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Disinfection affairs № 2 / 2003



Information on the XIII-th National disinfectionists organization Congress and Russian scientific congress "Contemporary Disinfection Goals"
Acceptation rules for members of National disinfectionists organization (NDO)
On the size of the National disinfectionists organization membership dues for the year 2003
In memory of A.A. Odinca

P.S. Oparin, M.A. Panova
Salaries and productivity rates in unitary enterprises of disinfection profile

Economical discourse of unitary enterprises of disinfection profile activities [1] is a point of great interest particularly after the State Duma adoption of the Federal Law № 161-FZ from 14.11.2002 "On the state and municipal unitary enterprises". Given is the analysis of changes in salaries and productivity at Irkutsk Disinfection Station.


The Astrakhan Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Prophilaktika"

Biological Safety of the State is our primary care

A historical material devoted to the 70-years anniversary from the date of formation of the State unitary enterprise of disinfection specialization of Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation in Astrakhan region. The enterprise activities are tracked down to the foundation, especially its fight against such a dangerous infection as cholera. Despite of numerous reorganisations, for more than 40 years the head of the establishment is Alexander Levitin, who from 70-s has been known as the leading practicing expert of Russia in the field of disinfectology. For his work he has been awarded with medals and orders.

V.P. Sergiev, V.Yu. Litvin, L.V. Didenko, N.A. Malyshev, I.D. Drynov

E.I. Martsinovsky Medical parasitology and tropical medicine Institute, I.M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy,
N.F. Gamaleya Epidemiology and microbiology Institute of the Russian Medical Sciences Academy,
Moscow Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital № 1

Stages of the epidemiology up-coming

A historical survey covers a period of epidemiology development as a science from the ancient times to our days with a comparative analysis of different aspects for this scientific direction in the soviet period in USSR and in the states of Western Europe and Northern America for the same period. The article tracks down the historical period of epidemiology development in the XX-th century. Also, introduced are the definition and notion of the "new infections" term.

V.P. Sergiev, N.A. Malyshev, I.D. Drynov

E.I. Martsinovsky Medical parasitology and tropical medicine Institute, I.M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy,
N.F. Gamaleya Epidemiology and microbiology Institute of the Russian Medical Sciences Academy,
Moscow Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital № 1

Part of infectious diseases in the human civilization

Infectious and parasitic diseases are described in the aspect of the fight for survival among different life forms. Authors list the lacks of the current International Disease Classification, that doesn’t consider new approaches to the etiology of some diseases, earlier classified as "non-infectious".

L.G. Panteleeva

Disinfectology Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Disinfection means and techniques in the maintenance of rotaviral infection in medical and preventive care establishments, other infectious centers

In laboratory, human rotavirus (stamp K) on the test surfaces with organic contamination stayed infectious from 15 to 16 days. Warming up from 40 up to 80°С considerably reduced its viability, until total inactivation at 70-80°С in 1–10 minutes. UV radiation inactivated the rotavirus (at the presence of fiber) on glass tests-surfaces at the distance of 15 cm and 1 m from the irradiator in 15 and 30 minutes. By the stability to 6 disinfectants (three – on the basis of peroxide of hydrogen and three – chlorine-containing), rotavirus did not exceed the virus of a poliomyelitis of I type (vaccinal stamp LSc 2ab). For the disinfection of epidemiologically significant objects in medical and preventive care and other (nurseries, preschool, etc.) establishments physical (UV radiation, boiling, chamber disinfection) and chemical methods can be used. Chemical means are effective in the modes of disinfection recommended for disinfecting the objects in case of poliomyelitis and other enteroviral infections.

A.I. Frolova, E.V. Yurkova, E.M. Gagua

Scientific Research Institute of Disinfectology;
Disinfectology faculty of the I.M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy;
Moscow municipal center of disinfection, Moscow

Problem of pediculosis control in Moscow

Presented are the data of pediculos infestation of population in Russian Federation and in Moscow city for the last eight years and the means of control of lice. Shown is the amount of work of Moscow municipal centre of disinfection carried out against pediculosis.

I.M. Abramova

Scientific Research Dsinifectology Institute of the Ministry of Healthcare, Moscow

Contemporary opportunities of the choice of chemical sterilizing means for medical devices made of thermolabile materials in medical and preventive care establishments

The article covers the problems of choice and usage of the sterilization means and techniques adequate in efficacy and action on materials for medical devices including endoscopes, that have in their design the thermolabile materials. There presented the disadvantages and advantages of chemical means solutions on the basis of different groups of compounds (aldehide-, chlorine-, oxygen-containing) investigated and recommended for application in medical and preventive care establishments.

E.B. Ivanova, P.G. Deriabin, E.I. Isaeva

D.I. Ivanovsky Research Institute of Virusology Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow

Methodical basis of antiviral activity estimation in implementation to B and C hepatitis viruses

The article presents the results of approbation of the introduction of polimerase chain reaction technique (PCR) to detect DNA НВV and the Hepatitis V (HBS) virus surface antigen destruction with the application of the disinfectants technique. Developed is an effective experimental model of the infection, caused by Hepatitis C virus (HCV) in the cell cultures; allocated and identified are cell pathogen versions of virus HCV, that made possible to investigate antiviral features of different kinds of means, including disinfection. Obtained results testify about the suitability of the suggested techniques for disinfection means antiviral activity. Shown is high activity of domestic means "Veltolen" and "Veltodez". Application of the suggested and investigated methods will allow to carry out the selection of highly effective modern disinfection means of domestic or import origin.

E.B. Ivanova, V.N. Andrus, T.G. Varyhanova

ZAO "VELT", Orenburg, Russia

Experience of "Veltosept", "Veltalex-M" dermal antiseptics and "Veltalex" tissues application as disinfectants of hands of the medical and preventive care establishment staff and patients suffering from some forms of extremely dangerous infection causative agents

Trials, conducted to determine features of "Veltosept", "Veltalex-M" antiseptic means and "Veltalex" tissues, produced by ZAO "VELT" (Orenburg, Russia), showed their efficiency in disinfecting the skin of the hands polluted with causative agent of cholera and plague. Because of the impossibility to use viral stamps of causative agents for this purpose, the comparative trial was carried out in vitro with vaccinal ЕV stamp of the causative agent of a plague, and with NAG vibrio. For full destruction of the causative agent of cholera a single processing of hands with the means was sufficient whereas for the activator of a plague double processing with an interval of 5 minutes was required that afford us to recommend them for use in the centers of the named infections.

L.S. Mironova

Scientific Research Institute for Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Teenagers, Scientific Center for Children Health, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

The results of disinfection means approbation in children’s preschool establishments

Described are the basic results of disinfecting gel "Domestos" approbation, carried out by staff members of institute at children’s preschool establishments of Moscow, with the analysis of efficacy of disinfectant against the causative agents of viral and bacterial infections in infant establishments.

I.I. Kornev

Medical Centre of the Administrative Office of the President of the Russian Federation

Improvement of sterilizing activities as the major direction of the activities in the field of intrahospital infections preventive care

The work covers different points of the complex problem of medical devices sterilization in medical treatment and care establishments. Highlighted are the main directions and ways to improve sterilization activities:modernization of pre-sterilizing processing; storage and transportation of the sterile material at all stages. Discussed are the most preferable methods from those known at each stage. The author proves, that new organizational and technique-providing measures promote an immense decrease in postoperational purulentseptic complications, improve the quality of the treatment.

N.I. Shashina

Scientific Research Dsinifectology Institute of the Ministry of Healthcare, Moscow

Achievements in the field of protection of the population against ixodus ticks, transmitters of dangerous disease pathogens

The article is devoted to urgency, contemporary achievements and directions of further development of the means and ways of ixodus ticks natural populations eradication and the ways of protecting the people against attacks of these dangerous vampires. During the last decades there has been achieved an immense success in the field of the means of individual protection of people against attacks of ticks, that appear to be transmitters of the most dangerous tick-borne infections: tick-borne encephalitis, ixodus tick-borne borreliosis and Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever. For author’s opinion, at this time the main emphasis in prevention of such infections should be upon the usage of individual protection means of population against transmitters attacks.

Preventive care of infectious diseases during endoscopy manipulations. Sanitary and epidemiological rules SP 3.1.1275-03
The list of the disinfection means, registered in the first quarter of 2003

The Editorial Board of Disinfection Affairs publishes the first responses to the 2-nd edition of Practical guidelines on chemical analysis of disinfection means (S.U. Kreingold)

Requirements to the materials directed for publication in "Disinfection Affairs" magazine