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Disinfection affairs № 3 / 2016


Life of National Organization of Disinfectionists (NOD)

Materials of scientific and practical conference on questions Exchange of experience in the organization of nonspecific prevention of infectious and parasitic diseases. Practical aspects of use of modern disinfectants in the conditions of import substitution (May 26, 2016, St. Petersburg)

N.V. Shestopalov1,2, T.V. Gololobova1,2

1Scientific Research Disinfectology Institute of Federal Service in Supervision of Protection of Rights of Consumers and Prosperity of a Man: 18 Nauchniy proezd, Moscow, 117246, Russian Federation;

2Russian Medical Academy of Postdegree Education: 2/1 Barrikadnaya str., Moscow, 125993, Russian Federation.

Actual issues of the organization and exercise of disinfection activity in the modern conditions

The main questions of the organization of disinfection, pest and deratization measures in modern conditions and factors affecting data quality assurance activities. Identified the need for a systematic approach to the assessment carried out disinfection measures, to inform management decisions to improve the organization of activities of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs engaged in disinfecting activities. The main ways of improving the system of nonspecific prevention of infectious diseases and challenges in raising the quality and effectiveness of disinfection measures.
Key words: nonspecific prophylaxis, disinfection measures, the quality and effectiveness of disinfection, disinsection and deratization.reports

Shestopalov Nikolay Vladimirovich – Doctor of Medical Science, Professor; Director of Scientific Research Disinfectology Institute (SRDI), Professor of Chair of the Organization of Sanitary and Epidemiologic Service of the Russian Medical Academy of Postdegree Education (RMAPE); Tel.: (495) 332-01-01, e-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.
Gololobova Tatyana Viktorovna – Doctor of Medical Science, Professor; Director Deputy of SRDI, Professor of Chair of the Tropical, Parasitic Diseases and Disinfection Business of RMAPE


N.V. Shestopalov, I.A. Khrapunova

Additional professional education on a dezinfektology and disinfection affairs – a necessary element of continuous medical education for experts in the field of nonspecific prophylaxis of infectious diseases


N.S. Lobanok

Organization of pest-control according to the principles of НАССР


A.M. Rakhman, A.O. Shapar, E.M. Bychkova, V.N. Pechenev

 Experience of carrying out acaricide and larviсidal actions in the territory of park zones of the city of St. Petersburg


V.I. Pshenichnikov, R.B. Tyazhlov, A.M. Rakhman

 Joint-stock company as subject of disinfection activity


O.V. Emshanov

 Disinfectology aspects of import substitution: directions of development and actual problems


The catalogue of participant of exhibition



T.V. Korita1, N.V. Sobolenko2, T.A. Zaitseva2, Yu.A. Garbuz3, S.V. Tkachev4, O.E. Trotsenko1

1Federal Budget Institution of Science "Khabarovsk research institute of epidemiology and microbiology" of the Federal service for surveillance on customer rights protection and human well being (Rospotrebnadzor): 2 Shevchenko str., Khabarovsk, 680610, Russian Federation;

2Administration of Rospotrebnadzor of the Khabarovsk region: 109 b Karl Marks str., Khabarovsk, 680009, Russian Federation;

3Federal Government Health Institution "Khabarovsk Region Hygiene and Epidemiology Center": 9 Vladivostokskaya str., Khabarovsk, 680021, Russian Federation;

4Regional autonomous public health care institution "Regional disinfection station" of Ministry of Health of Khabarovsk region: 205 Karl Marks str., Khabarovsk, 680009, Russian Federation

Performance analysis of institutions and facilities that perform disinfection measures in Khabarovsk region in 2013–2015 years

This article presents statistical data on performance analysis of disinfection organizations and disinfection structural divisions of Khabarovsk region that perform disinfection services and control condition of disinfection and sterilization cycles in medical organizations compared with average rates in Russia.
Key words: preventive disinfection, deratization, fumigation, quality of deratization and fumigation measures, terminal disinfection in foci of infectious diseases, equipment capacity of disinfecting and sterilizing equipment.

Korita Tatyana Vasilevna – Candidate of Medical Science, Academic Secretary of Khabarovsk Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiologyof Rospotrebnadzor; Tel.: (4212) 32-54-13, e-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.
Sobolenko Natalya Vasilevna – Deputy Chief of Department of Epidemiological Surveillance of Rospotrebnadzor of the Khabarovsk region
Zaytseva Tatyana Anatolevna – Chief of Department of Rospotrebnadzor of the Khabarovsk Region
Garbuz Yuriy Alekseevich – Chief Physician of Khabarovsk Region Hygiene and Epidemiology Center
Tkachev Sergey Vladimirovich – Chief Physician of Regional Disinfection Station of Ministry of Health of Khabarovsk region:
Trotsenko Olga Evgenevna – Doctor of Medical Science, Director of Khabarovsk Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology of Rospotrebnadzor


L.S. Fedorova, A.Yu. Skopin, A.S. Belova, N.N. Levchuk

Scientific Research Disinfectology Institute of Federal Service in Supervision of Protection of Rights of Consumers and Prosperity of a Man: 18 Nauchniy proezd, Moscow, 117246, Russian Federation.

Mold control in medical institutions. Disinfecting preventive measures against aspergillus infection

Mold fungi cause diseases among people who suffer from chronic systemic diseases accompanied by immune deficiency and act as causative agents of hospital-acquired infections in hematology and pulmonology units, antituberculous institutions, units for patients with poor immune function and in other units, causing severe pneumonia, dermhelminthiasis, promote aggravation and development of allergic diseases. Due to the fact that mold fungi often affect premises surfaces, especially with increased humidity and poor ventilation, there are preventive measures and means to control mold in premises. The article speaks about the treatment methods with disinfectants based on cationic surface-active agents (polyhexamethyleneguanidine, quaternary ammonium compounds, chlorhexidine and amine), aldehydes, chlorine-containing compounds, peroxide compounds, as well as composite preparations on their basis.
Key words: mold fungi, cationic surface-active agents, premises disinfection.

Fedorova Lyudmila Samuilovna – Doctor of Medical Science, Professor; Head of Laboratory of Disinfectology Problems of Scientific Research Disinfectology Institute (SRDI); tel: (495) 332-01-60, e-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.
Skopin Anton Yur’evich – Сandidate of Medical Sciences, Leading Researcher of Laboratory of Disinfectology Problems of SRDI
Belova Aleksandra Sergeevna – Senior Research Associate of Laboratory of Disinfectology Problems of SRDI
Levchuk Natal’ya Nikolaevna – Сandidate of Medical Sciences,, Leading Researcher of Laboratory of Disinfectology Problems of SRDI


D.N. Luchinin1, I.A. Lebedeva1, K.A. Rotov1, V.A. Spiridonov1, D.V. Viktorov1,2

1Federal Government Health Institution "Volgograd Plague Control Research Institute" of the Federal Service for Surveillance in the Sphere of Consumers Rights Protection and Human Welfare: 7 Golubinskaya st., Volgograd, 400131, Russian Federation;

2Volgograd State Medical University: 1 Pavshikh Bortsov Square, Volgograd, 400131, Russian Federation.

Possibility of use of the household chlorine-containing bleaching means for disinfecting of objects, which is contamination causative agents of plague, tulyaremiya and anthrax

The study evaluated the efficiency of household bleaches (Belisna-3 marka A, ACE and ACE Gel Automat) for inactivation of agents of plague, tularemia and anthrax on test-surfaces (tile, ceramic, linoleum, painted wood, lining oilcloth, linen contaminated with excretions, dishes with leftover food, medical products from glass, plastic, rubber, silicone and metal). The study has shown that the disinfectants have a high activity against the causative agents of plague and tularemia. However, no efficiency against anthrax spores was observed. Keywords: plague, tularemia, anthrax, disinfectant, household bleaches, the efficiency of disinfection.

Luchinin Dmitriy Nikolaevich – Research Associate of Laboratory of Biological Safety of Volgograd Plague Control Research Institute (VPCRI); Tel.: (8442) 37–37–7, e-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.
Lebedeva Irina Andreevna – Research Associate of Laboratory of Biological Safety of VPCRI
Rotov Konstantin Aleksandrovich – Candidate of Medical Science, Associate Professor, Head of Laboratory of Biological Safety of VPCRI
Spiridonov Vladimir Aleksandrovich – Candidate of Medical Science, Associate Professor, Senior Research Associate of Laboratory of Biological Safety of VPCRI
Viktorov Dmitriy Viktorovich – Doctor of Science in Biology, Associate Professor, Deputy Director for Scientific and Experimental Work VPCRI; Professor of Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics of Volgograd State Medical University


L.V. Sudina, S.Yu. Vodyanitskaya

The Rostov-on-Don Institute for Plague Control of the Federal Service in the sphere of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare Supervision: 117/40, M.Gorky Street, Rostov-on-Don, 344002, Russian Federation

To the question of decontamination of ships’ ballast water (literature review)

In the article the authors rewiew the main modern techniques, used in the laboratory and on board the ship, for ships’ ballast water decontamination from pathogenic microflora. The methods described are used both by Russian and foreign researches. Main merits and shortcomings of different ships’ ballast water treatment techniques are indicated.
Key words: decontamination, ships’ ballast water.

Sudina Lyudmila Vladimirovna – Junior Researcher of the Rostov-on-Don Institute for Plague Control, Tel: (961) 18-48-46, e-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.
Vodyanitskaya Svetlana Yurievna – Candidate of Medical Science, head of the Laboratory for Sanitary Protection of the Territory, the Rostov-on-Don Institute for Plague Control



N.V. Shestopalov, A.I. Frolova, Yu.V. Lopatina, S.A. Roslavtseva, O.Yu. Eremina, V.A. Tsarenko, N.Z. Osipova

Information letter "Pediculicides, alternative to means on the basis of permethrin for fight against a head pediculosis"



L.N. Mazin

Moscow Region State University: 24 Very Voloshinoy str., Mytishi, Moscow region, 141014 Russian Federation.

Professional and personal life of Vladimir Alekseevich Sudeykin (to his centenary anniversary)

The biography of the famous domestic zoologist and a deratizator Vladimir Alekseevich Sudeykin is provided.

Key concepts: Parents, childhood, hobbies, study, Great Patriotic War, labor activity, scientific developments, management of zoological department of the Central control and research laboratory of the Moscow city disinfection station, contribution to the theory and practice of domestic health care, scientific and educational activities.

Mazin Lev Nikolaevich – Candidate of Science in Biology, Associate Professor of the General Physical Geography and Conservation of MRSU; tel.: (495) 780-09-54, e-mail: Адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. Для просмотра адреса в вашем браузере должен быть включен Javascript.


Osipova N.Z. (to her 85th anniversary)

Korabelnikov I.V. (to his 65th anniversary)



List of the disinfection, disinsection, deratisation means, registered in June – August 2016



Informational announcement about additional upgrade qualification' training program by profession – "Disinfectology" and "Disinfection business"