- Information report about conference of presidium of NOD
- M.A. Galkina, O.M. Novosel’skaja
- Record of general meeting members of NOD
- T.V.Mahneva, A.V.Gavrilov, A.V.Zaharchenko, V.I.Chepko, A.I.Chizhov, I.P.Chuev
- The report of NOD activity in 2008 and directions of its activity in 2009
- Brief report of producers of agents and equipment for disinfection, desinsection and deratization for a period from April 2007 to April 2009
- About exhibition with participation of NOD, which take place in the I-th halfyear of 2009 year
- S.V. Tkachev, N.K. Tkacheva
FGUZ "Khabarovsk regional disinfection station, Khabarovsk"; Rospotrebnadzor control over the Khabarovsk edge
- Organization of disinfection, desinsection and deratization measures in the points of passage through the state boundary of Russian Federation
The report was made at the conference of perfection of epidemiologic supervision of especially dangerous infection diseases and organizations of antiepidemiс measures, which was in November 19–20, 2008, in Zvenigorod, Moscow region. The organization question, the peculiarities of laboratory conditions, the disinfection, desinsection and deratization measures at the air and other ships, in ports and survival systems.
- I.V. Korabelnikov1, R.R. Galimov2
1FGUP "Disinfection", Syktyvkar Rospotrebnadzor";
2Department of Rospotrebnadzor in Komi Republic - Prophylactic disinfection works, as the main way of the warning the natural-hearth diseases in Komi Republic
Organization of the preventive deratisation and acaricide works in Komi Republic on the base of the epydemiological particularities of the natural-hearth diseases in motivated. Populations of the wild small mammals and synantrope rodents, which accompanied men, are participated is shaping of the natural hearth.
- A.A.Nafeev
FGUZ "Centre of hygiene and epidemiology in Ulyanovsk region"; Ulyanovsk state university, medical faculty
- Epidemiologic substances to the propagation of natural-forms and zoonozis infections and decision of tasks of organization of epidemiologic supervision of subjects of Russian Federation
The report was made at the conference of perfection of epidemiologic supervision of especially dangerous infection diseases and organizations of antiepidemiс measures, which was in November 19–20, 2008, in Zvenigorod, Moscow region. Was listened a report of difficulties in organization of disinfection measures. Designated are the question the solutions with respect to optimization of epidemiologic supervision.
- V.V. Kutyrev1, N.D. Pakskina2, S.A. Shcherbakova1
1FGUZ "Russian scientific-research antiplague institute "Microbe", Saratov";
2 Federal service over the supervision of protection of the right of users and welfare of a man - Perspectives of diagnostics of especially dangerous infection diseases
Presented are the main trends of perfection of particularly dangerous infectious diseases of laboratory diagnostics in accordance with the world standards and present-day achievements in the sphere of diagnostic technologies.
- M.M. Zheludkov, L.E. Cirel’son, O.S. Hadarcev, V.V. Gorshenko, Ju.K. Kulakov
GU "Scientific-research institute of epidemiology and microbiology named after N.F.Gamaley", RAMN;
Federal service over the supervision of protection of the right of users and welfare of a man;
FGUZ "Antiplague centre" of Rospotrebnadzor", Moscow - The conduction of morbidity with brucellosis in Russian Federation
The report was made at the conference of perfection of epidemiologic supervision of especially dangerous infection diseases and organizations of antiepidemiс measures, which was in November 19–20, 2008, in Zvenigorod, Moscow region.
- O.V. Maleckaja, A.N. Kulichenko, A.P. Bejer, T.V. Kharchenko, G.K. Ismailova, I.V. Chumakova
FGUZ "Stavropol’ scientific-research antiplague institute" of Rospotrebnadzor, Stavropol’"
- Contemporary peculiarities of epidemiologic supervision of Crimean hemorrhagic fever
The report was made at the conference of perfection of epidemiologic supervision of especially dangerous infection diseases and organizations of anti epidemiс measures, Zvenigorod, November 19–20, 2008.
- S.V. Balahonov1, A.B. Boloshinov1, Z.F. Dugarzhapova1, R.S. Shoboeva2, A.V. Rodzikovskij1, M.V. Chesnokova1, L.N. Juzvik3
1Irkutsk Antiplague Research Institute of Siberia and Far East;
2Department of Rospotrebnadzora at Buryat Republic;
3Chita Antiplague Station - Epidemiologic situation over the anthrax in the Republic of Buryats
In the article the epidemiologic situation and basic directions of work are considered with respect to prophylactic of anthrax in Republic of Buryats.
- T.N. Ivanova1, L.A. Cvil’1, N.A. Volkova2, M.A. Samurov2, V.P. Golovanova2, E.E. Gorskaja2
1Control department of Rospotrebnadzor of Moscow city;
2FGUZ "Center of hygienic and epidemiology in Moscow city" - Organization and conducting the epizootic-epidemiologic inspection of the natural-focus infections at the territory of Moscow city
To ensure the epidemic welfare of Moscow population according to naturally-focus infections, learned in the peculiarities of epidemic and epizootic processes on the urbanized territory; it is carried out the control over the ensuring the proper sanitary-hygienic capacity of epidemically significant objects and enzootic territories of the city; it is conducted the complex of prophylactic, antiepidemic and antiepizootic measures and information security according to the problems of prophylaxis of naturally-focus infections. The information of epizootologic monitoring for dynamic of quantity among population of rodents and unimportant mammals are used for organization of complex prophylactic measures, contribute to prevention of flash of pseudotuberculosis and listeriosis among people, and ensure to decrease to minimum the probability of contamination of people with naturally-focus infections in the city territory.
- I.O. Krylova1,2, G.A. Aleksandrova2, V.V. Semerikov2, M.V. Zlygosteva2, L.G. Кudryavtseva3, V.I. Sergevnin4
1Perm State University;
2Natural Sciences Institute of Perm State University;
3Department of the Rospotrebnadzor at the Perm regon;
4Perm State Medical Academy by named acad. E.A. Vagner - The assay of the activity of some disinfectants towards isolated from hospital indoor enviroment mold fungi
Four strains of mold fungi identified as Aspergillus amstelodami, Aspergilus rugulosus, Cladosporium sphaerospermum and Penicillium chrysogenum are isolated from louver surfaces at the Perm region pediatric clinic hospital, oncology department. The antifungal activity toward these clinical isolates is assayed for six disinfectant agents. New regimes of disinfections are selected.
- M.G. Shandala1, A.I. Frolova1, V.A. Carenko2, N.Z. Osipova2
1FGUN "NII of Disinfectology" of Rospotrebnadzor;
2FGUZ "Federal center of hygiene and epidemiology" of Rospotrebnadzor, Moscow - Information letter "About struggle with the cephalic, pubic and clothing louses with a view to the targets of non-specific prophylactic of epidemic and reciprocal typhuses and trench fever, infected of which are clothing and cephalic louses" (as indicated in January 1, 2009)
- K.A. Shestakov, A.N. Kochetov, D.V. Voychishina
Research Laboratory Center MGCD
- Modern microencapsulated insecticidal preparations "Microcyn+" and "Microfos+": general characteristics and practice using
Given are general characteristics of microencapsulated in liposomes insecticidal preparations "Microcyn+" and "Microfos+".
- Y.V. Tosсhigin
Non-governmental educational establishment "School-RAT", Moscow
- The modern rat extermination concept in cities and rural settlements of Russia
The system of control over the rodents’ population was developed in Russia in the middle of the XX century and had been successfully carrying out throughou the following 50 years. From the beginning of the 90th, efficiency of the control over rodents’ population has been reduced as a result of changes in organizational and economic conditions. Use of new concept in aggregate with population of rodents monitoring allows to carry out their control with the minor charges and major efficiency.
- A.N. Kochetov1, L.G. Kuz’mina2, K.A. Shestakov1
1Test laboratory center GUP "Moscow city centre of disinfection";
2Institute of general and non-organic chemistry named for N.S.Kurnakov, Moscow - Ways of creation of new anticoagulant rodenticides
Various ways of perfection the existing and designing new anticoagulant rodenticides, interrelations including an establishment of "structure-property" quality.
- Prevention of propagation of highly pathogenic grippe. Actual documents
- Universal day of struggle against malaria
- Decision of Main State sanitary physician of Russian Federation from 224.02.2009 № 11 "About giving the out of order reports about the extreme situations in the public health of sanitary-epidemiologic character"
- The letter of Federal service in supervision of protection of rights of consumers and prosperity of a man from 11.03.2009 № 01/2992-9-32 "About measures of perfecting the prophylactic of Crimean hemorrhagic fever in the South federal district"
- The letter of Federal service in supervision of protection of rights of consumers and prosperity of a man from 08.04.2009 № 01/449123-9-32 "About situation in Peoples Republic of China according to morbidity with enterovirus infection and measures caused by delivery and propagation"
- The letter of Federal service in supervision of protection of rights of consumers and prosperity of a man from 26.04.2009 № 01/5582-9-23 "About the direction of temporary guidance of struggle with infection caused by the virus of the group of pigs"
- The letter of Federal service in supervision of protection of rights of consumers and prosperity of a man from 26.04.2009 № 01/5581-9-23 "About measurements of increasing the readiness to pandemia of grippe"
- The letter of Federal service in supervision of protection of rights of consumers and prosperity of a man from 121.05.2009 № 01/6923-9-32 "About increasing of supervision of tick viruse encephalite"
- A.N. Kharitonov1, M.A. Konyshev1, V.M. Votchinskij1, V.V. Sokolov2, O.N. Lavrovskaja3, O.M. Hil’chenko4
1MG "City center of medical prophylaxis";
2OOO "Persona Grata", Ekaterinburg;
3MG "City clinical hospital № 40", Ekaterinburg;
4OOO "Peace of disinfection", Moscow - The development and introduction of combined system of working with dining dishes in practical activity of LPU, Ekaterinburg
Developed is a combined regime of processing a table dishes (degreasing and disinfection) by the same means and introduced into practical activity of therapeutic-prophylactic premises.
- О.V. Moiseeva1, I.A. Yargunina2, A.A. Shurygin3
1The Izhevsk state medical academy;
2Republican clinical tubercular hospital of city of Izhevsk;
3Perm medical academy of a name of the academician Е.А. Vagner - Bacterial sowing of air medium, premises, wastage, personnel of Republican clinical tubercular hospital of city of Izhevsk
Investigated is bacterial of sowing premises, wastage, air medium and personnel of Republican clinical tubercular hospital of city of Izhevsk for 2007. Fixed, that the outwashes from a surrounding medium were positive in 5 branches of hospital. At sampling air the height of funguses mould is received. The surgeons and medical sisters reveal a staphylococcus. The quality antesterilisation of processing and disinfectant solutions was a whole satisfactory. The check of an overall performance of air and steam sterilizers was satisfactory as well. In Republican clinical tubercular hospital the principles and sequence of safe handling with wastage will be utilized.