of education anniversary, which were planed in october, 2011, Golitsino, Moscow region. In report is represented work of professional disinfectionists national organization from the day of foundation till the present moment. We remember people, who was one of the originators of foundation, commemorate about them and move further, solving issues, which desinfecting organizations have.
Key words: public professional organization, desinfektology, disinfection, disinsection, deratization, sterilization.
- About exhibition with participation of NOD
- M.G. Shandala
FBSI "SRIDisinfectology" of Rospotrebnadzor, Moscow
Place and role of non-immunological methods in preventive measures of infectious diseases
Shandala M.G. - Academician of RAMN, Doctor of Medical Science, professor; chief research worker of FBSI «Scientific Research Disinfectology Institute» of Rospotrebnadzor»; tel.: (495) 332-01-10, e-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript..
On the basis of analysis’ statistics concerning level and dynamics of Russian people disease incidences by immunization from infection diseases comparing with these, for which methods of immunoprophylaxis are not developed, shown the accelerating efforts of creating and adaptation along with non-existent of vaccine and also disinfection technologies and non-specific preventive measures’ methods first of all in regard to salmonella infections, different hemorrhagic fever, veneral diseases, pediculation and mostly acute respiratory diseases, upper respiratory infections (multifocal and unaccounted localization and ethiology) annually from 86 to 93 % from general infectious disease incidences. Searching and development in these control directions with uncontrolled infections demand not only intension of specialists in desinfection, but also environmentalist, epidemiologists, bacteriologists, chemists, biotechnologists, entomologists etc. In these conditions all infections can and must be controlled with the help of immunological and non- immunological combinations of methods, created on the basis of evidentiary medicine principles.
Key words: vaccinology, disinfection, controlled and uncontrolled infections, preventive measures.
- S.V. Kulik1, R.L. Guterman2, N.P. Sergeyuk2, I.V. Sekisova2, M.P. Municyna2, Yu.V. Shiyan2, D.N. Nosik3, N.N. Nosik3, L.B. Kalnina3, P.G. Deryabin3
1ZАО "KorKhimKolor"; 2GUP "Moscow city centre of disinfection"; 3FGBU "NII virology by D.I. Ivanovskiy" Minzdravsotsrazvitie, Moscow
Using antibacterial disinfectant on the basis of quaternary ammonium compound for washing textile material and surface decontamination
Kulik S.V. – General Director of CJSC «KorHimKolor»; tel.: (495) 579-88-42, e-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript..
In the article, on the example of disinfectant on the basis of quaternary ammonium compound was reviewed question of antibacterial use of textile material in practice, which help to improve sanitary and epidemiological control in organizations, connected with medical sphere (OOMD) and reduce incidence risk, related with medical treatment (ISMP). Were reviewed the possibility of disinfectant usage for surface decontamination measures, including disinfectant of cabins and bays of civil aircraft.
Key words: desinfectant, antimicrobial activity of tissues, anteseptis, toxicity.
- I.P. Pogorelsky1, G.А. Frolov2, К.I. Gurin3, А.V. Chernyad’ev1, Е.А. Durnev1, I.А. Lundovskikh1, S.N. Yanov1, А.V. Кungurov3
1Vyatka State University, Kirov; 2National University of Science and Technology "MISIS", Moscow; 3RC FSE "Russian Federation Ministry of Defense 33 Central Research and Development Testing Institute", Kirov
Microbiological aspects of the selection of metal nanoparticles to create antimicrobial disinfectant compositions
Pogorelskiy I.P. – Doctor of Medical Science, professor of microbiology professorate in FGBOU VPO «Vyatskiy government University»; tel.: (8332) 32-16-50, e-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript..
The results are presented of bacteriological and electron-microscopic studies of microbial cells after the exposure to aqueous solutions of colloidal silver, titanium, copper, cobalt, nickel, zirconium. The prospects of the use of metal nanoparticles for the creation of ecologically friendly disinfectant compositions are evaluated.
Key words: microorganisms, disinfection, biocidal activity, nanoparticles of metals.
- S.A. Roslavtseva
1Federal Budget Scientific Institution "Scientific Research Disinfectology Institute" of Federal Service for surveillance on consumer rights protection and human well-being; 2Chair of disinfectology of the I.M. Sechenov’s First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow
About distribution of mosquitoes of Stegomyia aegypti (L.) and Stegomyia albopictus (Skuse) in Europe and in Russia
Roslavtseva S.A. - Doctor of Science in biology, professor; head of scientific bacisc and deratization department of FBSI «Scientific Research Disinfectology Institute» of Rospotrebnadzor; tel.: (495) 332-01-76, e-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript..
In the article shown that in Europe, including Russia, and in Asia Minor are extended the areas of mosquitoes St. aegypti and St. albopictus – carriers of viruses – causative agents of tropical fevers (yellow fever, fevers of Denge and Chikugunja). The new biological method of influence on mosquitoes by means of Wolbachia bacterium is considered.
Key words: mosquitoes Stegomyia aegypti and Stegomyia albopictus – carriers of viruses – causative agents of tropical fevers, areas, moving, bacteria Wolbachia.
- M.A. Tarasov, A.M. Porshakov, S.I. Tolokonnikova, A.V. Ryabova, G.V. Grigorieva, A.I. Udovikov
Russian Anti-Plague Research Institute "Microbe", Saratov
Functioning of a long-term poisoning point of dangerous disease carriers
Tarasov M.A. – Candidate of Biological Sciences, Higher Senior Officer; tel.: (845-2) 51-52-10, е-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript..
Described and characterized is the eliminative influence of a long-term poisoning point on rodent populations – carriers of particularly dangerous zoogenous infections in Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome natural foci and other associated natural foci of various zoogenous infections.
Key words: poisoned baits, zoogenous infection foci, rodenticides.
- M.A. Tarasov, A.M. Porshakov, A.V. Ryabova, S.I. Tolokonnikova, G.V. Grigorieva, N.V. Popov, A.A. Sludskii, A.I. Udovikov, S.A. Yakovlev
Russian Anti-Plague Research Institute "Microbe", Saratov
Effective methods of rodent control in natural zoonotic foci of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome and others dangerous zoonotic infections (analytical revie)
Tarasov M.A. – Candidate of Biological Sciences, Higher Senior Officer; tel.: (845-2) 51-52-10, е-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript..
Described and characterized by the authors are the most up-to-date and effective methods of rodent control in hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome natural foci and associated natural foci of various zoonotic infections.
Key words: rodent control, rodenticides, natural zoonotic foci.
- The letter of Federal service in supervision of protection of rights of consumers and prosperity of a man from 12.09.2012 № 01/10303-12-32 "About monitoring results concerning disease incidences of meningococcosis and bacillary meningococcosis in Russian Federation, 2011
- The letter of Federal service in supervision of protection of rights of consumers and prosperity of a man from 17.09.2012 № 01/10535-12-32 "About disease incidences of trichinellosis in Russian Federation, 2011
- The letter of Federal service in supervision of protection of rights of consumers and prosperity of a man from 28.09.2012 № 01/11095-12-23 "About disease incidences of opistarchosis in Russian Federation
- The letter of Federal service in supervision of protection of rights of consumers and prosperity of a man from 19.03.2012 № 01/2580-12-32 "About preventive measures of yellow fever"
- The letter of Federal service in supervision of protection of rights of consumers and prosperity of a man from 30.11.2012 № 01/13670-12-32 "About supervision’ results of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever in epidemiological season of 2012 "
- The letter of Federal service in supervision of protection of rights of consumers and prosperity of a man from 30.11.2012 № 01/13680-12-32 "About supervision’ results of tick-borne viral encephalitis in epidemiological season of 2012"
- The letter of Federal service in supervision of protection of rights of consumers and prosperity of a man from 05.12.2012 № 01/13890-12-32 "About supervision’ results of West Nile Fever in epidemiological season of 2012"
- Sanitary and epidemiological demands to organization and execute of disinfecting activities (project)
- List of the disinfection, disinsection, deratisation means, registered in April-October 2012
- Miscellanius
- Conditios of the disposition of information the material in journal "Disinfection affair" for 2013
- Subscription of magazine "Disinfection Affairs" on 2013 year