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Disinfection affairs № 4 / 2004


Information on NDO Presidium meeting
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On voluntary disinfection aids/services
Information on the XlV-th NDO Congress
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XIV-th NDO Congress Programme
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N.V. Shestopalov, O.M. Novoselskaya
NDO activities after the XIII’th Congress Report

N.V. Shestopalov

Federal Service for Consumer Rights Protection and Population Wellbeing

Disinfection, disinsectization, rodent eradication targets in sanitary and epidemiological well’being provision

This report was read at the National Disinfecters Organization XIV-th Congress, that took place in October, 2004 in Rostov-na-Donu. Here is the complete author version of the text.

M.G. Shandala

Scientific Research Disinfectology Institute

Disinfectology as a scientific specialty

The article gives us the definition of disinfectology, it’s subject, goals and exploring techniques. For the first time based is the necessity to give disinfectology the status of a separate scientific specialty.

G.T. Aidinov, M.M. Shvager, L.N. Lukashova

Federal State Enterprise Centre for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance in Rostov Region

Disinfection service perfection in conditions of the gradual transition to the technical regulation of the disinfection activities

Russian legislature perfection demand new requirments for the arrangement of different types of activities, including disinfection. The results of 4-year study of the processes are given in the article. The point of a special interest is the temporary analysis of different disinfectants implementation depending on their active substance for the later 25 years of their use in healthcare institutions. As the conclusion, authors defined the goals of socalled transitional period to the nirmative regulation system of disinfection activities at the basis of thechnical regulations (“reglaments").

N.F. Sokolova

Scientific Research Disinfectology Institute

Current problems in healthcare institutions disinfection and sterilization equipment supply

At the basis of the activities of Expert Comission on disinfection and sterilization equipment of the New Medical Committee Devices defined are the most actual problems of healthcare institutions supply with disinfection and sterilization equipment, as well as the problems of its safe, proper and effective use. Author defines the goals according to the new requirements of the Russian legislation, Federal Law "On the technical regulation".

E.I. Potchekaeva

Federal State Enterprise Centre for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance in Rostov Region

Experience of the state sanitary and epidemiologic surveillance for disinfection activities at the current level in Rostov-na-Donu

The author shares the last two years experience of the Federal State Enterprise Centre for Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance in Rostov-na-Donu (Rostov on the Don) work. The article deals with the organizational stages of a new structural department for the surveillance after the disinfection activities and making its surveillance function conform the Russian Law -Federal Law "On the protection of individual enterpreneurs and juridical persons rights, providing state control (surveillance)".

L.S. Fyodorova

Scientific Research Disinfectology Institute

Current problems of disinfection measures efficiency enhancement

Disinfection measures efficiency improvement is one of the most actual practical targets. To achieve the main goal the author divides the problem into constituent tasks, the solutions of which afford to resolve the problem in whole. A special attention is to be payed to the tables with the lists of the anti fungi disinfectants as well as the high-level disinfection of the endosopy equipment.

G.N. Zaeva, M.M. Maltseva, T.Z. Rysina, O.I. Berezovsky, N.F. Sokolova, L.I. Kolytcheva

Scientific Research Disinfectology Institute

Safety criteriae in the disinfection of non’centralized drinking water supplies

The article describes a technique scheme composed of three stages: 1) Assesment of toxicity and danger of the disinfectants for the disinfection of non-centralized drinking water supplies; 2) studies of the water processed with the disinfectants in the implementation regimen; 3) (if necessary) the clinical trials on the volunteers. Proposed technique of disinfectants safety and efficiency assessment is based on "temporary criteriae" of its assesment. The principal criteria of substantiation of the safe continual use of the water disinfection regimen is the determination in a subchronical (up to 3 months) toxicological experiment on animals of the time of the threshold changes (Limsubch) with the application of a complex of the limiting indicators.

V.V. Kanischev, V.N. Perlin, S.R. Buhaeva

Centre militari-technical problems of counter bacteriology defence; ODKB № 1;
OOO "Uralstinol Bio", Ekaterinburg

Sparing disinfectin of incubators for reanimation and intensive therapy of newly born

Efficient disinfection of objects is one of the important reserves in branches of reanimations and intensive therapy newly born. Specifics of activity of such branches sharply limits list of disinfectants, which can be used in them, combining high efficiency in respect of microorganisms with increased stability, low toxicity for people and ecologies, sparing action on equipment, comfort and wide fields of using. Bacteriological and chemical studies of new domestic disinfectant "Septusteril" (made from peroxides) were made in regional children’s clinical hospital № 1 (Ekaterinburg, Russia). The results of approbation have shown perspective and practicability of "Septusteril" for disinfection of incubators for reanimation and intensive therapy of newly born.

I.V. Mokrousov

Smolensk regional disinfection center

Economic efficacy from the new home’made medicines (disinfectants based on tetra ammonium compounds) used in maternity homes for better prophylaxis of nosocomial infections

We performed complex analysis of all economic losses in the midwifery in – patient department maternity homes of Smolensk, initiated from the cases of intrahospital nosocomial infections (IHI) and the damage extent due to disinfectants used.

E.I. Bakanova

Scientific Research Disinfectology Institute

Contemporary combined preparation forms of insecticedes and acaricides and some aspects of their application

This article in the form of a review is devoted to soe problems of disinfectants enhancement and the ways of disinfection measures improvement. The article is built at an analytical review of insecticide preparation forms, allowed at the territory of the Russian Federation in the period of 1992–2002 years, and this review allows to make some interesting conclusions. Noted are the interest ro aerosole disinfectants and disinfectants in the form of emulsion concentrates, consequental growth of the number of disinfectants of law ecological hazard (different baits and glue traps), as well as the demand of the market for new specialized insecticides (for the flying and non-flying insects eradication in air-crafts, wasp-oriented, and others).

E.A. Novikova, I.M. Zakova

Scientific Research Disinfectology Institute

Chemical and Analytical testing in the system of disenfectants development, production and application

The results of chemical and analytical testing is the subject of the article. The retrieved data is necessary for the development and introduction of ne preparation form of a disinfectant with a specialized biological activity, chemical stability and limited toxicity. Targets of the chemical and analitical, sanitary and chemical studies are determined to provide the proper disinfectant contents development, safe usage of the disinfectant, preparation to he manufacturing stage, control of the produced disinfecctants and fake products revealing.

The XIV-th Congress Exibition participating firms catalogue
Information for disinfectants manufacturers
Requirements to the materials directed for publication in "Disinfection Affairs" magazine
Our congratulations

List of the disinfection means, registered in the july’november of 2004

A.M. Gribanova
And at least, how do chloride’containing tabs act? (Science without fiction)

K. Heinbichner
How to quench rat hunger once and forever?

V.M. Bakhir, N.Yu. Shamovskaya, V.I. Prilutsky, V.B. Revinskaya
ANK – Neutral Anolyte usage in healthcare institutions