- General meeting of members of NOD (XVII congress of NOD)
- Information report about the meeting of NOD Presidium
- Information report about reception in members of NOD
- Membership in National organization of disinfectionists
- Announcing in 2008 the competition on rival of prizes, grant and stimulation of NOD
- Regulations about the awarding of annual prizes named after Professor V.I. Vashkov
- Regulations about the grant on research work in the sphere of disinfectology named after G.I. Ostanin
- Information report about the conference of orgcommitee of Soviet of means and equipment for disinfection, disinsection and deratisation of National organization of disinfectionists
- A.A. Baytenova
- Russian Microfinancial Centre, Moscow
- Step by step or arithmetics of self-regulation
- Recommendation "Disinfection, designation, deratisation at enterpisers of public nourishment"
- Subscription of magazine "Disinfection Affairs"
- Forms of readers of magazine "Disinfection Affairs"
- Prisemen of fill of charge subscription of magazine "Disinfection Affairs"
- M.G. Shandala
FGUN "NII of disinfectology" of Rospotrebnadzor, Moscow
- Actual tasks of scientific maintenance of disinfection practice
In article, it is proved the affirmation that successful development and perfecting of effective and safe disinfection practice is possible only on scientific ground on the theoretical, material, methodical and organization guarantee. It is formulated the basic theoretical questions, objective installations on investigation of disinfection agents, overcoming the stability for them of target objects, as well as the stability of accompanying factors and conditions.
- A.M. Serdyuk, E.V. Surmasheva, G.I. Korchak, Z.A. Podzerey, A.I. Mikhienkova, N.A. Nikonova, S.M. Berezovchuk, M.A. Rosada, L.I. Romanenko
GU "Institute of hygiene and medical ecology of A.N. Marzeev of AMN of Ukraine", Kiev
- Contemporary methodical approaches for disinfectant specific activity estimation (state of issue in the Ukraine)
The analysis of different countries normative and methodical documents on disinfectant researches and estimation, the results of our approbation of their methodical approaches are presented in the article. On the grounds of the data obtained, it was concluded that European Standards on specific activity of disinfectants of the study are optimal as a basis for the elaboration of the national Ukrainian Standards.
- M.G. Shandala1, N.I Shashina1, O.M. Germant1, L.S. Boiko2, O.P. Cherniavskaja3
1FGUN "NII of Disinfectology" of Rospotrebnadzor;
3FGUZ "Federal center of hygienic and epidemiology" of Rospotrebnadzor, Moscow - Information Letter "About Non-Specific Prophylactic of Tick Encephalitis, Ixodic Tick Borreliosis (Lime Disease), Crimean Hemorragic Fever and other Infections, Causative Agents of which are Transmitted by Ixodic Ticks (by condition of 2008)"
- A.Ya. Nikitin
FGUZ "Irkutsk Research Antiplague Institute of Siberia and Far East" of Rospotrebnadzor, Irkutsk
- Optimization of reception of prophylactics of transmission zoonosis of low-persistent pesticides
In the work are considered the properties of the tactics of application of low-persistent pesticides for struggle with the transfers of infection diseases, on the example of optimization of modes of disinsection in Tuvinsk natural harness of plague and acaricide processing in Irkutsk region.
- T.M. Zheltikova, V.P. Ipatov
Chamber of disinfection business and medical entomology, Russian Medical Academy of post-diplome education
- Synantrope community in living rooms and health of a man
The autors of the article, using the data of the scientific literature and the results of own investigation, run the analyses of synantrope biota, colonizing the living peaces, forming under the action of a man, and in its turn actuating his health. In article, it is demonstrated the necessity of monitoring and the control of the number of synantrope biota.
- B.S. Selivanov
FOU "Scientific-research institute of Federal service of complection of punishment in Russia"
- The peculiarities of application of disinfectant means in criminal-accomplishing founding (ЛИУ) for convicted suffered from tuberculosis
In the article, it is proved the special role of non-specific prophylactic of infectious diseased in medical establishments of criminal-accomplishing system. Opened are principal features and problems connected with application of disinfectant means in medical establishments in places of removal of freedom. Given are the offers of increasing the effectiveness of employing the disinfecting means and resources given on conduction of disinfection measures.
- T.D. Tarasova, A.V. Lipnitsky, V.S. Lesovoy, V.N. Andrus
FGUZ "VolgogradNIPCHI" of Rospotrebnadzor
- Comparative characteristics of sensitivity of pathogen and opportunistic mushrooms to preparations of quarterly-ammonium connections (first report)
Given are the data of degree of stability of mushrooms to chemical substances. presented are the results of testing of phungicide activity of quarterly-ammonium connections enriched with various ingredients.
- I.I. Kornev, N.L. Logvinov, S.M. Savenko
GMU of president of Russian Federation, Chamber of infections matter and medical entomology of RMAPO; company "3M", Moscow
- Various methods of IMN and their role in prophylactic of intrahospital infections
In the article, given is a comparative characteristic of application in medical institutions the low temperature methods of sterilization of items of medical purpose. Pointed out is their significance in prophylactic of hospital infections. The authors are convincingly show the effectiveness and economical expediency of employing the gas sterilisation by ethylene oxide, as well as its safety factor for the sick persons and personnel. Together with other low temperature methods, in the LPU is recommended to use the other plasma method.
- S.A. Roslavtseva
FGUN "NII of disinfectology" of Rospotrebnadzor, Moscow
- The danger of forming the resistance to insectoacaricides at the transfers of the pathogens of infectious diseases
- V.A. Rylnikov
Unstate educational establishment "School-RAT", Moscow
- The control of rodents with the use of rodenticides (on the model of gray rat, Rattus norvegicus Berk)
It is shown the site of deratisation in the system of harmful forms of animals. Considered are questions of control of the number of the quantity of the purpose of the form of rodents, principally grey rat (Rattus norvegicus Berk). Shown are the periods during the year, when the structure of population of grey rats is the most sensory to the destroying measures, which is connected with dynamic of its quantity and increasing age. Intrapopular (sexual, rising, individual) different quality is the basis for appearing the more resisting adaptations: reactions of avoiding the rathicides, physiologic or genetic resistance of them. The natural and literature data are rested in basis of the terminal-different model of reducing the quantity of grey rats on the district processed by rathicides.
- S.V. Rjabov,1 M.I. Shutova 1, V.M. Luboshnikova 1, A.V. Stepanov 1, A.V. Timakov 1, A.P. Mochalkin2, P.A. Mochalkin2, S.housinec3, V.Savich3
1FGUN NIID of Rospotrebnadzor, Moscow;
2FGUZ "Disinfection station", Ufa;
3Institute of chemistry, technology and metallurgy, Belgrad, Belgrade University - Struggle with rodents in wooden zones of deformation of GLPS of Ufa with the help of container baits
The applied methodic of application of container baits permits to lay them down in wooden zones of GLPS in the most suitable for this place. In this case, it is done the aerotisation with the minimum quantity of rhodencitide bait, as the preparative forms are spreaded with low portions. With the help of container baits in wooden zones of GLPS, it is permitted to create from 50 to 200 priming points on one hectare of territory of the wood; the mass of poisoned bait in this case compounds only 50 to 400 g for 1 ga. Besides a small dimensions and mass of the container permit to arrange them on more great area and in more quantity of places, which is possible to raise the probability of contact of rodents with the container baits, and in this case it is not contaminated with the excessive poison the ambient air.
- I.A. Rakitin, V.U. Nazarov, А.А. Veselov, L.А. Kuklina, L.N. Pojidaeva, S.F. Slivinskaya, N.A. Kireeva, N.V. Lelis
Federal Service for Rospotrebnadzor in city St.-Petersburg;
FGUZ "St.-Petersburg city station of disinfection, St.-Petersburg" - History of development of disinfection business in St.-Petersburg and its perspectives
The article contains the history of creation of first Russian disinfection establishment in 1883, the basic stages of its development for 125 years of existence are reflected the structure, tasks and perspective directions of activity of one of the largest disinfection establishments of our country – FGUZ "St.-Petersburg city station of disinfection, St.-Petersburg" at the present stage.
- V.V. Shkarin, A.A. Balavin, A.N. Arzaeva
The State educational institution of higher professional education "Nizhegorodsky State medical academy" of Federal agency of public health and social development; FGUP "Prophylactic", Nizhni Novgorod
- Main stages and perspectives of development of disinfection matter in Nizhegorodsk region
The great importance for ensuring sanitary-epidemic welfare of the population have the disinfection, disinsection and deratisation measures. Followed are the stages of building-up and development of disinfection service in Nizhegorodsk region from the end of 19 century to our days. Given is the analysis of work of disinfection bureau, dispropuskniks, dischannels, disstation, and on the factition materials is shown, that stabilization and improvement of sanitary-epidemiologic arrangement is determined by effective actuation of the organizations of disinsection profile. In the present-day period, the work shoud be formed in the frames of actuating in our country legislation and close counteraction with territored filials of FGUZ "Centre of hygiene and epidemiology" by the questions of exchange of information about epidemiologic situations, for securing thу normal efficient documentation and conducting the afterdiplome preparation and retraining of specialists of disinfection profile.
- A.M. Griazev
"Cheliabinsk city disinfection station"
- Formation and development of disinfection service in Cheliabinsk
- M.G. Shandala, N.F. Sokolova, A.I. Frolova
FGUN "NII of disinfectology" of Rospotrebnadzor; Disinfectology chamber of MMA named for I.M. Sechenov, Moscow
- Contribution of NII disinfectology of Rospotrebnadzor and chamber of disinfectology of MMA named for I.M. Sechenov in preparation of specialists of disinfection matter
- The letter of Federal service in supervision of protection of rights of consumers and prosperity of a man from 31.03.2008 № 01/2890-8-32 "About measures of perfection of prophylactics of Crimean hemorragic fever in the South federal district"
- Decision of Main State sanitary physician of Russian Federation from 25.04.2008 № 29 "About maintaining of СП 3.4.2366-08"
- The letter of Federal service in supervision of protection of rights of consumers and prosperity of a man from 07.05.2008 № 16/136-08 "About preparation of documents for stimulating the operators of territorial organs, establishments and organisations of Rospotrebnadzor by departament rewards of Minsdravsoccreative of Russia"
- Project of Federal law "About obligatory sanitary-epidemiologic insurance"
- List of the disinfection, disinsection, deratisation means, registered in 1-2 quarter of 2008