Life of National Organization of Disinfectionists (NOD)
Congratulation new members of NOD
About seminars for experts disinfection profile, organized by the NOD in 2016
Materials of scientific and practical conference on questions of the organization of disinfection activity in modern conditions (November 25, 2015, Lipki, the Moscow Region)
N. Lobanok, O. Okushko
Cleaning and disinfection of rubbish removal system
V.A. Ryl'nikov1, A.V. Bogacheva2
1Private academic foundation “Institute of pest management": Post office box 36, Moscow, 117342, Russian Federation;
2Kostroma state university by N.A. Nekrasov: 14 1 May str., Kostroma, 156000, Russian Federation.
Pest control program requirements
Making up a pest control program is an essential part of pest management of any production center’ food processor. Correct and detailed description of pest control’ service activity and enterprise’ quality division, seamless allocation of liability zones – reduce pest risks.
Key words: pest control program, allocation of liability, step-by-step report.
Ryl'nikov Valentin Andreevich – Doctor of Science in Biology, Director of Institute of pest management; Tel.: (495) 971-71-60, e-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.
Bogacheva Angelina Vyacheslavovna – Graduate Student of Kostroma state university by N.A. Nekrasov
Theses of reports
O.Yu. Eremina
Multiresistance of Blattella germanica on the territory of Moscow and Obninsk
I.V. Patraman
Innoveting aerosol generator of cold fog with the high capacity
N.I. Shashina, O.M. Germant
Use of acaricides for natural biotops with the purpose to prevent zoonotic ixodic infections
N.I. Shashina
Modern level of people protection from inroad of insects and mites, which are carriers of dangerous infections
The catalogue of participant of exhibition
O.G. Pegushina, Yu.N. Maslov, I.V. Feldblyum, M.P. Kaliparova, E.P. Kaynova
"Perm State Medical University Named After Academician E.A. Wagner" of the Ministry of HealthCare of the Russian Federation: 26 Petropavlovskaya str., Perm, 614990, Russian Federation.
Assessment of antagonistic activity of clinical isolates of the intensive care unit
Domination of nosocomial stains etiologic structure for septic diseases means they supplant other causative agents. This may happen due to antagonistic activity of nosocomial stains that is conducted in different ways. To confirm this concept the capability of intermicrobal reactions was studied for 50 multi-resistant bacterial cultures of P. aeruginosa, A. baumanii, E. coli, K. pneumoniae, S. aureus, isolated from respiratory tract of patients from intensive care unit. Traditional deferred antagonism method and bioluminescence suppression test for gene engineering strain E. сoli lum+ C-50 were used. Deferred antagonism method has revealed capacity to suppress 5 test-strains (P. aеruginosa, E. coli M-17, E. coli O-127, S. aureus and C. albicans) only for P. aeruginosa isolates. The same time bioluminescence suppression test high antagonistic activity of all gram-negative isolates was revealed. The level of E. сoli lum+ C-50 luminescence suppression by P. aeruginosa and A. baumanii has exceeded 80 % already in 30 minutes of their joint incubation, and in 120 minutes has reached 87,82±8,52 % and 82,46±6,63 % accordingly. Antagonistic activity of Enterobacteriae isolates (K. pneumoniae and E. сoli) has increased more slowly, but in 120 minutes has reached a similar level: 88,99±4,04 % and 79,90±3,33 %. Similar dynamics of bioluminescence suppression were revealed when testing two times diluted cultures. The isolates of S. aureus had no antagonistic features. Results of deferred antagonist and bioluminescence suppression tests received were different for checked isolates. This reflects multiple ways of antagonist interactions for bacteria. Capability to suppress the growth of accompanying species seems to have important input for the total persistence potential of pyogenic bacteria and important feature of nosocomial strains.
Key words: antagonistic activity, nosocomial strain, deferred antagonist, bioluminescence suppression test, pyogenic bacteria.
Pegushina Ol’ga Gennad’evna – the Graduate Student of Department of Epidemiology with a Course of Hygiene and Epidemiology of Faculty of Additional Professional Education of Perm State Medical University Named After Academician E.A. Wagner (PSMA); Tel.: (342) 239-87-34, e-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.
Maslov Yuriy Nikolaevich – Doctor of Medical Science, Professor; Head of Microbiological Laboratory of Central Research Laboratory of PSMA
Feldblyum Irina Viktorovna – Doctor of Medical Science, Professor; Head of Department of Epidemiology with a Course of Hygiene and Epidemiology of PSMA
Kaliparova Mariya Petrovna – Student of the V Course of Medical Faculty PSMA
Kaynova Ekaterina Petrovna – Student of the V Course of Medical Faculty PSMA
Yu.A. Zakharova1-3, O.S. Fedotova2, A.M. Nikolaeva2, A.V. Klimashina3
1The Perm State Medical University n.a. academician E.A. Wagner: 26 Petropavlovskaya str., Perm, 614000, Russian Federation;
2"Microgen" Ministry of Health Care and Social Development. Perm Subsidiary SPA "Biomed": 177 Bratskaya str., Perm, 614089, Russian Federation;
3Perm Clinical Centre of Federal Medico-Biological Agency: 27 Tselinnaya str., Perm, 614056, Russian Federation.
Study of sensitive strains Acinetobacter baumannii from medical organizations of Perm to antibiotics and experimental series of bacteriopheges
Objective. To investigate the sensitivity of the sensitivity of strains Acinetobacter baumannii, which isolated from patients from medical organizations to antibacterial preparation. Subjects and methods. Studied 116 strains A. baumannii for antimicrobial susceptibility disk diffusion method for the preparation of bacteriophage experimental series. Results. Revealed preferential localization of agent: discharge of wounds and BAL-biopsy and effective antibiotics: cephoperazone / sulbactam, and polymyxin tigecycline. The differences in the profile of antibiotic resistance and pagolizability strains outpatient, inpatient care and resuscitation and intensive care unit (ICU). Conclusion. Strains A. baumannii ORIT have multiple antibiotic resistance and high pagolizability. In this situation necessity use of preparations of bacteriophages after appropriate adaptation.
Key words: Acinetobacter baumannii, antibiotic sensitivity, bacteriophage, Healthcare Services.
Zakharova Yuliya Aleksandrovna – Doctor of Medical Science, Head of Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory of Perm Clinical Centre, Associate Professor of Epidemiology of Perm State Medical University, Leading Researcher of SPO "Mikrogen", Tel.: (342) 267-32-75, e-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.
Nikolaeva Alevtina Maksimovna – Doctor of Science in Biology, Deputy Director for Scientific Work and Innovative Development of Branch "SPO "Mikrogen" in Perm "Perm’s SPO "Biomed"
Fedotova Ol’ga Semenovna – Biologist, Junior Researcher of Branch "SPO "Mikrogen" in Perm "Perm’s SPO "Biomed"
Klimashina Alla Vyacheslavovna – Bacteriologist of Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory of Perm Clinical Centre
V.V. Kanichev, N.I. Eremeeva
The Ural Research Institute for Phtiziopulmonology of Ministry of Health of Russian Federation: 50 XXII Partsyezda str., Ekaterinburg, 623039, Russian Federation
Choice and use of current disinfectants. Desired and reality
A huge number of disinfectants offer today for use in domestic medical practice. However, the effectiveness of most of them is questionable and may be a real threat to the well-being of the epidemic and to ensure prevention of nosocomial infections. In the instructions for use of more than 50 %, concentration of working solution and exposure artificially low in the tens or even hundreds of times by those who, according to many scientific data, are really able to ensure the effective destruction of pathogens. At least 50 disinfectants containing only part of the cation-active substances, there are modes of sterilization and high level disinfection, the presence of which, according to scientific data is improbable. Number of disinfectants with really effective regime against Mycobacterium tuberculosis is not more than 3–4 %. Examples of such disinfectants and modes of their application, the causes and factors leading to such a situation conducive to it, preventing the removal of such funds from the practice and the ways of solutions to remedy this situation are given in this article.
Key words: disinfectants, efficiency, regime of application, active substances, concentration of working solution, exposure.
Kanichev Vladimir Vasilyevich – Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Member of the Problem Commission "Disinfectology" of Scientific Council "Epidemiology" RAMS, Scientific Adviser of The Ural Research Institute for Phtiziopulmonology; Tel.: (891) 22-89-23–38, е-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.
Eremeeva Natalya Ivanovna – Candidate of Sciences in Biology, Senior Research of the Ural Research Institute for Phtiziopulmonology
S.A. Roslavtseva1,2, N.G. Mikhina3
1Scientific Research Disinfectology Institute of Federal Service in Supervision of Protection of Rights of Consumers and Prosperity of a Man: 18 Nauchniy proezd, Moscow, 117246, Russian Federation;
2I.M. Sechenov’s First Moscow State Medical University, Desinfectology Chamber: 18 Nauchniy proezd, Moscow, 117246, Russian Federation;
3All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Protection of Plants: Ramon Settlement, Voronezh region, 396030, Russian Federation.
About resistance to insecticides of mosquitos: Stegomyia (Aedes) aegypti l. and Stegomyia (Aedes) albopictus Skuse, which are vectors of arboviral fevers’ agents (literature review)
Literature review about present situation with expansion and resistance to insecticides of mosquitos’ population: Stegomyia (Aedes) aegypti L. and Stegomyia (Aedes) albopictus Skuse, which are agents’ vectors of Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever, chikungunya fever, yellow fever, West Nile Fever and etc.
Key words:: Stegomyia (Aedes) aegypti L., Stegomyia (Aedes) albopictus Skuse, Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever, chikungunya fever, yellow fever, West Nile Fever.
Roslavtseva Svetala Aleksandrovna – Doctor of Science in Biology, Professor; Head of Scientific Bacisc and Deratization Department of Scientific Research Disinfectology Institute; tel.: (495) 332-01-76, e-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.
Mikhina Nina Grigorevna – Candidate of Science in Biology,, Director Deputy of Scientific Research of All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Protection of Plants
L.A. Nosikova1,2, A.N. Kochetov3
1Department of Chemistry and Technology of Rare and trace elements and of nanoscale composite materials, Lomonosov Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies: 86 prospect Vernadskogo, Moscow, 119571 Russian Federation;
2A.N. Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IPCE RAS): 31 Leninsky prospect, Moscow 119071, Russian Federation;
3Chemical-analytical laboratory, "METTEM-Technology": 3 Parkovaya str., Balashikha, 143900, Russian Federation.
The possibility of establishing isomeric composition of active substances in insecticide compositions
Height insect resistance requires increasing the effectiveness of insecticides. Preparation of the maximum possible effective insecticidal compositions by increasing the proportion of active isomers in the composition of substances by the use of modern synthesis or purification schemes latter. The possibility of determining the isomeric composition of some of insecticidal substances main subgroups of disinfectants (pyrethroids, phenylpyrazoles, neonicotinoids and triazoles) by HPLC and GC. Propose customized circuit of the sample preparation and analysis by RP-HPLC isocratic on trivial (non-chiral) stationary phase with UV detection model solutions and test tracks to determine the isomer composition of the basic substances used in the implementation of activities under the "pest control". It was found that the most universal solvent for the preparation of model solutions are based on the system of chloroform and isopropanol. For derivatives pyrethroid series (cypermethrin and permethrin), the optimal mode determination/detection of geometrical isomers (cis-, trans-) both individual substances or as part of a model-based compositions seven homologues. For a homologous series of triazole derivative propiconazole able to pick up mode determining geometric isomers, but in this case the most active optical forms are distributed uniformly both in cis- and in trans- forms. Definition of the isomeric composition of the other investigated derivatives interfere with how the flow of internal molecular processes (tautomeric transformations for the substance acetamiprid), and external factors, for example, as a consequence of lack of effectiveness of the chromatographic system and the absence of a compelling reason for the interpretation of optical isomers substance fipronil only on data a UV detector. Doubling the analytical signal recorded on the chromatogram substance alpha-cypermethrin, which allows in this case to interpret the most active optical isomer of the substance. Overall, this study shows the possibility of determining the composition of the isomer a wide range of insecticidal substances by means of RP-HPLC method, the equipment, available to a larger range of research and industrial organizations, which can be claimed at the incoming inspection of insecticidal substances (assessment of suppliers). Кey words: pyrethroids insecticides, substances, cypermethrin, permethrin, fipronil, acetamiprid, propiconazole, isomeric composition, cis-, trans-, RP-HPLC, "pest control".
Nosikova Lyubov' Anatol'evna – Candidate of Chemistry Science, Associate Professor of Department of Chemistry and Technology of Rare and Trace Elements and Nanoscale Composite Materials in Lomonosov Moscow State University of Fine Chemical Technologies; Senior Researcher of IPCE RAS
Kochetov Aleksandr Nikolaevich – Candidate of Chemistry Science, Analytical Chemist in Chemical-Analytical Laboratory of "METTEM-Technology"; Tel.: (985) 477–95–33, e-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.
N.V. Shestopalov, N.I. Shashina, O.M. Germant, E.I. Olekhnovich, N.D. Pakskina, N.S. Morozova, V.A. Tsarenko, N.Z. Osipova, E.V. Verigina, L.S. Boyko
The information and methodical letter "Incidence of natural and focal tick-borne infections in the Russian Federation and nonspecific preventive measures of tick-borne viral encephalitis, ixodic tick-borne borreliosis, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever and different infections, which agents are passed by ixodic ticks (according to 01.01.2016)"
Panteleeva L.G. (to her 70th anniversary)
Ryabov S.V. (to his 70th anniversary)
Bogdanova E.N. (to her 70th anniversary)
Khrapunova I.A. (to her 60th anniversary)
M.F. Vilk, V.A. Kaptsov, L.P. Korotich
All Russian research Institute of railway hygiene – 90 years
List of the disinfection, disinsection, deratisation means, registered in December 2015 – February 2016
Informational announcements about additional upgrade qualification' training program by profession – "Disinfectology" and "Disinfection business"
List of materials published in magazine "Disinfection Affairs" in 2015